Outline for Today
Social Context
Response to Responses
I did not intend to say that human intelligence was a risk, rather it is at-risk
- reason for class cancellation on Tuesday
- assignment update
- Koans (from Blown to Bits) “seven truths about bits, called koans because they are paradoxes, like the Zen verbal puzzles that provoke meditation and enlightenment. These koans are oversimplifications and overgeneralizations. They describe a world that is developing but hasn’t yet fully emerged. But even today they are truer than we often realize. These themes will echo through our tales of the digital explosion.”:
- It’s All Just Bits
- Perfection Is Normal
- There Is Want in the Midst of Plenty
- Processing Is Power
- More of the Same Can Be a Whole New Thing
- Nothing Goes Away
- Bits Move Faster Than Thought
- Social Context CS2023: “Computers, the internet, and artificial intelligence, perhaps more than any other technologies, have transformed society over the past several decades, with dramatic increases in human productivity; an explosion of options for news, entertainment, and communication; and fundamental breakthroughs in almost every branch of science and engineering. It is also imperative to recognize that this is not a oneway street. Society also affects computing, resulting in a complex socio-technical context that is constantly changing, requiring the perspective of history to put the present, as well as possible futures, into appropriate perspective. Social Context provides the foundation for all other knowledge units in SEP (Society, Ethics and Professionalism), particularly Professional Ethics.”
- Topics:
- Social implications (e.g. political and cultural ideologies) in a hyper-networked world where the capabilities and impact of social media, artificial intelligence and computing in general are rapidly evolving
- Impact of computing applications (e.g. social media, artificial intelligence applications) on individual well-being, and safety of all kinds (e.g., physical, emotional,economic)
- Consequences of involving computing technologies, particularly artificial intelligence, biometric technologies and algorithmic decision-making systems, in civic life (e.g., facial recognition technology, biometric tags, resource distribution algorithms, policing software)
- How deficits in diversity and accessibility in computing affect society and what steps can be taken to improve diversity and accessibility in computing
- Growth and control of the internet, computing, and artificial intelligence
- Often referred to as the digital divide, differences in access to digital technology resources and its resulting ramifications for gender, class, ethnicity, geography, and/or underdeveloped countries
- Accessibility issues, including legal requirements and dark patterns
- Context-aware computing
- Illustrative Learning Outcomes:
- Describe different ways that computer technology (networks, mobile computing, cloud computing) mediates social interaction at the personal and social group level.
- Identify developers’ assumptions and values embedded in hardware and software design, especially as they pertain to usability for diverse populations including under-represented populations and the disabled.
- Interpret the social context of a given design and its implementation.
- Evaluate the efficacy of a given design and implementation using empirical data.
- Articulate the implications of social media use for different identities cultures, and communities.
- Explain the internet’s role in facilitating communication between citizens, governments, and each other.
- Analyze the effects of reliance on computing in the implementation of democracy (e.g., delivery of social services, electronic voting).
- Describe the impact of the under-representation of people from historically minoritized populations in the computing profession (e.g., industry culture, product diversity).
- Explain the implications of context awareness in ubiquitous computing systems.
- Explain how access to the internet and computing technologies affect different societies.
- Discuss why/how internet access can be viewed as a human right.
For Next Meeting
Link to the UR Courses wiki page for this meeting
Audio Transcript
Okay, so the otter app
wants me to upgrade and then
after I agreed to do the 14 day
trial it said I need to switch
browsers from well, I am using
Safari browser so I don't know
what the problem was. Anyway,
I've resorted to doing a voice
memo for today so it'll just be
another step along the way to
convert to get the transcript
out of it
so how's everyone today
I apologize for missing meeting
on Tuesday. I want to let you
know what happened my mom passed
away on Monday morning so she
was 1050 of the short of her
93rd birthday so we knew it was
coming so anyway thank you for
your understanding
this video
I think it's working
so this is on the website
so the quiz work okay all right
there seems to be something
about full screen mode with HDMI
causes problems excuse me
so, I just wanted to show you a
little bit on the website
so, I don't see a way to get
back to the course to get
settled work. Anyway, so I've
updated the links here. So we
have you our courses student
guide if you have any questions
about using your courses, the
academic integrity hub, the
Student Wellness Center and they
have your nostril forums where I
can send postings to you and you
can go Read the only you can
reply to that. Then I have a
link to my webpage for the class
which is this one link to the
syllabus. Today's schedule is
that teaching slash today your L
zoom lead from a zoom office
and then class discussions and
course email
so that's, that's the new, new
and improved general section of
the course on your courses
versus Yeah, so the URL course
is email which I'm going to
commit to that I apologize for
having nine unread emails. I
will get to them today
so my dad used to say if you
can't beat them, join them. So
that's my feeling about your
courses email. I can't get rid
of it. So I'm going to embrace
it this semester. And so I would
prefer that everybody uses your
courses email to get in touch
with me about class stuff
so I've updated my office hours
information here
so we can see the office and the
office link that gets you to the
Zoom office. So he can come and
see me in person or via zoom.
And if for some reason I don't
have the Zoom meeting started
suddenly and you are courses
email and told me to smarten up.
So I'll run the Zoom between one
and four on Mondays and
Wednesdays that seem okay.
