
Howard J. Hamilton

Refereed Conference Proceedings

133. Pathak, A., Al-Anbagi, I.S., and Hamilton, H.J.
``Early-Stage Conflict Resolution Mechanism for HLF-based Delay-critical IoT Networks'', IEEE 2025 International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC 2025): IoT and Sensor Networks Symposium, Montreal, Canada, June 8-12, 2025.

132. Pathak, A., Al-Anbagi, I.S., and Hamilton, H.J.
``Privacy-Preserving Authentication Mechanism for P2P Energy Trading in Smart Grid Networks'', IEEE 2024 International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC 2024): SAC Smart Grid Communications Track, Denver, CO, USA, June 9-13, 2024.

131. Pathak, A., Al-Anbagi, I.S., and Hamilton, H.J.
``Early-Stage Conflict Detection in HLF-Based Delay-Critical IoT Networks'', Cyber Resilience Workshop (CRW), IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), Orlando, FL, USA, October 5, 2023.

130. Pathak, A., Al-Anbagi, I.S., and Hamilton, H.J.
``Trust-based Blockchain Mechanism for V2X Networks in a Smart Grid Environment'', 2023 IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE), Regina, SK, Canada, September 24-27, 2023, 496-501.

129. Beug, A., and Hamilton, H.J.,
``Splitting Large Convolutional Neural Network Layers to Run Real-Time Applications on Mixed-Reality Hardware '', IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality, Virtual, March 12-16, 2022.

128. Sinorina, N.C.R., Hamilton, H.J., and Zilles, S.,
``Efficient Removal of Weak Associations in Consensus Clustering'', 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2022), Online Streaming, February 3-5, 2022.

127. Laube, R., and Hamilton, H.J.,
``Wildfire Occurrence Prediction Using Time Series Classification: A Comparitive Study'', 3rd IEEE Workshop on Machine Learning for Big Data Analytics in Remote Sensing, Virtual, December 18, 2021.

126. Ali, A.M.H., Rayner, E., Hamilton, H.J., Yang, B., and Zilles, S.,
``Aggregating Preferences Represented by Conditional Preference Networks'', 7th International Conference on Algorithmic Decision Theory (ADT 2021), Toulouse, France, November 3-5, 2021.

125. Baller, T., Bennett, K., and Hamilton, H.J.,
``Transfer Learning and Language Model Adaption for Low Resource Speech Recognition,'' Canadian Artificial Intelligence Conference (AI 2021), Vancouver, Canada (virtual), May 25-28, 2021.

124. Hamilton, M., Beug, A., Hamilton, H.J., and Norton, W.,
``Augmented Reality Technology for People Living with Dementia and their Care Partners,'' International Conference on Virtual and Augmented Reality Simulations (ICVARS 2021), Melbourne, Australia (virtual), March 20-22, 2021.

123. Mirbagheri, S.M. and Hamilton, H.J.,
``Mining High Utility Patterns in Interval-based Event Sequences,'' International Conference on Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK 2020), Bratislava, Slovakia (virtual), September 12-15, 2020, 107-121.

122. Mirbagheri, S.M. and Hamilton, H.J.,
``FIBS: A Generic Framework for Classifying Interval-Based Temporal Sequences,'' International Conference on Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK 2020), Bratislava, Slovakia (virtual), September 12-15, 2020, 301-315.

121. Mirbagheri, S.M. and Hamilton, H.J.,
``Similarity Matching of Temporal Event-Interval Sequences,'' 33rd Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI 2020), Ottawa, Canada, May 12-15, 2020.

120. Mann, M. and Hamilton, H.J.,
``Automatic Generation of Video Game Character Images using Generative Adversarial Networks,'' 32nd Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI 2019), Kingston, Canada, May 28-31, 2019.

119. Simeon, M. and Hamilton, H.J.,
``Real-Time Validation of Retail Gasoline Prices,'' 20th International Conference on Discovery Science (DS 2017), Kyoto, Japan, October 15-17, 2017, pp 33-47.

118. Sadeqi, M. and Hamilton, H.J.,
``Lossy Compression of Pattern Databases Using Acyclic Random Hypergraphs,'' 26th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2017), Melbourne, Australia, August 19-25, 2017, pp 4376-4383.

117. Jahan, M. and Hamilton, H.J.,
``A Knowledge Acquisition System for Price Change Rules,'' 30th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI 2017), Edmonton, Canada, May 16-19, 2017, pp 215-226.

