

  1. First Build
    1. The Circuit
    2. The Code
  2. Hardware Theory
    1. Ohm's Law
    2. Voltage Division
    3. Potentiometers
    4. Photoresistors
  3. Software Theory
  4.  Project
    1. Night Light

    1. First Build

    Take a few moments to build this circuit and install the sketch code. You will know you got things right if you hear weird nose coming from the piezo that changes and sounds "video-gamey" as you twist the potentiometer. The LED will be off most of the time but may flicker occasionally. If you have an Arduino Mega the tone will be pure and the LED will change brightness as you turn the potentiometer.

    1.1 The Circuit

    This circuit isn't too complicated - not nearly as complicated as the button circuits. Pin A0 should be connected to the middle pin of the potentiometer, and it doesn't matter which of the other two pins you connect to 5V and Ground. For everything else come up with your own interpretation of the schematic below.


    1.2 The Code

    Playing with pots.
    Written 23 Aug 2011 by Alex Clarke

    //constants for this sketch
    const int ledPin = 11;
    const int piezoPin = 6;
    const int potPin = A0;

    // variables for this sketch
    int pot_value;
    int frequency;

    void setup()
    pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(piezoPin, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(potPin, INPUT);

    void loop()
    //read voltage from the potentiometer
    pot_value = analogRead(potPin);

    //Set the LED to brightness pot_value
    analogWrite(ledPin, pot_value);

    //Play the sound represented by frequency pot_value
    tone(piezoPin, pot_value);


    2. Hardware Theory

    This week you will be learning to use different types of analog input device. The Arduino's six analog inputs are able to sense different voltage levels and convert them to numbers you can use in your sketch. Some input devices provide voltages you can use directly. Others require creative use of Ohm's law and the concept of voltage division to use with your Arduino.

    You can use a multimeter, like this one, to help measure the properties of your circuits:


    2.1 Ohm's Law

    You might recall that Ohm's law relates Voltage, Current and Resistance like this:


    V be voltage in Volts
    I   be current in Amps
    R be resistance in Ohms.


    V = I R

    The following diagram helps you know how to rearrange Ohm's Law to solve for different parts of the equation:

     Ohm's Law

    We will be directly applying Ohm's law in this lesson.

    2.2 Voltage Division

    Voltage division is an effect seen in simple series circuits with multiple resistive components.  Between each component of the circuit you can measure a different voltage that is related to the resistances before and after that point in the circuit.

    A series circuit in a stable state has one current value that is constant from end to end. The value of this current can be determined with Ohm's law using the total resistance of all components in the circuit.

    Over the circuit, the voltage will drop from high to low in the direction of the current. On your Arduino this means it will drop from +5V to 0V. The voltage drops as it passes through resistive components in the circuit. The amount the voltage drops across each of these components can be calculated using Ohm's law. We then can calculate a voltage value for the wires between components in the circuit.

    Let's combine these two concepts to calculate the voltages between the resistors in the following circuit. You may assemble the circuit and verify the calculations with a multimeter if you wish.

    3 Resistor Voltage division

    First, calculate the current for this circuit:

    I = V / R
      = 5V / (1kΩ + 10kΩ + 1kΩ)
      = 5V / 12,000Ω
      ≈ 0.0004167A
      ≈ 0.4167mA

    You can confirm this using the ammeter mode of a multimeter if you have one.

    Second, calculate the voltage drop for each resistor:

    VR1 = I R1
            ≈ 0.0004167A × 1,000Ω
            ≈ 0.4167V

    VR3 is the same as VR1

    VR2 = I R2
            ≈ 0.0004167A × 10,000Ω
            ≈ 4.167V

    You can confirm each of these voltage drops with the voltmeter mode of a multimeter:

    Last, we can calculate the expected remaining voltage at each point in the circuit. This is what your Arduino would sense on the analog input pins. You can do this two ways:
    1. Add together all the voltage drops after of the measured point.
    2. Subtract all the voltage drops before the measured point from the input voltage.
    So if should get the input voltage, 5V, if we measure before any resistive components. Using method 1:

    Vin ≈ 0.4167 + 4.167V + 0.4167V =  5.0004V

    At point V1:

    V1 ≈ 4.167V + 0.4167V = 4.5837V

    At point V2:

    V2 ≈ 0.4167V

    2.3 Potentiometers

    Potentiometers are the component behind most knobs that you see on electronic devices. They work by the principle of voltage division to adjust output voltage between two reference levels.

    pot dissection

    Inside they have a length of resistive material, often graphite or a carbon/plastic mixture, that is connected to terminal wires at either end.  A sliding contact connected to a third terminal is moved back and forth across the resistive material, usually with some kind of knob or slider. The the resistance between the contact and the two end terminals is related to the distance to the terminals — longer is more resistive and shorter is less.

    The resistive material in most potentiometers stays the same along its length. Its resistance is directly, or linearly, related to length. In other potentiometers, the resistive material is tapered or changes properties across its length. This type is used in audio applications and is usually more expensive. The amount of resistance in this type is usually logarithmic - it increases with a curve that matches human sound perception.

    Some potentiometers are meant to be used often. They are rugged and can be fitted with large knobs. Others are small and are meant to be hidden away. These are called trimpots, and are used by experts to tune a complex circuit. They are not meant to be used often and will wear out if twisted frequently.

    The small blue potentiometer in your kit is a linear trimpot. The knob on top can be removed.

    Trimpot Image

    The pins labeled 1 and 3 are should be connected to two different voltage levels. Pin 2, the middle pin, will have a voltage between the levels on pins 1 and 3. Turning the knob counterclockwise will adjust pin 2's voltage toward that of pin 1, and clockwise adjusts it toward that of pin 3. If that seems confusing, then try rotating your trimpot so that the pins are away from you. Then it should make more sense.

    If you use your potentiometer to measure the Ohms between pins 1 and 3 the value should remain constant. If you measure from pin 1 or pin 3 to pin 2 the value will change as you rotate the knob. In an ideal potentiometer the total of the two should add up to the number from pin 1 to pin 3. In the real world, the total is always a little smaller because the contact is a conductor with a measurable width.

    To use a potentiometer with your Arduino you usually connect:

    2.4 Photoresistors

    Photoresistors are resistors that vary their resistance when exposed to light. They are less resistive under bright light than under dim light or in darkness. To use a photoresistor with your Arduino you must put it in series with a resistor to perform voltage division. A typical photoresistor sensor circuit would usually look like this:

    Photoresistor Circuit

    The range of values you read at the analog input depend on the resistance properties of the photoresistor and the voltage division resistor you select. Once you know these, you should be able to calculate the range using Ohm's law.

    You can use your multimeter to record the values for your photoresistor. To measure resistance:

    You will want to measure your photoresistor under both light and dark conditions.

    3. Software Theory

    3.1 The Tone Function

    You can easily play notes on the piezo speaker in your kit with the tone() command. In its simplest form, a call to tone looks like this:

    tone(pin, frequency);

    The tone() command causes a note to begin to play on a pin at the specified frequency. The note will keep on playing while your program runs until another tone command is sent with a different frequency, or a noTone() command is sent.

    There is a second form of tone() command that will stop automatically:

    tone(pin, frequency, milliseconds);

    As with the simple tone() command, your program will keep running while the note plays. If you want to wait for the sound to end before continuing with the program, you must use a delay() command of the same length as the tone. If you want silence between consecutive tones, you will need to use a longer delay.

    Note: The tone() command has a nasty gotcha! It uses the PWM timers for pins 3 and 11 to make the note play automatically. Trying to use analogWrite() on those pins while you use the tone() command will cause strange things to happen. The first build sketch uses pin 11 to send analog writes to an LED which is causing interference. Change the sketch so it uses a different PWM pin. Enjoy the purer tones.

    3.2 Printing to the Serial Monitor

    Sometimes it's nice to be able to see what's going on inside your sketch. You can print values from your Arduino program to the computer and view them with the serial monitor in the Arduino software.