So I'll in my response to
responses, I would like to give
more, a more detailed response
than I have there. But there was
one comment that stuck out when
I wrote on the board last day
about risks and rewards. And I
put human intelligence in the
category of risk and somebody
wrote that they couldn't believe
that human intelligence is
regress. And that's not what I
intended to say. I meant to say
that human intelligence was at
thinks human intelligence exists
at risk
and who doesn't want to put
their hand in class?
As an acquired taste, my sense
of humor. So I want to make that
clear. I don't know. Not trying
to diminish humans in this
equation I am. I think we need
to work harder to empower them,
augment them. Give them more
power and not less. So the other
thing about response and
response This was there's a lot
of mention of risks and rewards
I don't want you to think that
every day you need to use risks
and rewards in your responses
it's in the title of the class
so that's not unreasonable to
mention that from time to time
but just talking about risks and
rewards isn't enough to be
considered a thoughtful response
so make sense
so I promised on for Tuesday
that I'd have information of the
I'm still working on some
details but I can tell you there
will be two assignments and I'll
have them out before Tuesday and
then we can discuss them as
so in the balloon to bits so I
want to talk about social
context today
and then I want us to get it by
us I need you to get into groups
of around eight or so and have a
discussion so you can follow as
you move around get into the
groups that you're comfortable
with. And then you if you really
like the group percent solely
this semester for us discussions
then wiki is when you make some
comments about once your your
process and the names of people
who are in your group and all
also class work groups based on
that if you're just happy to
talk was never
you don't have to worry at all
he gets into a group and then we
can we'll use that from time to
time as we discussed assassins
in small groups don't seem okay
Okay, so in the lone lone
Tibet's book chapter one that I
asked you to read the other day.
So the authors present some
cones and there I call them
cones because they're paradoxes.
Like Zen verbal puzzles that
provoke meditation and
enlightenment. These cones are
or simplifications and over
generalizations. They describe a
world that is developing but
hasn't fully emerged. But even
today, they're truer than we
often realize. These seams will
go through our Caleb will echo
through our tales of the digital
so is your Commodore here
So this is a test of my
handwriting legibility as I
transcribe these two
there is one that's plenty.
So how did I do with my writing
can see it what physician who
said that in the room I'm just
curious how far back you are can
you see
until one point you're gonna see
what number in the back or in
the front maybe number five
so maybe I should not read below
Can everybody see the first four
items on the list? Okay, next
question. Can you read them okay
and if there's a word that this
doesn't allow me to be
understood you concern the ask
and I'll try and fix it up so
it's more legible
Why don't we do the group thing
So what I'd like to discuss in
groups is you can pick one of
these seven cones
or maybe more than one but talk
about your group. What they
mean? Have some examples.
Questions about this? Okay Does
that make sense okay
so I'm looking for about eight
people I don't know how many
people are in fifth day not at
capacity but still a good crowd
so maybe on the sides of the
world or half the room you want
to try and try and get involved
in a more natural science class
you right up You? You Are you
Morning right Right You Right
day right Right Right You don't
need to make my make
someone I
want to say somebody's using Wi
Fi has something to do with
whether it's a collaborative
thing trying to give you a space
to grow sculptures bags This is
for business
initial class okay
yeah so the group I decided
today to go with it we'll have
same for this one
that this meeting
can be changed before and after
today's discussion
this is for an expert standing
and what is the deadline to add
okay so, how are you doctor
happening today?
Okay. Okay, so we are just
wondering like we are six people
right now and two of my friends
I didn't come because we are not
fitting back. So can we able to
edit in assignments as well.
So it's not
designed for assignments or for
a group for thoughts,
discussions and so on. Okay, so
we have six that you had two
more people who weren't here
just to their naming the meet up
Yeah. Yeah, just because you
right, so your email address? I
don't use it.
We can make it the same no
matter what if it doesn't
represent or something like
For this reason, I did write an
essay or maybe to just discuss
No, you won't have a beautiful
day on the side. Okay. So we'll
think about assignments.
Yeah, and assignments, is it
mandatory to do it
I may offer an option that you
want to do, but I'm not sure.
So for now, just think of it as
being individual science. Okay.
Okay. Okay. Thank you. Thank
you, Robin.
16 But if you make a different
hat, that's okay.
I just have a question. Sorry.
Okay. So we're just a piece on
how to proceed. In our
you ready
all the time user who doesn't
have a proper doctor he recently
did this one thing that I don't
understand at all thank you so
much okay
don't worry about political
don't worry about
it let's get to it
talk about it okay can we get
together again no
testing testing
okay judging by the amount of
talk talking in the room it
good to hear
so let me let me just talk about
the groups of about eight so I
want you to go to the wiki pedia
not part of another wiki PDF
that's another kettle of worms
kettle of fish I guess
so, just to review the wiki is
under the reading section click
on meetings wiki and then
there's a page for each meeting
the wrong one
Okay so when you get to the page
like this then from the drop
down menu here is a view by
default so you want to edit
somebody's editing right now
we want the person can edit our
time it seems yeah
okay more
than I thought okay let me just
continue talking about what I'd
like to do on the wiki page so
so one thing to do if you if you
run into situations like this
that you even post something but
it's locked in you can use
Notepad word vi guys it's
UFCU and it's cold again anyway
or VS code or whatever you feel
like to create the text and then
you can when it's available you
can paste it into the wiki so
bit better idea to use like a
discussion forum layout for this
because if there's like 100
people in here it might take
until like next Tuesday with all
the groups in place
opposed to so
guys let's keep this idea for
as usual
there is a comments section
instead of edits there's a drop
down menu that says comments
would that work?
That wouldn't be visible. But
let's let's check it out
does anyone still do emoticons
like this? And how many people
put a nose in I read somewhere
that that's a sign of
personality qualities. So
that was two years ago anyway
so here's my comment
okay so we have enough
so it doesn't show up on the
page but we can go to the
comments page so like on wiki
pedia there's a talk section
that doesn't normally show up
but you can go to it
so let me see so the comments
will work
but they won't be visible
floor once you're on the phone
know what I was
to see
You this
video you so let's see what else
this is what I'm suggesting you
indicated some new group by
making a group heading I'll put
it I'll fill in numbers or
something later and then add
your summary and then listen to
you Regina ideas of group
members you'd like to keep
together so if you have eight or
nine or seven people who you
think would be fine to talk with
over the semester put their you
Regina IDs so my email my ideas
have been given. So you can send
you can send an email I think we
added a giant.ca So you're
looking for the part from your
your giant and let's see email
addresses that come before the
outside. We can find you easily
in your courses using that
information. So I don't need
full names and I don't need
student numbers first concern so
you should be a little wary of
sharing student numbers too
widely that's an important piece
of information for you to keep
private anyway so based on this
then after Tuesday's class we'll
get the group set up on your
courses so you'll have a smaller
group to communicate with about
the class have discussions with
and so on that seem okay
right right what's up
right after class let's get into
some other stuff
What's up
You right a Good
Day You Right guys okay
flow testing can we get back to
our whole class please 10
minutes laughter
thank you
I know you'd like to continue
discussing course material for
longer but okay so
group discussions were positive
so we'll try out the wiki this
week see on third Tuesday oh it
goes so maybe we'll set up Okay,
can I have your attention
Yeah. So what did submit the
comment is that one per group
like one comment center or do we
all do it
you can do less than one salary
so in other words you use the
commenting feature because
that's going to be so sorry I
turned the screen off
Okay, so every time I type
something on the computer
doesn't mean the you have to
start talking again. I'll let
you know when I appreciate the
conversations going on.
But it just takes so much more
time to get us back to focus.
Anyway, so here's the view. I
added this information about
putting a group heading add your
group summary here this the
rejoin IDs of group members
you'd like to keep together so
as an example is my
what I'd like you to indicate
for your group members so there
is a view let's see if there I
mean comments have been added
so you can make comments on the
comment page, but don't put the
stuff for them asking you to do
with your group discussions. Do
that as an edit to the main page
okay, So, we may in the future
do it so that it's on the
discussion page I may also blog
in the class
Okay, so, what are some things
you can recount your discussions
I would like to share some
thoughts from the discussion
who was 100% on topic for your
discussions with yours was there
a session
we discussed the third okay. We
discussed about how for example,
as technology advances when you
have better technology more
access to information you can
connect to people we lose out on
things like like fundamental
privileges like security
privacy. So, even though we have
so much like you know like all
of this knowledge on this
connection we still lose out on
that piece integral needs portal
once and you got to come
we did we did number four which
is processing power we ended off
with the ability to process
information and the ability to
index and just search so, you
can find the end
anyone else yeah.
Number one a small just on our
main topic is the fact that it
is in the process zeros and ones
the creativity and the powers of
engineers into the scientists
so, what we currently have this
technology and how that either
creates such a big reward this
human intelligence as a city or
it has that can also be
So, binary single so there is a
binary digit so it has to be the
real one and that's why we need
two digits to represent anything
above two or more the two or
more binary digits represent
anything above this one that's
why this is a computer science
say when seen that joke before
what's what's the distinction?
How would you describe these one
zero kinds of people binary
right look It's like 10 no
reviews nice to see I have a car
trip I'll bring next day
illustrate that not really
perhaps yeah so it's all just
this so this zeros and ones
represent a vast amount of sales
alternatives so
RGB colors dating systems
virtual events well I was
always finding ways to express
everything here is zeros
so it's just a matter of knowing
how to interpret
anyway okay so we started touch
on those so I have a live stream
What important concept or perspective did you encounter today?
- I was introduced to Koans in today's class.
- how to identify the risk and reward on different concept.
- About making groups
- powe have learn about 7 types of kaons today from blown to bits. we have discussed about the topics in group of 8 people.
- Today I encountered social context and breif discussion on koans. Also got to know that from now on we will be using wiki comment section for group discussion posts on koans
- The theme for today's class was social context. We talked about the 7 truths about bits known as koans and then got into smaller groups to further discuss a koan or two in depth. We discussed the 6th koan, which was "nothing goes away". This concept was interesting to talk about in depth because it gave me the realization that once your information is fed into a database, it never goes away.
- We went over the Koans and made group discussion to understand and write something in the meetings wiki
- Today we selected group member for our group project.
- It was interesting hearing the perspective of the group who talked about how machines take 0s and 1s but the engineers/developers use their creativity to turn this into so many other things
- Form a group and choose subs
- koans paradox
- I was intrigued at how much technology revolves around processing power. Our group discussions lead us to conclude that almost everything in electronic systems can be made more or less efficient due to the processing power of it's parts. Its also interesting to see despite technological innovation seeming to slow in the public perspective, Mohr's law is actually getting faster in that we are packing 2x the transistors on the same size die in around 18 months, instead of every 2 years now.
- As a group 5 member in learnt the third Koan as state of Greed as people want get enough of the current technology and always wants to stay current.
- Human intelligence is at risk and is not a risk itself
- We talked what was the reason of cancellation of class on Tuesday, about the assignment which will be discussed more next class, and had a group discussion on the topic of the day
- Human Intelligence: NOT a risk: is AT risk. 7 koans: Your computer creates an illusion that contains photographs & letters, but it really just contains a bunch of bits patterned in ways you can't see. Cand networks work differently. Every copy is perfect. The web is growing and has put a lot information online when people need information. They search it up before asking anyone. Computer speed is measured by the number of basic operations performed in a second. Data is kept forever, what you put on the i
- I found Koan 3 interesting. It states that "there is want in the midst of plenty", and I think it is referring to the explosion of information we have in today's digital world. Although we have "more" accessibility to a lot of things, it doesn't necessarily mean we should be satisfied as it could have some drawbacks such as invasion of privacy and becoming imprisoned to our personal filter bubble.
- Seven truths about bits
- While conversing with my group regarding the 6th koan of technology(Nothing Goes Away) someone brought up social media as an example and how personal information can be used by others for the purpose of cyberbullying. This to me is incredibly important because with the internet having millions of users interacting with each other, anyone could have hundreds or thousands of bullies harassing them which, of course, places more severe consequences on one's mental health.
- i enjoyed the discussion on bits
- about the group meeting but class was rather rowdy today.
- During our group discussion, I gained valuable insight into the fourth koan; "processing is power". Processing speed allows individuals or groups to gain traction on their competition by producing large computational results quickly. If an antagonistic group is provided with cutting edge processing speed, the results will likely be catastrophic.
- Discussion about the seven koan between the group member
- Those topics from today’s class for group assignment.
- i encountered my group mates unique viewpoints on the readings we discussed in class
- I got to learn about Koan from the bool blown to bits
- The internet as a human right opened up new ways to look at a lot of issues.
- We discussed the points from the Blown to Bits, and talked about how computers will always be perfect and that making mistakes isn’t something computers can do necessarily.
- I encountered that of each of the seven Koans have many similarities to each other but also a lot of unique arguments for each Koan. And everyone in our group had a different perspective for the Koans we covered.
- The idea with the 6th option. Nothing will ever be erased or disappear and we are all recorded throughout our lives.
- Context aware computing
- The most important concept encountered today was the idea that human intelligence is at risk. With the rapid development of machines, people are relying more on AI to solve their issues, and they are putting less effort into learning to solve their own issues.
- I learnt about the koans used in the book "blown to bit" and our group focuses on koan 6 which talked about nothing Goes away
- That the human intelligence is at risk (not a risk ) due to the crazy development of Artificial intelligence
- I learnt about the book " blown to bit" and the koans used in the book
- Our group topic, koan #4: Processing is Power. While the term "koan" is meant to mean that the idea is not yet fully developed, I think that this particular mantra stands on it's own. The use of processing power is limited only by our imagination with it, given that we have the proper I/O to interface between the physical world and our silicon-built logical one.
- The important concept that I have learned today is how there is wants in a world of plenty. What I understand from this is that there is a lot of information out there, however due to the amount, sometimes there isn’t accurate/ referenced information. If I wanted to learn about current events, I would have to cross reference articles for accuracy. The want in these types of information is accurate and non-misleading information, in a world full of information.
- Encountered the importance of having discussions and how they can open up different viewpoints that I haven’t thought of before. Really helps getting your mind thinking when bouncing ideas off of other people.
- Social context. Discussed about Koans in group discussions.
- From the book "blown to bits" and its 7 truths. How these truths describe a world that has yet to emerge. but as we see today more of these truths are becoming reality
- The important concept or perspective I encountered was the seven truths of bit which is koans
- The different koans that exist in technology
- The idea that we lose our privacy as technology has advanced.
- An important concept I learned was Moore's law which describes that the growth of transistors doubles every two years
- Today, we focused on the 7 Koans in chapter 1 of blown to bits. Mainly, my group focused on the 4th rule/principle which was processing is power. We each had our own perspective on it and something that I noted on is that I agreed that processing is power but I also thought that power is processing.
- I learned about how important group communication is
- That technology could be reduced to just bits
- During the group project we encountered a number of examples of Koan 6: Nothing goes away.
- We discussed about Koans (from Blown to Bits).
- I found it interesting hearing what my groupmates had to share for the “Processing is Power” koan compared to how I interpreted it.
- Today I gained a new perspective of how computers are ran by 0's and 1's, making them unable to do many things. However, the saying "its all just bits" is an oversimplification because humans are able to turn these 0's and 1's into much more than machine code
- We discussed in groups and mine explored the concept of everything just being bits and how the complex world we see through computers is really just an illusion of bits.
- The KOANS, from blown to bits
- Our group discussion. Something that stood out to me was the discussion about how we have lost our fundamental rights to security and privacy.