116. Mirbagheri, S.M. and Hamilton, H.J.,
``Time Prediction of the Next Refueling Event: A Case Study,'' 30th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI 2017), Edmonton, Canada, May 16-19, 2017, pp 109-114.

115. Simeon, C., Hilderman, R.J., Hamilton, H.J.,
``Word Segmentation Algorithms with Lexical Resources for Hashtag Classification,'' Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA'16), Montreal, Canada, October 17-19, 2017, pp 743-751.

114. Sadeqi, M. and Hamilton, H.J.,
``Efficient Representation of Pattern Databases Using Acyclic Random Hyper graphs,'' The 26th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2016), London, UK, June 12-17, 2016, pp 258-266.

113. Hala, S., Hamilton, H.J., Domenici, P.,
``Simulating the Bubble Net Hunting Behaviour of Humpback Whales: The BNH-Whale Algorithm,'' 29th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI 2016), Victoria, Canada, May 31-June 3, 2016, pp 40-45.

112. Bjorndahl, J., Herman, A., Hamilton, R., Hamilton, H.J., and Brigham, M.,
``Discovery of Parameters for Animation of Midge Swarms,'' 18th International Conference on Discovery Science (DS 2015), Banff, Canada, October 4-6, 2015, pp. 17-24.

111. Patel, K., Hoeber, O., and Hamilton, H.J.,
``Real-Time Sentiment-Based Anomaly Detection in Twitter Data Streams,'' 28th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI 2015), Halifax, Canada, June 2-5, 2015, pp. 196-203.

110. Cullimore, J., Hamilton, H.J., and Gerhard, D.,
``Directed Transitional Composition for Gaming and Adaptive Music Using Q-Learning.'' 40th International Computer Music Conference / 11th Sound and Music Computing Conference, (ICMC/SMC 2014), Athens, Greece, September 14-20, 2014.

109. Moersch, J. and Hamilton, H.J.,
``Variable-Sized, Circular Bokeh Depth of Field Effects.'' Graphics Interface 2014 (GI 2014), Montreal, May 7-9, 2014.

108. Thue, D., Bulitko, V. and Hamilton, H.,
``Implementation Cost and Efficiency for AI Experience Managers.'' Workshop on Intelligent Narrative Technologies (INT 2013), Boston, October 14-15, 2013, 97-100.

107. Manfredotti, C., Pedersen, K.S., Hamilton, H., and Zilles, S.
``Learning Models of Activities Involving Interacting Objects.'' Proceedings of the Twelfth International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis (IDA 2013), London, UK, October 7-9, 2013.

106. Simeon, M., Hilderman, R.J., and Hamilton, H.J.,
``Mining Interesting Contrast Sets.'' Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Resource Intensive Applications and Services (INTENSIVE'12), St. Maarten, Netherlands Antilles, March, 2012, pp. 14-21. Best Paper Award.

105. Manfredotti, C.E., Fleet, D.J., Hamilton, H.J., and Zilles, S.,
``Simultaneous Tracking and Activity Recognition,'' IEEE 23rd International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 2011), Boca Raton, FL, USA, November 7-9, 2011,

104. Viappiani, P., Zilles, S., Hamilton, H.J., and Boutilier, C.,
``Learning Complex Concepts using Crowdsourcing: A Bayesian Approach." In Second International Conference on Algorithmic Decision Theory (ADT 2011) Rutgers University, October, 2011.

103. Viappiani, P., Zilles, S., Hamilton, H.J., and Boutilier, C.,
``A Bayesian Concept Learning Approach to Crowdsourcing." In Proceedings of the Interactive Decision Theory and Game Theory (IDTGT) Workshop, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence 2011, San Francisco, CA, August, 2011. Also accepted at 9th Workshop on Intelligent Techniques for Web Personalization, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'11), Barcelona, Spain, July, 2011.

102. Manfredotti, C., Fleet, D., Hamilton, H.J., and Zilles, S.,
``Relational Particle Filter." In Proceedings of the NIPS 2010 Workshop on Monte Carlo Methods for Bayesian Inference in Modern Day Applications, Vancouver, BC, December 2010.

101. Manfredotti, C., Hamilton, H.J., and Zilles, S.,
``Learning RDBNs for Activity Recognition." In Proceedings of the NIPS 2010 Workshop on Learning and Planning from Batch Time Series Data, Vancouver, BC, December 2010.

100. Anwar, M., Fong, P.W.L., Yang, X.D., and Hamilton, H.
``Visualizing Privacy Implications of Access Control Policies in Social Network Systems.'' In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Data Privacy Management (DPM'09), Saint Malo, France, September 2009, pp. 106-120.

