Assignment 1 Due Wednesday May 16, 11:55 pm Download or otherwise gain access to a database system, such as Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, etc. Create a database in the system containing some data. Example data sets will be provided. At least 100 rows of data should be loaded. Preferably some thousands of rows of data should be loaded. Run at least three some simple SQL queries on the database to show that it exists. Submit: A one paragraph description of which database system you used and which data set you used. Describe the database that you created: how many tables, which fields in each table, contents of 3 example rows from each table, total number of rows in each table. Describe the process (commands or GUI interactions) that you used to create and load the database. Give the three or more SQL queries that you used to query the database. If possible, use queries that show the database schema and count various things in the database. Give the output of the queries (if the output is more than 100 lines, please discard all but the first 100 lines). (If it is more convenient, you can show the queries and output interspersed.)