Outline for Today
Monte Carlo
For Next Meeting
Link to the UR Courses wiki page for this meeting
Audio Transcript
Posting the transcript
from meeting two, but It's there
So any existential crises that
we need to talk about currently
getting pbrt installed seems to
be the common existential
crisis. I was able to just get
it installed on my computer, but
I'm fighting with it. Currently.
I can't download it for
something. I don't get it. I
need to restart my computer. I'm
not allowed to make a C file.
Okay, so I'm working on
the last two hours trying to
find what they're trying
to do. Okay? So I noticed you
responded No to being able to
get it to run on your computer.
So probably a key to painter.
So we'll talk. We will
eventually, but just print this
minute now. Yeah, okay. Are
you okay? All right.
Okay, actually,
so I I realized the problem with
the attendance link, because I
didn't update my meta
information for the class. So we
can't take your attendance.
Yeah, you can take attendance,
but his website before use the
you are courses link
if you go to upcoming events or
actually class calendar for
today, let's see that. Yeah,
that includes attendance here,
so you can go to the activity
and do attendance.
Yeah, so
I was going to make
suggestion here at the end,
there's import or export
calendars. I
so you can
it's like the meetings I cs file
that I created that you can
update, you can download an i cs
file for all the class events.
So in typical frustrating
passion, sometimes here Custom
Range isn't custom. It's set to
it's the duration of the course,
anyway, so I think it's January
9 to January 14. Yes, not
September 1, but January 9 to
January 14 of 26 it's also a
it's also, it's in the format of
D month here, yeah, no word use.
So I'm just as a way to make
things easier to access
so you're on top of things like
quizzes and so forth. You might
consider downloading the
calendar from your courses.
So it's interesting, it says
events related to courses. It
doesn't say events related to
this course. I
or you could just say all
yes, we will need some work, and
I spent I
a more time then I would like to
acknowledge creating the quizzes
before meetings.
And if you remember from 428,
we've talked about keystroke
level models and
click, click, click, click,
click, click, click, click,
click, click,
so it's not very efficient.
So I have to do that many clicks
for 2625 or 24 quizzes. So you
can tell me if I've got them
right, or there's some
tweaks I need to make, but I
think they're all set up
properly. Knock on wood.
Okay, so that's, that's the way
to get the attendance.
And other things related to the
calendar. I
not sure. So your name is there
because of the wiki scheduler.
Okay? I
that'd be
perfect. Let's see what else.
Okay, so the quiz closed at 1pm
I so let's, before we get into
some other things, let's,
well, let's talk about Wiki
pages first,
and then we'll
talk about building PBR, key, v4
Then some new things.
So I'm going to ask you to
look, start looking at chapter
see if I flip this to the next
quiz. And I did so
three quizzes out of 24 are set
up correctly.
Okay, I
know everyone's really impressed
with that. I
Okay, so here's the first
meeting the wiki.
I tried to get rid of this
but I was not successful, so
with your permission, I'll move
it so that doesn't come up in
the the
top of every screen.
Is this helpful to have that
description there? Okay, I'll
leave it if
so I guess there are a few more
opportunities here for links. I
so thanks to Laura who started
the ball rolling here with
contributions to the wiki page.
I was curious about pbrt and its
connection with Maya. I think I
made that note
personally, and I think I just
threw it off there because it
was in my notes. Okay,
so maybe if there's a link to go
with that, I
okay, so
there are 14 people in class.
There are 24 meetings. So
if everyone does two, that's a
little bit of overlap. I
So I would invite you to sign up
for that,
because I will,
I will make some notes and count
it as part of the participation
mark. I'll give you some
feedback about
the entries and the
so on.
So here's the manual, Moodle
manual for the wiki activity and
Something to note, when you're
doing the wiki and you're trying
to type stuff in the top left
hand corner of the area that you
can type in, there's an arrow
pointing down. Click that and
it'll expand options.
Yes, that's true for any editor.
Yeah. Sorry you
me. So here's a description of
of creating the first page.
Well, the first page been
created. So to add new pages,
you enclose things in double
So that's the arrow I'm talking
on the laptop left corner there,
yes, because I use the code part
of it to do something rather
than doing it directly.
So you can add links, so it's
HTML format, so you can add
links by clicking on the
on the link button and then
filling it in.
yeah, if you want to,
if you want to add
some code, you can,
so to navigate between pages,
you have to create your own
hyperlinks. I
just fancy jazz.
Pages. Okay,
so there's the information for
the wiki.
Let's go back to the wiki page.
and let's edit this.
So here's the arrow the Laura
was talking about. So you get
lots more things. And then I was
popping back and forth using the
second to last one in the last
room, yeah. So this is the code
You Do.
That should work.
Okay, so I was thinking of
putting different text into the
link, but that would not let Me
match The page I
It's the link in there, so
if you click on it, like stick
Your mouse into it, then hit the
break link, do?
then just there's a break Link
button straight there. I should
fix it.
Okay, so
wikis in Moodle are a little
different, but so the main thing
referencing pages with the name
of the page inside the two
brackets. And then if you have
regular links to include, you
can use the
link button in the editor,
It's mostly HTML, except for The
wiki page references. I
so I started
a PBR key page.
And so an interesting thing that
comes up, if you put headings,
this is a medium heading, you
get a Table of Contents.
So I did a Google search. I
so this six minute video, so you
say we watch this and see if it
gives us any
how many ads are we going to
have to go through? Do you think
think it's an ad? Yeah.
So idea
isn't set up here.
Good to show you how
to install and start using the
pbrt project. We're going to
work with the version number
three, and we are going to do
the installation on Windows. So
first of all, you have to go to
the repository page. I'm going
to put the link down in the
description of the video. Then
we go down here. We copy this
command, and I'm going to clone
it on my desktop. You can clone
it wherever you want. And since
I'm on Windows, remove sign
so it is cloning. Once it's
finished, we are going to open
the project, and we're going to
create a new folder, we're
going to name the build for now,
and we're going to download the
rest of the things that we need.
So we need Python. You just have
to go here, and you can download
the most recent version. And you
need a version three. That's
something to have in mind. I'm
not going to install it because
I already have it. And also, we
need 20 founders download C
So we go to this link right
here. It's going to be in the
description as well, and we
click on this, and we are going
to sell C make. I
once in its own auto we are
going to click so next except
the terms,
let's add C make to the CS path
for all users, and watch this
video ahead of time, so I'm
curious what Python too.
Okay, it is a song, and we're
going to continue with Visual
Studio. We're going to download
the community version because we
don't need
the other versions, just the
free one, and we're going to
install it. Okay, we're going to
click on next,
okay, so now we are here, and
let's solve just what we need.
We don't need Asher. We don't
need this, this, I'm not that
sure, so I'm going to leave it
there. But what we need is C
Plus Plus.
Actually, let's remove that. Net
is not necessary. Do
and I think that's, yeah, what
we most need is C Plus Plus
compilers. So let's do it like
that, and here in optional,
let's see what we can delete
this one. We don't need it.
Let's see if we can make this
smaller. The thing we don't need
is, okay,
I think that's just
it. So let's install it. That's
going to take a while. So now we
have it has finished, so we're
going to test it 2022
so there is let's continue with
our code. Okay, so now we are
there. I'm going to post this,
and now I want to check
something in help about
Microsoft Visual Studio,
and what I want to see is the
version, so it's 17, okay, so
now we are going to go back to
the build, and
in the CMD console we on the
folder build. We are going to
use this command, okay, now that
it's finished, we are going to
run the following command. Okay,
now that it's finished, we have
to go to the src folder. Sorry,
the release one, and here there
is going to be that executable.
So now let's see how we can use
this project. So now, in order
to use it, we need to open a
command prompt on the release
folder, and we're going to type
the following command.
So it's going to be using the
pbrt that XC, and we have to
give him a scene that is a file
describing the scene. So I'm
using the one that is by default
in the project. Is this one
right here. Scenes and killer
resemble there is there. And
let's go back to build so we can
see the image being generated.
okay, so we enter and now it's
rendering. Once it finishes, you
will see the image here, and you
need to open it. I'm using an
app special to open it, and it's
the file viewer clues. I found
it on the Microsoft Store, and
it's free, so I'm using it. And
here I can see the image now,
and there it is. So guys, thanks
for watching. Please Subscribe,
and I hope that the video helps
you give us a like, and I will
try to record the video in a few
days in order to install this
project on Linux. So thanks for
watching, and bye. In less than
24 hours, you will have $1,000
in your account, and then $1,000
daily for the rest of your
so my question is, how did
Google think that was the best
video to show anyone? Get
anything out of that video?
You did
lots of stuff now, because I'm
doing a wiki this week. Okay,
well, Oh, I thought I was like
You did the first year.
Wait, okay, so I'm
so which platforms are you
targeting? Who's doing Mac?
There's one.
Anyone else with a Mac? I have a
MAC. Have you had success?
Have you tried? And what issues
are coming up. So,
work in progress, anything?
So there's an issue of earning C
make or building it in there
once it's it.
It wants you to create a
separate build directory and
go inside And then execute the
commands I
let's see make I
pseudo might be useful is that a
Windows thing as well.
Unless you use the subsystem,
but that's different.
okay, so
if the work in progress doesn't
post some stuff to the class
discussion or the wiki, and so
we can resolve it.
So I'm making some progress on
getting the software installed
in the labs,
but there's no binary installer
for PBR TV four, so I need to
get the build instruction set up
for Windows 10 or 11,
so they can build and test it
and put it on to some of the lab
computers for You. Yeah, so when
you were demonstrating it in
class, what were you using to
show the file? I noticed you
used file viewer plus, but it
looked different than the one
you were Using, yeah. So on the
GitHub page, it talks about,
so there is a Binary installer.
so there's a binary installer
for it, and On the Mac, it's
available through home brew.
okay, anyone for Linux?
One Linux, okay, do windows.
So Windows, I
I'm seeing people, okay, people
who haven't put their hands up.
What system are you targeting
for building pbrt? Windows.
Windows. Okay,
let's see.
I think we'll say 11 for
that. And windows, 10 or 11,
we're 11.
Okay, so what's the problem
you're having with downloading?
I have no idea why, but it's
stuck in 100% download, and it
just won't let me use it. So I'm
thinking about just, I don't
know, restarting my computer or
transferring it from a different
device. I just can't download
the file. The weirdest, the
weirdest issues I've never
really had that happen before? I
just couldn't download CMake.
It's stuck at 100%
CS should be on Windows. You
should be able to just like, I'm
just gonna turn my computer on
and off again. I'm working with
with Windows 10. Okay, yeah. Did
it have any seats? Did it have
any seats? Or, like, default
seats with so I can't tell if it
works. It's got the stuff the
files there, you have to build.
It. Not sustainable is getting
them to build so you can, there
are scenes available if you
download it's
just not In a scenes folder.
So there's a repository of i
i So there's this is the scenes,
and that's where I was getting
when I was using the software to
show some images yet last week,
I got from there. So that's an
to the PBR to before like GitHub
page. The guy who has that
GitHub repository, if you go to
his like personal profile, you
can find this repository. So
MMP, yes, so that's not far.
Yeah, see, that's what we're
missing. Is it wasn't clear that
we had to do this download the
scene separately from the GitHub
stuff. It's not part of that.
Okay, my apologies, because I
didn't know this existed till
right now. I
cancel it.
Okay. So if there are questions
or things that I need to do,
Let me know. I
So the other thing I
so there's a resources page for
links of source. Notice she
seems to render.