99. Wang, X., and Hamilton, H.J.,
``Using Clustering Methods in Geospatial Information Systems,'' In Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference on Geoinformatics (Geoinformatics 2008), Guangzhou, China, June 2008.

98. Karimi, K. and Hamilton, H.J.,
``Using Dependence Diagrams to Summarize Decision Rule Sets," In Proceedings of the 21st Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI 2008), Windsor, ON, Canada, May 2008, pp. 163-172.

97. Geng, L., Hamilton, H.J., and Korba, L.
``Expectation Propagation in GenSpace Graphs for Summarization,'' In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery (DAWAK 2007), Regensburg, Germany, September 2007, pp. 449-458.

96. Shrestha, M., Hamilton, H.J., Yao, Y.Y., Konkel, K., and Geng, L.,
``The PDD Framework for Detecting Categories of Peculiar Data,'' In Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2006), Hong Kong, December 2006, pp. 562-571.

95. Li, G. and Hamilton, H.J.,
``Searching for Pattern Rules,'' In Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2006), Hong Kong, December 2006, 933-937.

94. Yao, H., Hamilton, H.J., and Geng, L.,
``A Unified Framework for Utilty-Based Measures for Mining Itemsets,'' In Proceedings of the 2006 International Workshop on Utility-Based Data Mining (UBDM 2006), Philadelphia, PA, August 2006, 28-37.

93. Blyth, S., and Hamilton, H.J.,
``CrowdMixer: Multiple Agent Types in Situation-Based Crowd Simulations,'' In Proceedings of 2nd Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Interactive Digital Entertainment (AIIDE 2006), Marina del Rey, CA, July 2006, 15-20.

92. Wang, X., and Hamilton, H.J.,
``A Comparative Study of Two Density-Based Spatial Clustering Algorithms for Very Large Databases,'' In Proceedings of 18th Conference of the Canadian Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence (AI 2005), Victoria, BC, Canada May 2005, 120-132.

91. Wang, X., and Hamilton, H.J.,
``Towards an Ontology-Based Spatial Clustering Framework,'' In Proceedings of 18th Conference of the Canadian Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence (AI 2005), Victoria, BC, Canada May 2005, 205-216.

90. Hamilton, H.J., and Karimi, K.,
``The TIMERS II ALgorithm for the Discovery of Causality,'' In Proceedings of 9th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD 2005), Hanoi, Vietnam, May 2005, 744-750.

89. Wang, X., and Hamilton, H.J.,
"Density-Based Spatial Clustering in the Presence of Obstacles and Facilitators," In Proceedings of 8th European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (PKDD 2004), Pisa, Italy, September 2004, 446-458.

88. Geng, L., and Hamilton, H.J.,
``Finding Interesting Summaries in GenSpace Graphs Efficiently,'' In Proceedings Seventeenth Canadian Artificial Intelligence Conference (AI 2004), Springer Verlag, London, ON, Canada, June, 2004, pp. 89-104.

87. Butz, C.J., Yao, H., and Hamilton, H.J.,
"Towards Jointree Propagation with Conditional Probability Distributions," In Proceedings 4th International Conference on Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing (RSCTC'04), Uppsala, Sweden, June, 2004, 368-377.

86. Wang, X., and Hamilton, H.J.,
"Density-Based Spatial Clustering in the Presence of Obstacles," Proceedings Seventeenth International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS 2004), Miami, FL, May 2004, 312-317.

85. Li, G., and Hamilton, H.J.,
"Basic Association Rules," In Proceedings 2004 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM'04), Lake Buena Vista, FL, April, 2004, pp. 166-177.

84. Yao, H., Hamilton, H.J., and Butz, C.J.,
"A Foundational Approach for Mining Itemset Utilities from Databases," In Proceedings 2004 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM'04), Lake Buena Vista, FL, April, 2004, pp. 482-486.

Some researchers have told us that they cannot find our algorithm in the above SDM paper. When our paper was accepted as a poster paper at the conference, we shortened it by keeping the theoretical work and deleting the algorithm and results. Thus, our UMining algorithm was not available in our published paper. In Liu, Y., Liao, W.-K., and Choudhary, A., ``A Fast High Utility Itemsets Mining Algorithm,'' Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Utiliy-based Data Mining, Chicago, Illinois, 2005, pp. 90-99, Liu, Liao, and Choudhary derived an algorithm from our theoretical work and called it ``Mining using Expected Utility'' (MEU). The MEU algorithm is not described in our SDM paper.

This situation has led to some confusion. Therefore, we are making the original submitted version of our paper available below. This version shows our UMining algorithm. If necessary, this work can be referenced via its web page.

Yao, H., Hamilton, H.J., and Butz, C.J.,
"Mining Itemset Utilities from Databases," original submission to the 2004 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM'04),

However, we recommend that a later paper be referenced instead. An extended and improved description of our work is available as Yao, H. and Hamilton, H.J., "Mining Itemset Utilities from Transaction Databses, Data and Knowledge Engineering, Accepted October 2005. See our journal publications page:

83. Hamilton, H.J., Geng, L., Findlater, L, and Randall, D.J.,
``Spatio-Temporal Data Mining with Expected Distribution Domain Generalization Graphs,'' In Proceedings 10th Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning / International Conference on Temporal Logic (TIME-ICTL 2003), IEEE CS Press, Cairns, Australia, July, 2003, pp. 181-191.

82. Jiang, L., and Hamilton, H.J.,
``Methods of Searching for Frequent Sequential Patterns,'' In Proceedings Sixteenth Canadian Artificial Intelligence Conference (AI 2003), Springer Verlag, Halifax, NS, Canada, June, 2003, pp. 486-491.

81. Karimi, K., and Hamilton, H.J.,
``Using TimeSleuth for Discovering Temporal/Causal Rules: A Comparison,'' In Proceedings Sixteenth Canadian Artificial Intelligence Conference (AI 2003), Springer Verlag, Halifax, NS, Canada, June, 2003, pp. 175-189.

80. Butz, C.J., Yao, H., and Hamilton, H.J.,
``A Non-Local Coarsening Result in Granular Probabilistic Networks,'' In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining and Granular Computing (RSFDGrC'03) , Beijing, China, May, 2003, pp. 686-689.

79. Karimi, K., and Hamilton, H.J.,
``Distinguishing Causal and Acausal Temporal Relations,'' In Proceedings of the Seventh Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD'2003), Seoul, South Korea, April/May, 2003. pp. 234-240.

78. Wang, X., and Hamilton, H.J.,
``DBRS: A Density-Based Spatial Clustering Method with Random Sampling,'' In Proceedings of the Seventh Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD'2003), Seoul, South Korea, April/May, 2003, pp. 563-575.

77. Yao, H., Hamilton, H.J., and Butz, C.
``FD_Mine: Discovering Functional Dependencies in a Database Using Equivalences,'' In Proceedings of the Second IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, (ICDM'02), Maebashi, Japan, December, 2002, pp. 729-732.

76. Geng, L., and Hamilton, H.J.
``ESRS: A Case Selection Algorithm Using Extended Similarity-based Rough Sets,'' In Proceedings of the Second IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, (ICDM'02), Maebashi, Japan, December, 2002, pp. 609-612.

75. Karimi, K., and Hamilton, H.J.
``TimeSleuth: A Tool for Discovering Causal and Temporal Rules,'' In Proceedings 14th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 2002), Washington DC, November, 2002, pp. 375-380.

74. Yao, Y.Y., Hamilton, H.J., and Wang, X.
``PagePrompter: An Intelligent Agent for Web Navigation Created Using Data Mining Techniques,'' In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing, (RSCTC'02), Malvern, PA, October, 2002, pp.506-513.

73. Karimi, K., and Hamilton, H.J.
``Discovering Temporal Rules from Temporally Ordered Data.'' In Proceedings International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning, (IDEAL'02), Manchester, UK, Springer Verlag, August, 2002, 25-30.

72. Wang, X., Chan, C.W., and Hamilton, H.J.
``Design of Knowledge-Based Systems with the Ontology-Domain-System Approach,'' In Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE'2002), Ischia, Italy, July, 2002, pp. 233-236.

71. Findlater, L., and Hamilton, H.J.
``Iceberg-Cube Algorithms: Experiments on Synthetic and Real Databases,'' In Proceedings IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ASC 2002), Banff, Canada, July, 2002, pp. 90-95.

70. Karimi, K., and Hamilton, H.J.
``RFCT: An Association-Based Causality Miner,'' In Proceedings Fifteenth Canadian Artificial Intelligence Conference (AI 2002), Springer Verlag, Calgary, AB, June, 2002, pp. 334-338.

69. Hamilton, H.J. and Findlater, L.,
``Looking Backward, Forward, and All Around: Temporal, Spatial, and Spatio-Temporal Data Mining.'' In Proceedings Fifteenth International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS 2002), AAAI Press, Key West, FL, May, 2002, pp. 481-485. Invited paper.

68. Findlater, L., and Hamilton, H.J.
``An Empirical Comparison of Methods for Iceberg-CUBE Construction,'' In Proceedings Fourteenth International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS 2001), AAAI Press, Key West, FL, May, 2001, pp. 244-248.

67. Hamilton, H.J., Wang, X., and Yao., Y.
``WebAdaptor: Designing Adaptive Web Sites Using Data Mining Techniques,'' In Proceedings Fourteenth International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS 2001), AAAI Press, Key West, FL, May, 2001, pp. 128-132.

66. Hilderman, R.J. and Hamilton, H.J.
``Evaluation of Interestingness Measures for Ranking Discovered Knowledge,'' In Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD-01), Hong Kong, Springer Verlag, April, 2001, pp. 247-259.

65. Karimi, K., and Hamilton, H.J.
``Learning with C4.5 in a Situation Calculus Domain.'' In Twentieth SGES International Conference on Knowledge Based Systems and Applied Artificial Intelligence (ES 2000), Cambridge, UK, December, 2000, pp. 73-85.

64. Karimi, K., and Hamilton, H.J.
``Logical Decision Rules: Teaching C4.5 to Speak Prolog." In Second International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning (IDEAL 2000) , Hong Kong, December, 2000. pp. 85-90.

63. Hilderman, R.J., and Hamilton, H.J.
``Principles for Mining Summaries Using Objective Measures of Interestingness.'' In IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI-2000) , Vancouver, BC, IEEE, November, 2000, pp. 72-81.

62. Kram, B., Hall, J., and Hamilton, H.J.
``Support Based Measures Applied to Ice Hockey Scoring Summaries'' In IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI-2000) , Vancouver, BC, IEEE, November, 2000, pp. 352-356.

61. Barber, D.B. and Hamilton, H.J.
``Parametric Algorithms for Mining Share-Frequent Itemsets'' In International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS'00) , Charlotte, NC, Springer Verlag, October, 2000, pp. 562-572.

60. Karimi, K. and Hamilton, H.J.
``Finding Temporal Relations: Causal Bayesian Networks versus C4.5'' In International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS'00) , Charlotte, NC, Springer Verlag, October, 2000, pp. 266-273.

59. Karimi, K., Johnson, J.A., and Hamilton, H.J.
``A Proposal for Including Behavior in the Process of Object Similarity Assessment with Examples from Artificial Life'' In Second International Conference on Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing (RSCTC'2000), Banff, Canada, Springer Verlag, September, 2000, pp. 603-607.

58. Barber, D.B. and Hamilton, H.J.
``Algorithms for Mining Share Frequent Itemsets Containing Infrequent Subsets.'' In Fourth European Symposium on Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (PKDD-2000), Lyon, France, Springer Verlag, September, 2000, pp. 316-324.

57. Hilderman, R.J. and Hamilton, H.J.
``Applying Objective Interestingness Measures in Data Mining Systems.'' In Fourth European Symposium on Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (PKDD-2000), Lyon, France, Springer Verlag, September, 2000, pp. 432-439.

56. Karimi, K., Hamilton, H.J., and Goodwin, S.D.
``Divide and (Iteratively) Conquer!'' In 2000 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IC-AI'2000) Proceedings, Las Vegas, Nevada, June, 2000, pp. 595-601.

55. Xiang, Y., Hu, J., Cercone, N. and Hamilton, H.J.
``Learning Pseudo-Independent Models: Analytical and Experimental Results." In H.J. Hamilton (ed.), Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 13th Biennial Conference of the Canadian AI Society for the Computational Studies of Intelligence (AI'2000) Proceedings, Montreal, Springer Verlag, May, 2000, pp. 227-239.

54. Hilderman, R.J., and Hamilton, H.J.
``Heuristic Measures of Interestingness.'' In Third European Symposium on Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (PKDD'99), Prague, Czech Republic, Springer Verlag, September, 1999, 232-241.

53. Zhang, J., Hamilton, H.J., and Cercone, N.
``Learning English Grapheme Segmentation Using the Iterated Version Space Algorithm.'' International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS'99) , Warsaw, Poland, Springer Verlag, June, 1999, 420-429.

52. Hamilton, H.J., and Randall, D.J.
``Heuristic Selection of Aggregated Temporal Data for Knowledge Discovery,'' Twelfth International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems (IEA/AIE-99) , Cairo, Egypt, Springer Verlag, June, 1999, 714-723.

51. Hilderman, R.J., Hamilton, H.J., and Barber, D.B.
``Ranking the Interestingness of Summaries from Data Mining Systems.'' In Proceedings of the Twelfth International Florida AI Research Society Conference (FLAIRS'99), Orlando, FL, May, 1999, pp. 100-106. Best Paper award: Second place

50. Hilderman, R.J., and Hamilton, H.J.
``Heuristics for Ranking the Interestingness of Discovered Knowledge.'' In Third Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD-99), Beijing, China, Springer Verlag, Springer, April, 1999, pp. 204-209.

49. Hamilton, H.J., Hilderman, R.J., Li, Liangchun, and Randall, D.J.
``Generalization Lattices.'' In Second European Symposium on Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (PKDD'98), Nantes, France, Springer Verlag, September, 1998, pp. 328-336.

48. Zhang, J., and Hamilton, H.J.
``Learning English Syllabification Rules.'' In R.E. Mercer and E. Neufeld, Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 12th Biennial Conference of the Canadian AI Society for the Computational Studies of Intelligence (AI'98) Proceedings, Vancouver, BC, Springer Verlag, June, 1998, pp. 246-258.

47. Randall, D.J., Hamilton, H.J., and Hilderman, R.J.
``Generalization for Calendar Attributes Using Domain Generalization Graphs,'' Fifth International Workshop on Temporal Representation and Reasoning (TIME'98), Sanibel Island, FL, IEEE CS Press, May, 1998, pp. 177-184.

46. Randall, D.J., Hamilton, H.J., and Hilderman, R.J.
``A Technique for Generalizing Temporal Durations in Relational Databases,'' Eleventh International FLAIRS Conference (FLAIRS-98), Sanibel Island, FL, AAAI Press, May, 1998, pp. 193-197. Best Paper award.

45. Gonzalez, A.J., Daroszewski, S., and Hamilton, H.J.
``Determining the Incremental Worth of Members of an Aggregate Set Through Difference-Based Induction.'' Eleventh International FLAIRS Conference (FLAIRS-98), Sanibel Island, FL, AAAI Press, May, 1998, pp. 245-249.

44. Hilderman, R.J., Carter, C.L., Hamilton, H.J., and Cercone, N.J.
``Mining Market Basket Data Using Share Measures and Characterized Itemsets.'' Second Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD-98), Melbourne, Australia, Springer Verlag, April, 1998, pp. 159-173.

43. Hamilton, H.J., Shan, N., and Ziarko, W.
``Machine Learning of Credible Classifications.'' in A. Sattar (ed.), Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence, Tenth Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI'97) , Perth, Australia, Springer Verlag, November/December, 1997, pp. 330-339.

42. Hilderman, R.J., Li, L., and Hamilton, H.J.
``Data Visualization in the DB-Discover System.'' International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI'97), Newport Beach, CA, November, 1997, pp. 474-477.

41. Zhang, J., and Hamilton, H.J.
``Learning English Syllabification for Words.'' International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS'97) , Charlotte, NC, Springer Verlag, October, 1997, pp. 177-186.

40. Barber, D.B., and Hamilton, H.J.
``A Comparison of Attribute Selection Strategies for Attribute-Oriented Generalization.'' International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS'97) , Charlotte, NC, Springer, October, 1997, pp. 106-116.

39. Zhang, J., and Hamilton, H.J.
``Learning English Pronunciation Rules: A Machine Learning Approach.'' Workshop on Thought and Language, IEICE Japan, Iizuka, Kyushu, Japan, September, 1997, pp. 104-115.

38. Zhang, J., Hamilton, H.J., and Galloway, B.
``English Graphemes and their Corresponding Sound Units.'' Pacific Linguistics Conference (PACLING '97), Ohme, Japan, September, 1997, pp. 351-362.

37. Hilderman, R.J., and Hamilton, H.J.
``A Formalized Methodology for Constructing Safe Multiphase Protocols.'' 1997 IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers, and Signal Processing (PACRIM'97), Victoria, BC, August, 1997, pp. 924-929.

36. Carter, C.L., Hamilton, H.J., and Cercone, N.
``Share Based Measures for Itemsets.'' In Komorowski, J. and Zytkow, J. (eds.), Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery: First European Symposium, Proceedings (PKDD'97), Trondheim, Norway, June, 1997, pp. 14-24.

35. Hilderman, R.J., Hamilton, H.J., Kowalchuk, R., and Cercone, N.
``Parallel Knowledge Discovery Using Domain Generalization Graphs.'' In Komorowski, J. and Zytkow, J. (eds.), Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery: First European Symposium, Proceedings (PKDD'97), Trondheim, Norway, June, 1997, pp. 25-35.