- We encountered some koans today which we need to discuss in the next meeting, and few things about the groups
- Social implications in a hyper-networked world where the capabilities and impact of social media, artificial intelligence and computing in general are rapidly evolving.
- My new team and the project
- Social context
- Social concept 2023
- I think today's concept provide understanding between technology and society,the ethical consideration. These topics are important to understand.
- As per the understanding in todays lecture was a detailed discussion from the topic given by our professor and had a conversation with new team members. Also, risk and rewards have vital role in many different aspects of formats as per I believe encountered today.
- Internet , artificiale intelligence, social implications
- Today we decided our groups for projects and we learned about Koans, Impact of computing technologies and other stuff.
- Today we got to learn about different koanes in computer systems and in particular we discussed about the processing is Power koan in group.
- Today we discussed the seven Koan's of bits. This came from chapter 1 of the textbook. After reviewing each of the seven koans, we discussed one of the seven koans. My group chose the sixth koan, "nothing goes away". We discussed how once something is on the internet, or any information is given, unless stated the data will never be deleted.
- Political and Cultural idealogies on Social implications (Group assignment discussion)
- I never heard the term "koans". Got to know what koans really means and it was really interesting.
- Learned about Moore's Law and discussed that while it still holds it's plateaued a bit.
- Today we discussed about groups of 8 people to discuss any one of the seven topics of the book blown to bits. Also we covered the reason for class cancellation on 16th January and we discussed more about humar intelligence was risk or is at risk.
- Our group talked about how nothing ever gets deleted from the internet and the implications of that. Users are required to blindly trust companies with their information to access their services.
- Today I learned how much society affects technology and technological advancement. For example, when speaking about exponential growth, people can exponentially explode technology. This leads to constant change within technological fields.
- Social context and how it affects me.
- I learned about bits today. Before i dont had that much information about bits , i only thing i know about bits was that bits are binary digits. But today i learned its uses, how bits works.
- we did a group discussion today.
- Today we discuss 7 topic from book of blown to bits. In that also we discuss about power of processing.
- In our group's discussion today about the koan, It's All Just Bits, it was brought up that our computers are essentially made up of 0s and 1s, it’s the programmers and developers (and programs) that give these 0s and 1s meaning. As well, I was introduced to the Humane Tech philosophy.
- The 7 truth's about a bit
- Social context
- team work, and others thought
- I think differences in access to digital technology resources and its resulting ramifications for gender, class, ethnicity, geography, and underdeveloped countries, this was the topic i felt important today in lecture.
- We got koans today, seven of them, Prof told us to divide into group of 8(7-9) people, we discussed about the paradoxes and then some updates about wiki
- As my group talked about it, an important concept i encountered today was "It’s All Just Bits"
- interaction design
- Koams it’s all just bits
- An important concept I learned today was the kaoms that I discussed throughout my group. Hearing multiple groups members ideas adding to the discussion really opened a new perspective for me.
- The important concept I encountered was the Koan questions from "Blown to Bits" and the discussions I had with my group.
- the discussion I had with my group was the most fruitful in todays class in my opinion because I got to know about their perspective
- Risk taker can achieve anything in their life
- The idea of the implementation of technology and internet in allowing for more democracy, and how communications greaty aids a lot of humanitarian aspects of society.
- Today we made groups and talked about the koans. My group discussed about 6) Nothing Goes Away. In 6), we talked about how everything on the internet leaves digital footprints so where you have been, what you have brought, etc. We also talked about the concept of loyalty rewards from stores where we think they’re giving us discount as loyal customers and making us think it is due to their appreciation , but in reality it's to collect out data and buying patterns
- The world is still developing but it hasn’t fully emerged
- Today I really opened my eyes on how everything is truly just bits and how powerful a bunch of bits can be.
- Today we got into groups and discussed one of the 7 koans of our choosing. Getting into groups to discuss was a lot of fun.
- From the koans given, I had a healthy discussion about the topics with my group
- We did discuss about It’s all just bits and I think it is the most importance thing I learned today.
- The important concept i learn today was about the koans of bits in which it has 7 koan which contains 1:its all just bits,2: Perfection is normal 3:there is want in the midst of plenty,4:Processing Is power,5: More of the same Can Be a Whole New Thing, 6:Nothing goes away,7:Bits move faster than thought. All this koans contains that how we are sounded by bits and how we are using it in daily life and what is the importance of bits and how faster it’s moving.
- The Koans and the importance of group discussions
- Some important topics I came across today were the koams. The second koam about perfection intrigued me because everyone had a different thought when it came to perfection. Nobody is perfect however many individuals argued otherwise.
- Social Implications (Group Assignment discussion)
- In the group discussion we talked about Into just bits and had learned some important concept from our searches
- processing is power and bit move faster than thought and specially group making
- I encountred various topics of seven truths about bits which are called koans.
- Social context. While everything on the internet is essentially glorified 0s and 1s, we give those 0s and 1s real-life meaning, morals, and implications.
- Todays class was very informative and interesting as well.
- I encountered upon a statement known as social context(koans)
- The concept of Koans and the 7 truth of bits and mainly about the 5th truth that a small change can change the whole world.
- Today we discussed the topic that we can cover in group project
- Today’s class was but of fascinating because we discussed about the group making for small project and we had a chance to take with new peoples in the class.
- the ethics of social media tech
- The Koans.
- Today I learnt about 7 topics from the book blown to bits. Which was something new I came around.
- Koans
- The group discussion about different koans.
- about koans.
- 7 different topics which we have to discuss and give summary
- The concept of koans and is human intelligence a risk or not.
- An important concept I learnt today was from reading CH1 of Blown to Bits - Algorithmic Transparency where it is the principle of knowing how a computer makes a decision about us. This is important for us to understand so we know how a computer processes data we give it.
- I have encountered the 7 different concepts of Koons
- Certain socital impacts of technology and about seven fundamental conclusions from text blown into bits
- On one side, when technology grows, it provide benefits. However, it also puts ill effects on privacy.
- The idea of nothing going away on the internet has a very unique perspective to me, because it is known that companies collect data on people and sell the information to other companies. Which further adds to my belief that data will never goes away.
- The Koams, even though I don’t know what it means yet, but I know it will be important later on.
- We discussed processing is power in our group discussion
- Topics provided for summary writing
- Seven truth about bits [from blown to bits], known as koans
- The concepts about the responsibilities we take.
- Social implications in a hyper-networked world where the capabilities and impact of social media, artificial intelligence and computing in general are rapidly evolving.
- Today the professor taught us about social context and we made group of 8 and we were asked to discuss about any one or two points from Koans(there were 7 points).
- I learned about the different koans of bits that can be understood, my group went most in depth into the fourth koan, processing is power.
- Brain storming with ideas along with other team members was a really good concept and it actually helps us grow.
- I learned about my classmate’s perspectives on one of the Koan’s covered in the textbook reading.
- The concept about koans is quite important.How they tell us the seven truths about bits.
- We were divided into groups today, which will be used to discuss things throughout the semester
- An important concept I encountered today was the idea that human intelligence is not a risk, but is rather at risk. This key difference highlights the fact that human intelligence is adaptable, and how we shape this intelligence dictates whether this power can be used for good or for evil.
- The 7 koans all come together to explain the concept in great detail
- Seven truths about bits
- the use of koams in society and tech
- One of the most important concepts I encountered today in group discussions was how there are digital footprints of everything you do and how it is impossible to erase them from the internet.
- Today, the important concept encountered was "koan", a practice used in Zen Buddhism. "Koans" are paradoxical questions or statements designed to challenge one's mind.
- Today we learned about the 7 Koans of bits.
- Today's lecture contained one of the most important lecture regarding technology
- It’s all just bits. All the illusions like pictures are comprised of bits.
- Today I learned about koans also known as seven truth about bits.
Was there anything today that was difficult to understand?
- No, but today's topics made me think differently about using technology.
- no
- What the group assignment is unclear
- everything was understandable from today's class.
- Today's class was all about small updates and breif discussion on assignment-everything was understandable. I am sorry to hear for your loss Dr. Hepting and appreciate you coming in and taking our class.
- Talking about the koans in depth really helped be better understand them, so nothing was difficult to understand today.
- No
- So far everything is clear for me
- Nothing too difficult
- no
- Koan fifth, Bits Move faster than Thoughts i would love to have a break of this Koan.
- I am not able to understand the point "Bits Move Faster Than Thought". How are the bits and thoughts related?
- No
- The content we learned today was straight forward. The onlt thing difficult to understand was the group stuff. did one person have to post from behalf of their whole group or did everyone post for themselves. but this issue got solved later
- The social context of blown to bits
- nope
- nothing
- I had trouble understanding what you were saying in class, it was loud and maybe the mic wasn't working. Also, I'm confused what we will be doing with our groups and how that will be reflected in our grades. Are the assignments for this class to be done in these groups?
- No
- No.
- not particularly difficult but interesting to hear others understandings
- No, everything is perfect for me
- Nothing really
- The fact that there really isnt any way data can be deleted, it is ever going to be present one way or the other
- How different laws will be implemented in the future to regulate ai
- No
- Just don’t understand why we couldn’t have smaller groups.
- No
- Not really
- No, everything was clear.
- not really
- the sixth Koam was a little confusing.
- Not really.
- it was somewhat difficult to understand the negative effects on some of the 7 truths as some are very ambiguous and paradoxical so far at this era in the digital world
- I found some of the truths thats the koans difficult to understand
- Not really, it was just a bit difficult to hear you with all the annoying chit chatting going on
- What you were announcing at the end.
- Something difficult to understand was the point of Koans seven truths about bits
- Nothing was difficult
- No
- There was a slight learning curve since the wiki page was a new concept for me, although I did manage to edit a post on there without issue.
- It was difficult to listen to professor in the middle of group discussions.
- I had no trouble understanding the content presented today
- Nothing
- The things you said at the near the end of the class as people were talking over you.
- I am not able to understand why we need group, it is difficult to coordinate with everyone and discuss everything
- No
- Somethings but I'll go over them again
- what does koans actually means?
- Illustrative Learning Outcomes
- nothing was difficult to understand today as it was very easy class.
- Not at all, in-fact it was interesting and absolute pleasure from learnings from the course.
- Risk about the human intelligence
- No everything was pretty much straight and easy to understand.
- Not really as the terminology and language of the koanes were explained clearly and easy to understand.
- No, everything made sense to me, especially after the seven koans were discussed as a group.
