Kate holding Sarah's boy Butsu (pronounced Boot-Soo, Japanese for Buddha)
Butsu and Pandora. The flash didn't go off, but it was my only picture with Pandora and another ferret (she got a little unfriendly after this)
Pandora after she got away from Butsu
Pandora enjoying some human companionship with Kim (it's just her own kind she doesn't like)
Butsu and Marsha
Butsu and Marsha; not since Carrie's Zak has there been such a lap-ferret
Marsha and Butsu; Kate in the background
Zoe holding Yoshi and Butsu
Sarah holding Yoshi, Butsu and Yuki, Kim holding Pandora in the background
Zoe and Sarah with Yuki and Butsu
Kim providing Pandora with some tunnel fun
Zoe holding Yoshi
Yuki and Butsu; watch out, ferrets underfoot!
I also got some video of Butsu the lap ferret. Click to watch.
Thanks also to Tarra for attending, who didn't make it into the photos (sorry about that).
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