34. Zhang, J., and Hamilton, H.J.
``Learning English Pronunciation Rules: A Comparison of IVSA and C4.5.'' In Proceedings of the Tenth Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Symposium (FLAIRS-97), Daytona, FL, May, 1997, pp. 427-431.

33. Hamilton, H.J., and Li, L.
``Version Space Sets for Disjunctive Concept Learning.'' In Proceedings of the Tenth Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Symposium (FLAIRS-97), Daytona, FL, May, 1997, pp. 422-426.

32. Shan, N., Hamilton, H.J., and Cercone, N.
``Inducing and Using Decision Rules in the GRG Knowledge Discovery System.'' In van Someren, M. and Widmer, G. (eds.), Machine Learning: ECML-97, 9th European Conference on Machine Learning, Prague, Czech Republic, April, 1997. pp. 234-241.

31. Shan, N., Hamilton, H.J., and Cercone, N.
``Learning Stronger Rules with RIAC System.'' In Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Rough Sets and Soft Computing (RSSC'97), Research Triangle Park, NC, March, 1997. pp. 348-349.

30. Shan, N., Hamilton, H.J., Ziarko, W. and Cercone, N.
``Discretization of Continuous Valued Attributes in Attribute-Value Systems.'' In Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, and Machine Discovery (RFSD'96), Toyko, Japan, November, 1996, pp. 74-81.

29. Hamilton, H.J., Hilderman, R.J., and Cercone, N.
``Attribute-Oriented Induction Using Domain Generalization Graphs.'' In Proceedings of the Eighth IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI'96), Toulouse, France, November 1996, pp. 246-253.

28. Shan, N., Ziarko, W., Hamilton, H.J., and Cercone, N.
``Discovering Classification Knowledge in Databases Using Rough Sets.'' In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining (KDD-96), Portland, OR, August, 1996, pp. 271-274.

27. Zhang, J., and Hamilton, H.J.
``The LEP Learning System.'' In International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Industrial Applications (NLP+IA'96), Moncton, NB, June, 1996, pp. 293-297.

26. Shan, N., Hamilton, H.J., and Cercone, N.
``Induction of Classification Rules from Imperfect Data.'' In Foundations of Intelligent Systems (ISMIS'96) , Zakopane, Poland, Springer, June, 1996, pp. 118-127.

25. Barber, D.B., and Hamilton, H.J.
``Attribute Selection Strategies for Attribute-Oriented Generalization.'' In Proceedings of the Canadian AI Conference (AI'96), Montreal, Springer, May, 1996, pp. 429-441.

24. Carter, C.L., Hall, G.W., and Hamilton, H.J.
``Sharing Domain Knowledge Through Derived Concept Hierarchies.'' In Proceedings of the Ninth Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Symposium (FLAIRS'96), Key West, FL, May, 1996, pp. 214-218.

23. Hamilton, H.J., and Zhang, J.
``The Iterated Version Space Algorithm.'' In Proceedings of the Ninth Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Symposium (FLAIRS'96), Key West, FL, May, 1996, pp. 209-213.

22. Pang, W., Hamilton, H.J., Hilderman, R.J., and Goodwin, S.D.
``Data Mining with Concept Generalization Graphs.'' In Proceedings of the Ninth Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Symposium (FLAIRS'96), Key West, FL, May, 1996, pp. 390-394.

21. Shan, N., Hamilton, H.J., and Cercone, N.
``Learning Decision Rules in Parallel.'' In Proceedings of the Ninth Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Symposium (FLAIRS'96), Key West, FL, May, 1996, pp. 156-160.

20. Hilderman, R.J., and Hamilton, H.J.
``Analysis of a Dynamic Voting Algorithm Based on Regeneration with Virtual Copies.'' In Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE International Phoenix Conference on Computers and Communications, Phoenix, AZ, March, 1996, pp. 385-391.

19. Kowalchuk, R., and Hamilton, H.J.
`` vnews : A Multicast, Multimedia News Service with Virtual Messages.'' In Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE International Phoenix Conference on Computers and Communications, Phoenix, AZ, March, 1996, pp. 44-50.

18. Shan, N., Hamilton, H.J., and Cercone, N.
``GRG: Knowledge Discovery Using Information Generalization, Information Reduction, and Rule Generation.'' In Proceedings of the Seventh IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI'95), Washington, DC, November, 1995, pp. 372-379.

17. Carter, C.L., and Hamilton, H.J.
``Performance Evaluation of Attribute-Oriented Algorithms for Knowledge Discovery from Databases.'' In Proceedings of the Seventh IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI'95), Washington, DC, November, 1995, pp. 486-489.

16. Hilderman, R.J., and Hamilton, H.J.
``Performance Analysis of a Regeneration-Based Dynamic Voting Algorithm.'' In Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, Bad Neuenahr, Germany, September, 1995, pp. 196-205.

15. Shan, N., Ziarko, W., Hamilton, H.J., and Cercone, N.
``Using Rough Sets as Tools for Knowledge Discovery.'' In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD-95), Montreal, Canada, August, 1995, pp. 263-268.

14. Shan, N., Zhang, C.N., Hamilton, H.J., and Cercone, N.
``Minimizing the Rules of a Fuzzy Logic System By Using Rough Sets.'' In Proceedings of the Pacific-Asian Conference on Expert Systems, Huangshan, China, May, 1995, pp. 198-204.

13. Carter, C.L., and Hamilton, H.J.
``Fast, Incremental Generalization and Regeneralization for Knowledge Discovery from Databases.'' In Proceedings of the Eighth Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Symposium (FLAIRS-95), Melbourne, FL, April, 1995, pp. 319-323.

12. Hadjimichael, M., Hamilton, H.J. and Cercone, N.J.
``Extracting Concept Hierarchies from Relational Databases.'' In Proceedings of the Eighth Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Symposium (FLAIRS-95), Melbourne, FL, April, 1995, pp. 314-318.

11. Hilderman, R.J., and Hamilton, H.J.
``Distributed Application Entity Groups: Analysis and Simulation Results.'' In Proceedings of the 1995 IEEE International Phoenix Conference on Computers and Communications, Phoenix, AZ, March, 1995, pp. 697-703.

10. Hamilton, H.J., and Zhang, J.
``Learning Pronunciation Rules for English Graphemes using the Version Space Algorithm.'' In Proceedings of the Seventh Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Symposium (FLAIRS-94), Pensacola, FL, May 1994, pp. 76-80.

9. Goodwin, S.D., Hamilton, H.J., Neufeld, E., Sattar, A., and Trudel, A.
``Belief Revision in a Discrete Temporal Probability-Logic,'' Proceedings of the 93 Workshop on Belief Revision: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice, AI'93, 1993 Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Melbourne, Australia, November 1993, pp. 103-112. Also appeared in FLAIRS-94, pp. 334-341.

8. Fudger, D.F., and Hamilton, H.J.
``Heuristic Evaluation of Databases for Knowledge Discovery with DBLEARN,'' RSKD'93: International Workshop on Rough Sets and Knowledge Discovery, Banff, Canada, October, 1993, pp. 29-39. Preliminary version of book chapter.

7. Goodwin, S.D., and Hamilton, H.J.
``An Inheritance Mechanism for Default Reasoning that Learns,'' International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Monterrey, Mexico, September, 1993, pp. 234-239.

6. Goodwin, S.D., and Hamilton, H.J.
``Q-SIS: A Qualitative Statistical Inheritance System,'' Proceedings of the Sixth Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Symposium (FLAIRS-93), Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, April, 1993, pp. 17-21.

5. Hamilton, H.J., and Dyck, J.M.
``IIPS: A Framework for Specifying Inductive-Inference Problems,'' in W.W. Koczkodaj, P.E. Lauer, and A.A. Toptsis, editors, Computing and Information, ICCI'92, IEEE, Toronto, May, 1992, pp. 240-243. Preliminary, short version of journal paper.

4. Hamilton, H.J., and Dyck, J.M.
``Using the IIPS Framework to Specify Machine-Discovery Problems,'' in Proceedings ICCI '92 Fourth International Conference on Computing and Information. IEEE Computer Society Press, Toronto, May, 1992, pp. 266-269.

3. Hamilton, H.J.
``A Knowledge-Based Approach to Choosing Hashing Functions,'' in Proceedings of Fifth Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Symposium (FLAIRS-92), Ft. Lauderdale, FL, April 1992, pp. 287-290.

2. Dyck, J.M., and Hamilton, H.J.
``Using Subgoal Ordering to Generate Programming Environment Routines,'' in Proc. of the Fourth International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence: Applications in Informatics, ITESM (Monterrey) and International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence, Cancun, Mexico, November, 1991, pp. 543-549; also in Graduate Review, Centre for Systems Science, Simon Fraser University, November, 1991, pp. 122-134.

1. Hamilton, H.J.
``DATAX: A Framework for Searching for Regularity in Data,'' in CSCSI-90: Proceedings of the Eighth Biennial Conference of the Canadian Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence, Ottawa, May, 1990, pp. 196-203.

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