- Group assignment topics
- Today we discussed about the few topics, but the fact that how to submit the discussion in the urcourses was really confusing. I wished everything was explained in more details.
- Most of the Koans made sense to me however; number 5 is not as clear. "More of the same is a whole new thing", in my opinion is arguable. More of one thing to me in any situation is repetition. However, you could think of it as binary sets of 1's and 0's where the more of them you have does reate a new meaning. I found it difficult at first to understand but in computer context, in a way makes more sense.
- No
- Nothing was difficult to understand today.
- Nopes, everything was straight forward.
- no, today was like discussing what i knew about the topic.
- No I don’t find anything difficult
- I think I am still just confused about how we are going to do the discussions with our group, but I assume that will be clarified in the next class.
- No
- No
- all 7 sentense is really deep
- social context of a given design and its implementation.
- Wiki Teams
- Not really on the surface level, I am sure as we delve deeper into the complications of morality in code it will get harder
- no
- Koams: perfection is power because no one is perfect
- Not today thankfully.
- I found a few of the discussion questions to be very broad and open to interpretation rather than questions with a definitive answer to them.
- Nothing much because we did not start anything new today
- No
- The idea of technology being able to affect various ethnic groups negatively.
- There was nothing difficult to understand today, all was good
- No
- Everything was straight forward and easy to understand.
- No, it was pretty straightforward
- No I understand for today.
- No
- No, as the class discussions allowed me to feel fulfilled in my understanding of the lecture
- Not today.
- Assignment topic and what to do in assignment
- Perhaps the group submission through but we will figure it out among the group
- knowing about bit , it was not that much difficult but confusing
- what are paradoxes.More of the same can be a whole new thing was the topic noone answered about if I am not wron and even if they answered about it,it was unclear to me.
- There was 8 topic todays and we have to discuss any one of them with our group.
- No
- Yes may be the 3 rd point of perfection is normal I didn’t understand this concept.
- Nope, All went good
- Not really, we haven’t discussed anything complicated today so it was easy session.
- no
- The class discussions were a little bit confusing at first because we did not know exactly what we should be talking about.
- No I didn't find anything difficult.
- I did not found anything difficult to understand
- Yes, it was about the making of group for discussions.
- about the uploading the summary of todays group activity.
- No
- No
- It was difficult to understand the purpose of making groups.
- I didnt feel that any of concept were difficult.
- Nothing
- No I was able to understand the lecture.
- No, not really.
- no everything went smooth
- Nothing
- How deficits in diversity and accessibility in computing affect society and what steps can be taken to improve diversity and accessibility in computing
- Not really.
- No
- No
- It was a good lecture today it wasn’t difficult.
- not really
- Notreallly.
- There wasn't anything difficult to understand in today's lecture.
- No
- No
- Something I found difficult to understand was how a koan can be considered a paradox, and how these paradoxes apply to the digital world.
- It was pretty easy since we had alot of stuff to read and follow along with.
- No
- no
- I was not clearly able to understand about where we have to post the meetings wiki group discussion.
- Nothing was difficult to understand today; everything was easy to grasp.
- Once we have our group and we decided what topic we wanna do how do we inform that to you?
- Not at all, each topic was easy to understand
- I feel that the koan number 3 was little difficult for me to understand.
Was there anything today about which you would like to know more?
- I'm intererested in knowing about the second Koan discussed in the class, which is 'Perfection is Normal'. I would like to know how perfection is perceived in this case.
- risk and reward on social context.
- Know more about which group I would be in and what the assignment is
- i want to know about if we can able to the assignment in the same group we have created for our discussion for wiki page as it will be easier for us for Future assignment or group work.
- It was difficult to understand group distribution for assignment and discussion in class. Can they be same? Moreover I will like to know more on assignment format and grading criteria for it seeing it is a group work.
- Some the koans in the list weren't discussed in depth as others, so I would like to know about them more and listen to other members viewpoint on them.
- No
- Excited to know more about group project
- About groups and workload for groups
- control of artificial intelligence
- What can we do to get the answer to how an individual could contribute in making sure that technology doesn’t lead to unethical uses rather be in place for the betterment of humans in the long term.
- Nothing because I think everything was clearly stated today.
- I would like to know more about this point "More of the Same Can Be a Whole New Thing"
- No
- no, i was satisfied by the content learned tody.
- Yes would like to know more about impact of computing applications on individuals
- nope
- nothing
- I would like to learn more about the seven koans, and understand where and how they arise in our society.
- No
- No.
- to know more about peoples opinions regarding what they deem to be a risk
- Probably learning more about the other themes in great depth would be perfect.
- Maybe just go through the textbook thoroughly
- Digital divide/the ways in which technology is available to others differently based on race, gender and other factors. The different ways and processes in which AI and technology would be involved be the downfall of mankind
- How will laws in ai be enforsed or can they
- I would like to know more about the difference between the computer “brain” and the human brain speeds.
- I would like to know more about how our groups will impact the class later with assignments. I know we will get into it on Tuesday though.
- I belive I am going to find out more, so I’m just being patient
- Artificial Intelligence
- We really didn't discuss much, so I don't have anything
- how could we set rules to make sure Ai is only used for good
- I would like to know more about the book and its details, mostly the koans used in the book
- I would like to know more examples of the Koams so I can understand the concepts better. And I would like to know what the point of Koams are, in the general world of the information society.
