Most Sample Code from "Java How to Program, Fifth Edition" from Deitel and Deitel.


The following is taken from pages 228 and 229 (figure 6.6) of Deitel's book:

"As we have seen, Java contains many predefined classes that are grouped into categories of related classes called packages. Together, we refer to these packages as the Java Application Programming Interface (Java API), or the Java class library. ...import declarations specify the classes required to compile a Java program. For example, a program includes the declaration
import javax.swing.JApplet;
to specify that the program uses class JApplet from the javax.swing package."

Figure 6.6 from Java How to Program (5th Edition) has some of the packages in the java API:

Creating our own packages

Use keyword "package" and then the location of the package

We would want to create our own package if we have a class that is useful and we want to share with others.

page 381 of Deitel states "Every package name should start with your Internet domain name in reverse order. For example, for the Internet domain name, the package name should begin with com.deitel"

Code is:

Package Access

"If no access modifier (public, protected or private) is specified for a method or variable when it is declared in a class, the method or variable is considered to have package access." (pg 384, Deitel)


Things to try:

Inheritance and Abstract Classes

The following is from the On-line Course: "Implementing Object-Oriented Programming with Java Technology", Module 2, Topic 5, pages 1 and 2

"An abstract class is a class with at least one abstract operation (an operation for which there is no implementation or code specified). Assume you need to implement classes for a circle, rectangle, and triangle. These shapes must have operations to set the area and determine the shape's perimeter. Each shape implements these operations differently, so you decide to create an abstract class, Shape."

"You can declare an abstract class by marking it with the abstract keyword. Likewise, in the declaration of a method without implementation, the keyword abstract is used. Any attempt to instantiate an abstract class results in a compiler error."

Code: (note abstract class) (Point extends Shape) extends Point) extends Circle) file)

********Notice: In "" code like the following:

            public double getVolume()
                return super.getArea() * getHeight();
What does super mean? It means call the super class's "getArea()" function. The super class is another way of saying parent class. super.getArea() is calling Circle's getArea function.

Things to try:


"An interface declaration begins with the keyword "interface" and contains a set of public abstract methods. Interfaces may also contain public static final data. To use an interface, a class must specify that "implements" the interface and must declare each method in the interface with the signature specifiied in the interface declaration. If the class does not implement any method of the interface, the class is an abstract class and must be declared abstract. Implementing an interface is like signing a contract with the compiler that states, "I will declare all the methods specified by the interface"
...An interface is typically used in place of an abstract class when there is no default implementation to inherit .ie. no instance variables and no default method implementations." (page 467, Deitel)

You can turn the abstract Shape class into an interface by making the following changes:

  1. modify to declare the class as:
                     public interface Shape {
                        public double getArea();
                        public double getVolume();
                        public String getName();

    Notice: the functions are just prototypes; they don't do anything. Anything that implements Shape will have to specify the details of what these functions do

  2. change so that the class declaration reads:
                     public class Point extends Object implements Shape
  3. also in, add a declaration for the abstract methods "getArea" and "getVolume"--Otherwise: compiler error.
                     public double getArea()
                         return 0.0;
                     public double getVolume()
                         return 0.0;
  4. the changes yield the following two files that can be used with the other three files from above:

Review of Applets


*applet needs init, start, or paint function (no main)

*SquareIntegers extends JApplet

"The on-screen display area for an object of class JApplet has a content pane--an object of class Container from the java.awt package--to which the GUI components must be attached so that they can be displayed at execution time.
"...when the applet executes, all GUI components attached to the applet's content pane are displayed" (page 222, Deitel)

Notice the "getContentPane()" and the syntax to "add" GUI components to the applet's content pane.

See below to add more GUI components:

Adding GUI (Graphical User Interface) Components and Making them Interactive

Follow these steps to add a button and a textfield:

  1. You can change SquareIntegers.html so that the width="350" and the height="300" (so that we have more room to add things)
  2. Add the following right before the "public void init()"
                 JTextField myField;
                 JButton myButton;
  3. add the following line after instantiating container
                 container.setLayout (new FlowLayout());

    This lays things out from left to right

  4. Add the following to add a textfield and a button:
                 myField = new JTextField (10);
                 myButton=new JButton("My Button");
Follow these steps to make the button clickable and the textfield active:
  1. add the following import statement so that you can handle events (such as clicking a button or hitting return):
                  import java.awt.event.*;
  2. change the declaration of SquareIntegers so that it "implements ActionListener". If a class implements ActionListener interface, you must define the actionPerformed function.
                  public class SquareIntegers extends JApplet implements ActionListener
  3. before the closing curly bracket for the class add the actionPerformed function:
                  public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent actionEvent)
                      //If the button is clicked
                      if (actionEvent.getSource()==myButton)
                           showStatus ("You hit the button");
                      //If you press Enter in the textfield
                      else if (actionEvent.getSource()==myField)
                           showStatus ("You changed the field");
  4. You need to specify that clicking the button or pressing Enter on the textfield will trigger an event (to be handled by the actionPerformed function). We use the addActionListener function. Add this code after you have created a myField and myButton instance.

The code: