Summary of Meeting 16

  • DHH: how's everyone doing today. Okay. can't complain too much. Good to spend the afternoon with you. questions or concerns about. Anything course related. Oh, get the project stuff set up. or. go through that tomorrow with the marker. And then the second assignment should be back sometime next week. And then we'll talk a bit more about sound today. let's see you first do the attendance. Oh, I didn't share my screen yet so. Pictures I posted the other day last after last day. So here's my window. which I look through to see the snowflakes you can see, this still maybe it's slowly. it's not quite. clearly visible that you can still see there's a screen there. So here's the zoom in a little bit. reflection of the room lights. So, because it's a if we think about this as an image. creech Square and the screen in the screen grid. Then we're going to want to pick a single value to represent. what's visible through through that screen. Through that screen grid cell. So sometimes it's easier to do because there's a single. single color there, but other times it's not. Not a single value, and then we have to choose and that's where we. The sampling is. Not fine enough. We don't have enough resolution of the sampling, then we won't be able to reconstruct. The underlying phenomenon. accurately. picture is a preview of the one I took on my iPhone it's a high efficiency image. See I can't see stands for. But, so this is a smaller. preview. So the three sampling. And there is what gets shown on the and the preview is these. artifacts. That are invisible and I resolution image. And they're called more more a patterns. about the alignment of. The screen grid. With the creation. preview image. In the original. The original. cram more. kind of hit more information into smaller space. And so it's hit and Miss whether what. device we get. presented and sort of the. idea here is that we see that, because the screen isn't perpendicular to the. This isn't aligned with the image script that. We see. A little bit here.
  • ???: anyway.
  • DHH: So here's another version of that So this is the jpeg. version that got posted to the website. looked at. pick. Try to pick a particular. screen. This is the boundary of the screen grid. We can see. So. Imagine. When the original image, the screen. So each each opening in the screen and that screen grid. would be a place to sample and so you would pick. One choice of color based on the information we have here. That makes sense. So the spatial resolution is the. Is the number of samples are going to take an image. And the samples are. Each samples associated of the pixel. And if you want to preserve the. mapping of the original phenomenon to the image, then. The samples will be taken equal distantly. And x&y so. pixels will. Be Square. The square shape. pixels and cells are samples of the underlying phenomena. are going to take the intensity. In grayscale or our. Full color red green and blue. So, to be intensity and Gray, or in value or enter a. code red green and blue. So traditionally that's been. custom colors 24 bit color so we take a. Look at it get a reading of intensity for red green and blue. So we could add more. To the. sample surette greenham frizzy intensity sample for is green and blue. So you might have a to take 12 or. that's that's the idea. of how we associate the samples. two words that i've used before in class. precision, we have to store.
  • ???: Each.
  • DHH: How much precision with which we still can story sample. I think I never blanks. Anyway, so it's approximately the right number of blanks. Thanks for taking quantization. So that's. that's the bit depth as another way to say. This. Free sample. aliasing. And more a pattern is an effective aliasing is a. symptom of aliasing. We don't have enough samples. And enough precision about the samples to. to reconstruct the. The underlying phenomenon. try and draw again. Give me a second year. Better. Standards sampling quantization for sounds like there's some standards we know about.
  • ???: hey.
  • S02: hello!
  • S03: hello
  • S04: Hello!
  • S05: Good afternoon!
  • S02: good how about yourself?
  • S03: good
  • S06: Good afternoon sir
  • DHH: Student password
  • S07: 144p, I love it
  • DHH: Q _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  • S08: quantization
  • S07: stimulants?
  • S09: what is the 4th word
  • S09: strategy?
  • S06: yup better
  • S07: oh, thx
  • S06: thanks
  • S05: Most audio samples have something called a sample rate. How many samples are taken in a second.
  • S09: CD sampling rate is 44khz
  • S09: 44100 kHz
  • S07: what would a vinyl record be at?
  • S07: oh I see
  • S09: what's the last word
  • S09: thank you
  • S09: You have to sample at 2x of the highest frequency to prevent loss of information
  • S10: I guess you forget to give us the attendance password.
  • S11: It was at the start
  • S12: Yes ir was at the start
  • S10: I joined at 1.06
  • DHH:
  • S08: When you start screen sharing and that box pops up where you select what screens you want to share, there is a check-box at the bottom where you can select 'share desktop audio'
  • S09: we can hear it now
  • S07: doorbell should go opera singing...
  • S06: la la la!!!!!!!!!!
  • S02: have a good day!
  • S05: Have a good weekend!
  • S07: see you!
  • S09: see u
  • S06: bye