Mtg 26/26: Thu-15-Apr-2021

Outline for Today


No Media



    Zoom Audio Transcript

    • Hello everyone.
    • today.
    • pendants here. how's everyone doing today. So. The. Last semester was. Two hours. and your courses and we had 15 questions. didn't do proctor track or anything like that. That our exam isn't for two weeks from today and it's an until two weeks from today. So i'm. i'm open to. accepting your ideas for questions. put on the exam. Between now and let's see next. In a week's time. So the things that. A fair assessment of all we did this semester. i'm thinking, yes to. No proctor track. So what I will do. To help you reviewing things is to go through make sure that all the summaries the transcripts. of me talking and you chatting. or on the website. And then. So what kinds of. So i'm going to put the shared screen videos up. I have to do those one by one. So i'll get going on, that today, even, I think. So do you have any thoughts about good questions to do for P five js. Should we have five GS questions. here's some code, what does it do. I didn't know the iPhone had a. anyway. Sorry. iPhone is not a really indicative name of who's attached to it. Well, I didn't realize that Elon musk came from, is it. Years ago, my son and I had or he had this idea about. Having an APP to generate starbucks names, so he was the names you get put on cups. seems to me like a similar. approach. He is going to fit into at.
    • This.
    • season, easy to have Elon musk color it's just a matter of typing in a few letters into the. zoom account. So, because you're not using proctor track it's hard for me to say that it won't be an open book exam. But the idea is, if you have. time you have. It will be counterproductive to. spend a lot of time coordinating. and looking up answers. make sense. As is already. So yes, I will concur with with the 4% consensus, yes. So I would say in terms of suggesting questions, if you look at the practice exam. In terms of what's available what's demonstrated there and the practice exam. You might have some ideas about. formats for the question that. they're supported by your courses. We can. hear assessment of learning there during the Semester and. Something that can be implemented expressed well in terms of moodle your courses. That makes sense. kinds of questions i've asked in the past in terms of the practice final. The. previous ones before the for the pandemic. So 2019. Winter might be. The best example of those in terms of what kinds of questions that might ask it was the most recent one. refresh the screen see. here's a block of text there. What is the appropriate adjective. You are multimedia. couple alternatives, both you new media and multimedia or neither unit median or multimedia. Please explain. So. I recall through the mess of time talking about this early on in the Semester. So Nicholas Negroponte, who is the founder, I believe, of the MIT media lab. So you new media because it's all zeros and ones. So therefore it's unit media. Instead of multimedia. But even though we have Union media. In terms of representation of all everything in binary. strings of zeros and ones. See interpretation that's important that gives us the. ability to. convey and encode. images and text and sounds and animations. So that ring any bells. Now. You can. So i'm not gonna say which one I think is. I would say it's either it's one of the two it's not neither not. it's not uni media not. know our multimedia, I would say. I guess I would lean towards both but not to say that. saying you know media or multimedia would be. yeah. Which color model is most intuitive. Why do you like rgb so much. Because it makes sense okay good answer. colors is easy. Is it easy to change colors and say well i'd like a little less saturated. And like red but not fully saturated. yeah so red green and blue are additive. So it should be as additive so that means you start with black and we add color to it. So cmi K. Is what in relation to rgb. And why do we have. yeah that's right. The CMO is attractive so that's what these are printing because we. Put the ink on the paper and then its tracks from white light. And case for black. So there's a couple. Okay. So let's check is going on about magenta and his printer commercials.
    • I think.

    Zoom Chat Transcript

    • Good Afternoon!
    • good afternoon!
    • Good afternoon Prof
    • Afternoon professor
    • Hello!
    • Student password
    • Good
    • Good1
    • !*
    • I think I would need to review what we covered in this course before I can generate any good question ideas :)
    • It will be the same format of 2 hours on urcourses, no proctor track?
    • hmm
    • Create a reset sketch function I. P5.js
    • code with what it does would be good
    • It can be difficult to get things to work in P5.JS. If its 3D related
    • also to understand^
    • I would like to do some more of the lab work as well, honestly
    • So don’t make it 3d
    • Will this be an open or closed book exam?
    • one time there was Elon Musk here
    • I’m logging into my computer
    • or was it another class, I forgot sry
    • nice
    • yea
    • So is that to say that it is technically open book but you wont have time to read?
    • yup
    • yes
    • So our final will be very similar to posted practice finals?
    • where can we find the practice final?
    • thank you
    • So what would be? BOTH?
    • it*
    • Unimedia in the sense of representation but multimedia in the sense of interpretation….. is that the line of thought?
    • provided you could make a solid argument
    • RGB
    • RGB
    • RGB
    • because it makes sense
    • It is commonly used
    • intuitive
    • At least that is what I have found
    • I hadn’t used HSB until this class
    • Red Green and Blue values have additive coloring properties
    • because the colour numbers are easy to change
    • trick question, its a bank?
    • CMYK is subtractive, and K is black.
    • HAHA
    • cyan magenta and yellow and black
    • god damn expensive magenta
    • lol
    • sorry
    • its worth more than blood and gold at times, with its market price
    • hue saturation and brightness
    • I just look these ones up and copy and paste the code over
    • we should know the relationship
    • They help to reduce aliasing.
    • If you sample/quantize at a high amount.
    • yes
    • yes
    • in p5? youll need an array of pixels?
    • youll need to decided if you are using amplitude or fft
    • to match the pixels to the sound
    • yes
    • but we didn't use that in our program, so are we allowing user to upload sound and an image?
    • or just an image?
    • that's actually a great question
    • ill code I in p5.js all day long
    • I think talk about p5.js would be good for the exam
    • Yep
    • YUP
    • yes
    • sorry if you don't like p5.js
    • I think giving 30% of the final to labs should be reasonable
    • YUP
    • lol no
    • haha
    • oh isee what you are saying
    • haha
    • that may not be a bad idea
    • I really liked the 2o5 lab, I learned a lot there for creativity
    • 205
    • 30% sees high though
    • ^ Adobe licenses were expensive. But great lab
    • 30% seems REALLY high. Seeing as lab already some allocation towards your grade
    • Nova is the best, she made my day
    • yeah thats true
    • I would like a question about the lab on the final though
    • I heard she won't be doing it anymore :(
    • best lab instructor
    • At least im glad I got to work with her, one last time.
    • same here
    • regina public library has a digital media studio that the u of r students are free to use and they have adobe creative cloud
    • it includes a whisper room for recording
    • just not during a pandemic
    • and a green screen
    • I think I missed the answer earlier, is the exam open or closed book?
    • im glad I got to take another class with you
    • Yea very interesting. A more creative and visual side of CS.
    • thanks, I did. I learned a lot with p5.js
    • the class was interesting, added some background knowledge to things we code / see on the regular basis in terms of display and soud
    • really enjoyed CS 205
    • When can we expect the class transcripts to be done
    • Sounds good.
    • sounds good
    • Sounds like a plan
    • I have work today so I won’t be able to attend office hours so can I email you instead?
    • okay
    • This class has been a lot of fun, thank you!
    • Thanks! On the day of the final will you be in a zoom room for questions?
    • see you!
    • thank you for the semester! I hope you have a good summer and take care
    • Thank you professor, was a great class and got to learn a lot!
    • you too
    • Thank you!
    • Thanks for an awesome sem
    • Thanks again!
    • Take care. Thanks for the semester.
    • have a good summer
    • Thank you :)
    • Perfect. Thanks
    • good luck with the rest of your degrees everyone!!
    • Thanks prof see yaa
    • Thanks for a great semester
    • You too. Bye!



    Link to the UR Courses wiki page for this meeting