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Solutions to the Critical Section Problem


Peterson's Algorithm

Peterson's Algorithm
Shared variables are created and initialized before either process starts. The shared variables flag[0] and flag[1] are initialized to FALSE because neither process is yet interested in the critical section. The shared variable turn is set to either 0 or 1 randomly (or it can always be set to say 0).

var flag: array [0..1] of boolean;
turn: 0..1;

%flag[k] means that process[k] is interested in the critical section
flag[0] := FALSE;
flag[1] := FALSE;
turn := random(0..1)

After initialization, each process, which is called process i in the code (the other process is process j), runs the following code:

flag[i] := TRUE;
turn := j;
while (flag[j] and turn=j) do no-op;
flag[i] := FALSE;
until FALSE;

Information common to both processes:
turn = 0
flag[0] = FALSE
flag[1] = FALSE


Process 0

Process 1

i = 0, j = 1

i = 1, j = 0

flag[0] := TRUE

turn := 1

check (flag[1] = TRUE and turn = 1)

-  Condition is false because flag[1] = FALSE

- Since condition is false, no waiting in while loop

-  Enter the critical section

-  Process 0 happens to lose the processor



flag[1] := TRUE

turn := 0

check (flag[0] = TRUE and turn = 0)

- Since condition is true, it keeps busy waiting until it loses the processor

- Process 0 resumes and continues until it finishes in the critical section

- Leave critical section

flag[0] := FALSE

- Start executing the remainder (anything else a process does besides using the critical section)

- Process 0 happens to lose the processor



check (flag[0] = TRUE and turn = 0)

- This condition fails because flag[0] = FALSE

- No more busy waiting

- Enter the critical section



Process 0

Process 1

i=0, j=1

i=1, j=0

flag[0] = TRUE

turn = 1

- Lose processor here



flag[1] := TRUE

turn := 0

check (flag[0] = TRUE and turn = 0)

- Condition is true so Process 1 busy waits until it loses the processor

check (flag[1] = TRUE and turn = 1)

-  This condition is false because turn = 0

- No waiting in loop

- Enters critical section




Process 0

Process 1

i=0, j=1

i=1, j=0

flag[0] = TRUE

- Lose processor here



flag[1] = TRUE

turn = 0

check (flag[0] = TRUE and turn = 0)

- Condition is true so, Process 1 busy waits until it loses the processor

turn := 1

check (flag[1] = TRUE and turn = 1)

- Condition is true so Process 0 busy waits until it loses the processor



check (flag[0] = TRUE and turn = 0)

- The condition is false so, Process 1 enters the critical section


Summary of Techniques for Critical Section Problem

  1. Peterson's Algorithm: based on busy waiting
  2. Semaphores: general facility provided by operating system (e.g., OS/2)
  3. Monitors: programming language technique


  1. Exclusive access to memory location
  2. Interrupts that can be turned off
  3. Test-and-Set: special machine-level instruction
  4. Swap: atomically swaps contents of two words


Test-and-Set Solution to the Critical Section Problem


critical section

remainder section

until false


result := target
target := TRUE
return result

Information common to both processes:
target = FALSE


Swap Solution to the Critical Section Problem


var = true
while (var == true) swap(lock, var);
critical section
lock = false;
remainder section

until false


·         operations possible on a semaphore:

o        initialization

o        two main operations:

o        the wait and signal operations are atomic operations (e.g., the test-and-set at the top of the loop of wait is done before losing the processor)

o        e.g., a resource such as a shared data structure is protected by a semaphore. You must acquire the semaphore before using the resource and release the semaphore when you are done with the shared resource.


while S 0 do


S.value := S.value - 1;


S := S + 1;

In either case, the initial value for S:

  1. equals 1 if only one process is allowed in the critical section (binary semaphore)
  2. equals n if at most n processes are allowed in the critical section

Semaphore Solution to the Critical Selection Problem

critical section

remainder section
until false;

Alternative Implementation of Wait and Signal

wait(S): this code is executed atomically

S.value := S.value - 1;
if S.value < 0
then begin

add this process to S.L;
suspend this process;


actual waiting is done by the suspended process


S.value := S.value + 1;
if S.value 0
then begin

remove a process P from S.L;


mutex: a binary semaphore used to enforce mutual exclusion (i.e., solve the critical section problem)

Implementing Semaphores
To ensure the atomic property, the OS implementation must either:

  • turn off interrupts
  • use busy waiting: to make sure only one process does a wait operation at once
    • Peterson's Algorithm
    • Test-and-Set
    • Swap

Bounded Buffer Problem (Producer/Consumer Problem)
for example, in UNIX a pipe between two processes is implemented as a 4Kb buffer between the two processes


  • creates data and adds to the buffer
  • do not want to overflow the buffer


  • removes data from buffer (consumes it)
  • does not want to get ahead of producer

Information common to both processes:
empty := n
full := 0
mutex := 1
Producer Process


produce an item in nextp


add nextp to buffer


until false;

Consumer Process


remove an item from buffer to nextc


consume the item in nextc

until false;

mutex: (semaphore) initialized to 1
empty: count of empty locations in the buffer
initialized to n, the buffer size
full: count of full locations in the buffer
initialized to 0

The empty and full semaphores are used for process synchronization. The mutex semaphore is used to ensure mutually exclusive access to the buffer.
if we were to change the code in the consumer process from:

then we could reach a deadlock where Process 1 is waiting for Process 2 and Process 2 is waiting for Process 1.

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