    To begin sending messages to your computer you use the Serial.begin() command. You should use it in the setup() procedure. Try adding this to your setup():

    Serial.begin(9600); // 9600 baud is the default serial communication speed

    To send a message to the computer you use the Serial.print() or Serial.println() commands. They can print one variable or constant. They can also print a text message. Try adding this to your loop() just after the analogRead() command:

    Serial.print("I just read: "); //Print some text
    Serial.println(pot_value); //Print pot_value and go to next line
    //delay(500); //You may want to slow down the messages so you can keep up

    To see the resulting messages press the Serial Monitor button — — in your Arduino software. A window will pop up, your sketch will restart and text should appear. There's a menu in the lower right corner with a list of alternate speeds you can use with the Serial.begin() command.

    3.3 Using Analog Input

    Unlike with digital input, no pinMode() function call is needed to use analog input. All you need to do is call the analogRead(analogPin) function where analogPin is one of A0 through A5.

    The analogRead() function returns an integer value between 0 and 1023 where 0 represents 0V and 1023 represents +5V. This is nice, but not helpful. You need to do some work to tell your Arduino how you want to respond to these values. Here are two basic strategies you can use to interpret analog input.

    3.3.1 Range Mapping

    The map() function changes input values from one integer range to another. Here's a sample function call:

    result = map( input, fromLow, fromHigh, toLow, toHigh);

    If input is equal to fromLow, result will be equal to toLow.
    If input is equal to fromHigh, result will be equal to toHigh.
    If input is somewhere in between fromLow and from High, it will be mapped to a corresponding place between toLow and toHigh.

    For example, if you use raw values from the analog port with the tone() function, the results cover several octaves and includes frequencies lower than you can hear. The tone() function can't even reproduce the lowest tones properly. That's why this sketch sounds weird in some positions even after fixing the PWM pin conflict. The result is hard to control. You might have more control if you map analog values to one octave. The official reference note for modern music is A440 or 440Hz. One octave higher than that is A880 or 880Hz. We can map from (0,1023) to (440,880) to get exactly one octave.  Change your tone playing code from this:

    //Play the sound represented by frequency pot_value
    tone(piezoPin, pot_value);

    to this:

    //Map pot_value to a usable frequency
    int freq = map(pot_value, 0, 1023, 440, 880);
    tone(piezoPin, freq);

    Note: the results of the map() function are integers or whole numbers. If you try to use map() to convert analog readings to volts, then you will only get the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3 ,4 or 5. If you want more precise results you need to use the float type which allows decimal places. You could then calculate voltage like this:

    float volts = pot_value/1023;

    3.3.2 Thresholding

    A threshold is a value that splits a range of values into two parts — everything below and everything else or vice-versa. The following is an example of a threshold that you can try in your First Build sketch. Replace this code in your loop() procedure:
      //Set the LED to brightness pot_value
    analogWrite(ledPin, pot_value);

    with this code:

      //Set a LED on/off threshold where the potentiometer passes the mid-point
    if (pot_value < 512)
    digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
    digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);

    What this does is check to see if the voltage is less than halfway between 0V and +5V. That is 1023÷2 or 511.5.  When the potentiometer is exactly in the middle it should be near this value. If it is past it, the LED will turn on. If it is below it the LED will turn off.

    You can also use a pair of thresholds to check if an input value lies inside a certain range. Change the above code as follows to light the LED when you are close to the midpoint on the pot:

      //Turn the LED on only if it is near the the mid-point
    if (pot_value < 500 || pot_value > 524)
    digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
    digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);

    It is better to use a range check like this than to check to see if your potentiometer is at an exact value using the == operator because it is very difficult to accurately position a potentiometer.

    4. Project

    4.1 Night Light

    In my demo we had a lot of fun with the potentiometer. You can try a photoresistor sketch yourself.


    Adapt the First Build sketch so that, as you turn the potentiometer, the piezo speaker only plays notes in the 12 tone (chromatic) equal tempered scale. Because this scale can be easily calculated from any given starting frequency you can use math to make the code compact, or you can precalculate the frequencies and use arrays or selection statements to make it fast.