- Will be knowing more about the Koans in depth. As these small lines of each koan involves a lot of information.
- more explanation about all of the Koans
- Yes i want to know more about how society affects computing
- I'd like to know more about the koans that exist in our technological world
- Koan number 7.
- Something id like to know more about is how the groups are going to work for the rest of the semester
- I would like to learn more about privacy and data security
- From listening to the podcast and watching the ted talk assigned from last week I was wondering if there could be a template developed in order to create rules to protect users from misuse of new technology.
- More information about the other Koans that our group did not discuss.
- No
- I would like to continue to learn more about the koans that were discussed in class
- The details on the 7 truth about bits.
- No
- I will like to know more about the quiz, like from where the questions are asked what need to be prepared and what can help to learn about this course
- No
- Literally everything
- Are we supposed to make groups for the assignments or you are going to assign the groups?
- About assignments
- The topic Advancement in processing power , which highlights singnificance of processing in digital world looks very interesting topic in which I would like to know more.
- Yes, I believe that more about the topic number four given by the professor “processing is power”.
- Impacts of computing applications and ai on individual safety
- No
- I would like to know about such new concepts of computer Language such as koanes
- I would like to know more about why data is sometimes never deleted. I would like to know if when we think we delete something off the internet, is it true that no matter what it will somehow still be available?
- Social media, AI
- I am really eager to read other students discussions about the topics as i'll get to know a lot of things from that which will be very helpful in the future.
- I would like to discuss more about group discussion
- I'd like to know more about the assignments.
- yeah today i learned about bits, but i am curious about bytes and are these connected or not.
- There Is Want in the Midst of Plenty
- Yes I would love to know more about it’s just a bit.
- I would love to know more about the Humane Tech content! I thought it was very intriguing.
- The principles of technology and other articles posted will they be asked on exams or midterm(s)
- Artificial intelligence
- others thought
- I want to know, should there be specific number of members in group assignment??
- Wiki Teams
- I would like to discuss more about the intent risk/rewards of human imagination when creating code, which is inherently morally ambiguous
- no
- Koams processing is power I would like to know more about it
- I'd like to go over multiple of the kaoms over with my group, so we can through each one. Going through it with my group would be really interesting. As they bring up very good ideas that open a great perspective into the class.
- No, I believe we learned and discussed enough in today's class.
- not much
- No
- How artificial intelligence might negatively effect the networked social nature of the internet, such as posing as large amounts of false profiles that would be use to advertise products, further a groups political agendas, and what we could do to combat such.
- I would like to know more about other koans, but I think that is for next class when each groups roam discussing will be posted
- How perfection is normal in the digital world
- I am eager to read more of the Blown To Bits book.
- Nothing precise but would like to learn more about it
- I would like to know more about Koan.
- Yes, how bits can be more useful in various innovative way in real life.
- I hope to delve into the specifics of each of the koans and learn more about the perspectives they provide
- I would like to know more about the koams discussion as it was interesting to hear everyones thoughts during the group discussions.
- Political and cultutral ideologies
- Yes I would like to know dive into study materials more and prepare for the assignments soon
- no
- I would like to know all 7 Koans in details.If their are any videos regarding these topics and if you explain after that it would be really helpful because I found them interesting when we talked in today's group discussion..
- No , I dont have any question or doubt from today’s class.
- No
- yes I want to know more about the past inventions who contributed in developing the world and their consequences.
- i think not for today but as we go to dept of course then i will get some doubts
- Not right now to be real because I think it just of start of course.
- no
- I would like to go more in depth on the Koans and talk more about their importance and how and why they were created.
- Yes I would love to know more about those seven topics.
- The information was enough.
- I would like to know more about how to study the subject.
- i would like to know more about how do practitioners typically work with koans.
- No
- I would like to know more regarding koans
- I would love to learn more about the importance of understanding how BITS (binary digits) work.
- I would love to dive deep into the concepts of Koons
- I would like to know more about seven truths.
- I would like to know if we should include more rules when it comes to advanced technology to prevent people from using them damage/hurt other people through means of something like false evidence.
- Yes, how do “Koams” affect the risk and rewards of technologies.
- I would like to discuss more about nothing goes away
- Detail knowledge about topics which are given in the class
- I would like to learn more points on social Context providing the foundation for all other knowledge units in SEP
- I will like to know more about the responsibilities we have relative to the role of us in the society about technology.
- No
- Yes, I want to know how mor of a same thing can be a new thing.
- No, all good. Thank you!
- It would be interesting to, myself, learn a bit more about the other koans further.
- Everything was perfectly smooth.
- I would like to know more about other group’s opinions on the other Koan’s in the textbook reading.
- I would like to know more about the 6th koan that says "Nothing Goes Away".
- No
- I would like to know more about the application of the 7 koans and specific examples in which they apply to our responsible usage of modern technology.
- I would like to go in greater depth and understand the 7 koans more fully.
- No
- Koams
- The koans discussed today are intriguing, and diving a little deeper into them could provide valuable insights.
- The podcast that you gave us is really good but i would like to know more about Humane Technology.
- To be honest everything was new and enough
- In koan 6 they explained about how supermarkets use our to information to give us personalized offers so I would like to know about how they do this.