SOS started on Tue Jun 29 11:06:27 2010 0 0 FScreate videocard SFFS 1 0 20000 25 1 0 FSmount videocard draw 2 0 FSchange draw 3 0 FSimport Direct3D.txt 4 0 FSimport DirectSound.txt 5 0 FSimport DirectInput.txt 6 0 FSimport DirectOut.txt *ERROR 16: File cannot be read 7 0 FSdir +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Filename Size Owner Properties Time + + passwords.dat 6 0 |drwx| | | 0 + + Direct3D.txt 2048 0 |drwx| | | 3 + + DirectSound.txt 4096 0 |drwx| | | 4 + + DirectInput.txt 1024 0 |drwx| | | 5 + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 8 0 FSrename Direct3D.txt D3D.txt 9 0 FSpermission DirectInput.txt g+re+r 10 0 FScopy DirectInput.txt DirectKeyboard.txt *ERROR 3: Invalid parameter 11 0 FScopy DirectInput.txt DirectMouse.txt 12 0 FSrename DirectInput.txt DirectStick.txt 13 0 FSowner D3D.txt 1 14 0 FSowner DirectSound.txt 10 15 0 FSowner DirectMatrices 100 *ERROR 19: Specified minifile does not exist 16 0 FSpermission D3D.txt o-wo-dg+xe+x *ERROR 22: Insufficient permission to perform operation on minifile 17 0 FSdir +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Filename Size Owner Properties Time + + passwords.dat 6 0 |drwx| | | 0 + + D3D.txt 2048 1 |drwx| | | 3 + + DirectSound.txt 4096 10 |drwx| | | 4 + + DirectStick.txt 1024 0 |drwx| r | r | 5 + + DirectMouse.txt 1024 0 |drwx| | | 11 + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 18 0 FSpermission DirectOut.txt g+re+r *ERROR 19: Specified minifile does not exist 19 0 FSpermission DirectStick.txt o-dg+we+wg+x 20 0 FSshowmounts +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + FSId FS_Name FS_Disk + + 0 draw videocard ***** + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 21 0 FSexport DirectMouse.txt 22 0 FSdir +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Filename Size Owner Properties Time + + passwords.dat 6 0 |drwx| | | 0 + + D3D.txt 2048 1 |drwx| | | 3 + + DirectSound.txt 4096 10 |drwx| | | 4 + + DirectStick.txt 1024 0 | rwx| rwx| rw | 5 + + DirectMouse.txt 1024 0 |drwx| | | 11 + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SOS stopped on Tue Jun 29 11:06:28 2010