Outline for Today
- Syllabus
- Textbook
- Assignments
- Software
- Exams
For Next Meeting
Link to the UR Courses wiki page for this meeting
Audio Transcript
I have a question, what
class starts? Is there going to
be a group project in this
class? I ask for my
mental health.
You would like another one No.
if there is one I just need to,
like, mentally prepare, yeah?
Or, like, buy enough Red Bull to
like, I'll have to do that.
Yeah, well, we'll talk about
assignments. So it's one
o'clock. Let's begin. I
so is everyone in the right
place? Computer Science, 405805
so it's our first meeting. We
have 26 meetings over the
So I think everyone knows me
so I'll give you two choices.
You can call me Daryl, or you
can call me Dr Hepting.
Pardon me. Steve already told me
off for calling Daryl.
So sometimes zoom transcript, I
end up as Doctor, happening,
okay, so
I remember fondly, CS 405, when
I was an undergraduate Student
here a year or two ago.
I hope this will be a positive
experience for you. We're going,
let's see, I would say,
we're going to do some new
Things. CS,
um, and we'll see how it goes.
I'm so happy to have a
whiteboard after the chalkboard
last semester.
So 405 and 805 we're doing some
advanced graphics, so I thought
we would take the question.
I will use the Physically Based
Rendering theory and
implementation textbook, and
that comes with software on
GitHub. So I invite you to get
that set up on your own
environment. We'll get it set up
in the labs as well. So
the book has been awarded an
Academy Award,
and I once, I once was in the
same room as the first Author,
two different ends of the
spectrum, I guess I
CS so I have things set up in
your courses.
The projector is not on. If you
to see it is actually on. I just
have the picture turned off.
Okay, so I'm gonna fill in some
things here over the next couple
days. So announcements, those,
that's a read only thing that I
will send you information. Then
there's course email you can use
that to get a hold of me
so the syllabus, the
it is here. So here we are in
our first meeting. So we have 26
meetings, including April 10,
and then our final exam is on
April 17, which happens to be my
birthday, that won't be on the
So I propose to have office
hours Mondays and Wednesdays,
one to 230
if you, if that doesn't work for
you, again, for in touch with me
and we work something out. I
so I would encourage you to come
and see me in office hours,
because I'm a nice guy. I
me Hello, and also, because I
don't, if you're having issues,
I don't want you to leave it at
the end of the semester When
there's nothing that can be done
about it. I
so I used grade scope, any those
of you have experience with
that, with me? Any thoughts
about that?
Yeah, I think it's All right. I
Okay, so I have a few links
here, Physically Based Rendering
from theory to implementation.
So there's a hard copy book
published in 2023 it's all
available online at PBR dash
book, so if you are happy
navigating a Web page, you don't
have to buy the Book.
And then there's pbrt.org is
includes the resources and the
links to the software. And then
the last link there, the GitHub
link, is the repository for
version four of the software
that you can put on to Your
computers. I have it on my
MacBook Air and
so for grading quizzes before
meetings 10% so I'll make a
question or two available. By
6pm that'll open at 6pm the
night before class. So tomorrow
night, at 6pm there'll be a
question or two, and you'll have
until the start of class to
answer it, and then we'll
discuss it in class
participation 10% so I'm
including the wiki in
I feel like the wiki can be a
valuable thing. I so I'm
persisting with that. You may
notice I'm not persisting with
responses. I
so assignments, I've indicated
30% i Okay,
so there are in the textbook,
there are some exercises that
involve modifying the software.
So I don't want to take that off
the table if somebody is keen on
doing some programming to extend
and modify the rent the software
but my feeling is we'll focus on
using the software to create
Images and get an understanding
of advanced rendering techniques
involved in creating physically,
involved in creating accurate
simulations of physically let's
try that again. Physically
accurate simulations of
So we don't so we end up with
images that are hard to tell
from real.
So I have a midterm exam 15% I
so this is a Thursday after the
break, So be in class And then
final exam. I'm
and for you, those of you in 405
there might be an opportunity
for a research credit. So we
have a participant pool in
computer science. So if we have
studies that involve we have
user tests. So if an opportunity
exists, I will advertise it on
your courses and you can earn up
to two marks, two bonus marks
for a research credit for
participating in up to Two
studies. Is
that clear? I
i wrote assignments twice. I
so can you hear me? Okay in the
back? Do this seems like a much
cozier room than I remember I
So hello,
I'll just talk a little About
the wiki Again, you
so I'm recording our meetings in
Otter, and then I will post a
transcript that otter generates
onto the website so you can
take, yeah, audio transcript and
correct it, clean it up. I will
take pictures of the board so we
can include those
I I bless you. I'm Sorry.
I'm Slow there. I
it so, summarize, correct the
audio, transcript, reference
images of the board. Ask
questions include ideas for exam
questions include links for
concepts discussed and other
stuff you
so I would say, we have, well,
we may have 15 students here, so
I'd Say sign up for two spots
for the Winky.
Okay, I'm
I thought I made that into A
Lake. I
Okay, so that's the software.
Now I just have to Give it A
file. I
Let's try Watercolor. I
let's do A simpler One You
so this is set up to render
so we can see the progress of
the rendering and
I did this at home. It was
making good progress.
Oh, We have a plus Sign. Yeah,
there we Go. Oh,
so it's done about a 10th of the
time it needs to render the full
image and
so what do you think about This
first pass?
It looks realistic, very
noisy. Yeah, the bottom looks
noisy, but little hard to shut
the light on. Yeah,
Minecraft, RTX, when it first
out, when you
reactor, probably I
That's discoloration,
yeah, I the stones here, they're
very there's a lot of noise,
not looking for it. It could be
mistaken. Is like discoloration,
like the light refraction,
and those rectangular gemstones
on the base of the crown, like
the ones that have surrounded
like buckles, almost those don't
look like any real gemstone
ever, like they're just every
color mixed together like they
look like a seed, like A seed,
at random. You know what? I
mean? I
Paul, satisfying voice,
this is my new subway service.
You think,
very small. Shall We look at
Another one? Yeah,
anyone want to call out one
head? Okay? I
less detail on it, so it's going
quicker, so it's going to take
longer. I we get
a recognizable image quite
quickly. I
So what's important here we'll
talk about a lot is
bi directional insert, different
kind of interaction function, So
we have bi directional reflect,
reflectance function,
transmission function,
and there are others as well. So
does this look like it could be
a person?
Like It looks like a person from
a game, as far as like, all the
way real. It's something's off
about it little uncanny around
maybe the islands.
Okay, it is cool, but you can
see the light behind this gear,
though. Yeah, he looks dead.
He's either dead or I'm going to
be dead, and that is up to
That's the uncanny right there.
But I feel like everything looks
realistic. You look at it
individually, yeah, that's true.
If you look at it as a whole,
though, it just feels slightly
off, but that's just, that's
just lightning, that's just
Something around the Bucha is
messed up like, if that makes
sense, it's obvious,
getting more realistic,
looking for this stretch
marks growing it looks like he's
concentrating really hard to
blow up My head with
his mind. Give him
a minute.
I not
want to be killed by the
eldership Divine Being from
beyond. Thank
you. Thank you.
Greg is all powerful. He lets us
Live Our Way.
We kind of have a
project. This is actually, this
is chronologically in order,
after Greg hope. This is Greg
opens his eyes, that is seven
seconds, he casts a fireball.
That's why he that's why his
eyes were closed.
I send you the dust. That's what
You see in Your Mandal story
i So will These scenes render
the same every time, or do they
render different every time? So
if you did another head, would
it look similar to the previous
one? Or would it be very
It would be very similar. So
it's a question of how many
samples? So we can use different
integrators and different
sampling regimes,
but it's about the the number of
samples. So if we specify a
higher degree of precision, then
we get we're converging to an
image in a very high quality
image. The Yeah,
what if we had 100,000 image
samples, and we were trying to
generate an image of an apple,
but we had like, 50,000 images
of apples and 50,000 images of
bananas. And my question is
like, how convergent and how
divergent is the image be like?
Would it but look like if we try
to kind of like, generate two
polar opposite images, like, if
you try to, like, merge samples
I think that's not a computer
graphics problem. That's
that's an AI generative AI
problem. Maybe that's
yeah, let's see how long it's
going to take. Well, 4000
seconds. So I
there's a video online of
someone using this bathroom and
I set myself up for that. So use
using the model and then adding
a geometric figure, kind of
slicing through the figure in an
But it's this bathroom, and so
the geometric figure was sitting
on top of the counter. I
does this scene have any post
processing in it, or is it just
the rendering engine doing all
of the lighting effects? Because
it's almost like there's blue.
But at the same time, I don't
know if that's just look it
hasn't finished yet. It does
look like it's struggling with
the ground, and certainly the
light of the wall, the like sort
of bright, sort of dots that are
individualized, instead of sort
of like merging together a
little bit, unless it's just a
dirty ground.
Yeah, someone's splashing around
Yeah, so there's still a lot of
noise. It's a
pretty big scene.
Let's go to the
I'm looking for images, but I
wanted to point this out, this
is from Moana, rendered using
pbrt 2018 there are over 146
million unique triangles, And
with instancing, there's 10s of
billions of triangles. I
thought that was interesting.
profile picture just dropped.
That's Weird.
I know there were some of these
sample images in
the bottom right you can go into
to the Next page. So the next
section, I
hope to assume
I see, yeah, that one doesn't
have the weird color on the
gemstones, and they stopped. One
facing us, yeah. And the pearls
are all kind of nice,
yeah. And also the
weather had a little bit of
specs all over ours, but not
this one.
So So an interesting bit of
history here. It was originally
rendered with 1280, samples per
pixel in 73 hours of computation
on a quad core CPU on a modern
GPU, pprt renders seen the same
sampling rate in 184 seconds.
Let's see how we're doing. I
Is that the only one that's
running, or all of those don't
I don't believe the other ones
are running. I think I can
switch to windows here, though.
whatever You
that's look at
I'm heard dodecahedron in A
bathroom that's
This is the bathroom
I've think it is. It doesn't
have, oh, it doesn't have a tub
in it. It's not quite the same.
It also
has some extra lighting. Yeah, I
it's the same wallpaper in the
though, so yeah,
the taps or same place, it's
very similar,
yeah, if you live a mirror, the
background is exactly the same,
like the wallpaper, yeah, the
painting on the wall, it's just
like they have a different point
of view. Even the crown molding
is the same. I
so something you think about for
assignments, do we want to
generate images or do we Want to
do some,
some modifications to the code?
Yeah, so I I
don't want to put pressure on
anyone to make a decision. Does
it seem like this will be An
interesting semesters worth of
images? I
Any questions or concerns I
Okay, so I'll put up the
scheduler so somebody can take
on today's wiki page. I and
then I will post the quiz for
tomorrow at six, and then we'll
start into it. So have a look at
chapter One at the pbrt.org
There's a
so There's,
there's the bathroom, and here's
The water in The tub. And
so there's lots of things to
look at. So I would say you can
include links there in the wiki
that you're putting together, if
you happen.
I don't have to say anymore. I
think anyway, any other
questions or concerns, should
we call it a day? Motion to
adjourn. Okay, thanks again for
today, everyone. Take care and
we'll see you on Thursday.
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