Academic Background

07/2019 - present:Professor at the University of Regina, Department of Computer Science

07/2013 - 06/2019: Associate Professor at the University of Regina, Department of Computer Science

07/2009 - 06/2013: Assistant Professor at the University of Regina, Department of Computer Science

06/2007 - 06/2009: Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Alberta, Department of Computing Science

10/2004 - 12/2008: Senior Researcher at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Management Department

03/2000 - 09/2004: Researcher at the University of Kaiserslautern, Department of Computer Science (PhD in Computer Science, 2003)

10/1994 - 03/2000: Student at the University of Kaiserslautern, Department of Mathematics (Diplom in Mathematics, 2000)

Awards and Recognition

NSERC Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in Computational Learning Theory, 2022 - 2029

Canada CIFAR AI Chair, Affiliate with Amii

NSERC Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Computational Learning Theory, 2010 - 2017 and 2017 - 2022

Membership in the College of New Scholars, Artists, and Scientists of the Royal Society of Canada, 2017 - 2024

CACS/AIC (Canadian Association for Computer Science) Outstanding Young Researcher Award, 2013

Best paper award at KI 2012

E.M. Gold Award: best student paper, ALT 2003

M. Fulk Award: best student paper, COLT 2002
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