But there is a
was sure I was on this page and
Scene, description, rendering,
This is A sample Fauci copied
this and
I select This copy.
Create a File, simple, dot,
finish. Should get a an image
like that out of it. I
so that's the file format, v4
page. So
anyone else besides David find
that video useful? I've
already been looking at that
one. I forget what's going on.
see What. Me.
So who's had some success with
Windows and C make? I
So are you talking about Windows
or Linux? Windows?
So did you have success with
Linux? I haven't started on
Linux yet, doing that later.
Okay, so tell me about CMake and
windows. I already got CMake
downloaded for a previous
semesters, like requirements,
because we just C make
everything. But other than that,
you kind of just built it. Do
it is, it is particular that you
do have to have. Was it c plus
plus 17? Yes,
which already now, and I don't
know if there's a different
version of C plus plus 17,
because I haven't updated
anything a while, but I noticed
that when he checks his Visual
Studio, so you check that
version 17, he was using CS
dependent CS as part of that
video. So it seems like you need
17. Yeah, I'm not sure that 17
is the same. You just 20 sets.
It might have been still. It's
not the same, 17. So he's
talking c plus plus 17. Where
the video he talked about Visual
Studio 17, so that it doesn't
necessarily mean that they're
the same thing. Yeah, do
I don't think that they are I
think CS has different
timelines, yeah, so it's a
standard from 2017
Yeah. So we'd be up to like 24
by now. I don't know when the
last one was set up. But yeah,
it's not the most recent studios
that he brought up. I have
Visual Studios 19 on my
computer, so I think that's
where my issue is right now, is
that I'm using when I'm trying
to write CS using the wrong
version of Visual Studio. So he
was dealing with, he used 22
then it's version 17 on my
computer. I have version 2019 on
mine, so I'm gonna have to check
the version on my computer to
see if it's actually 17, whether
it's version 17 or whether it's
that's why I think his video is
pretty useful for, like,
troubleshooting his works. So if
we can just do what he does,
we'll be good. Yeah. He was also
dealing with version three of
the Software, no version old.
Was I too harsh?
when I Googled it, I got the
same video as a suggestion. So I
think it's just the most
relevant. I just gave a terrible
people make videos about this.
We need to make more people make
videos about combined with dvrt,
yeah, so maybe that would be an
opportunity you were
building up Windows 10, right?
Laura, yes, you were on, I think
right? Laura, yes, there's 10.
Okay, so
who's got Visual Studio
installed on their Windows
computer? Does everyone have
Okay? Do Visual Studio. Visual
working same with my it's the
Visual Studio, so I'm thinking
not using the rubber or kind
of my
thinking I could be trying to
keep on 17, thinking about the
latest one, like 15 years.
I different
sort of so on the C make web
can download binaries i
so have you googled The error
message that you're getting. No,
I was getting shots before I
came to come here. Okay, I'm
thinking it's probably, I'm
telling it to you, Visual
So David, this if you do C make,
did you
trying to download from this
page? Yeah,
yeah, I don't know. I've read
that happens. It's stuck at 100%
like, I'm like, maybe I just
need to restart my computer.
Maybe it's it restarts every
night. I don't know. I actually
have no idea why it's
downloading correctly, but I'm
gonna just try using a different
device to download it and then
transfer it over. Okay, it
should work. That sounds it
should it sounds like I should
be having this problem. I'm just
randomly having this problem.
Of all things you
you could through source
available too, if you wanted to
try that anyway. I don't want to
make this about
dealing with software, so I
don't want to. I
So I think it's a good
experience to get the software
running on your computer,
but I don't want to make it
about the software, so I'm going
to get, going to continue
working on getting the thing
installed in labs. So if you're
not able to run it on your own
computer, then you can go to the
labs and do this. Because we're
just, we're going to focus on
using the software in
assignments and so forth.
So I'll just say Google your
error messages, results,
I try that
again. Post results for the
weekly more
class discussion.
so I didn't go over the quiz
from last day, so let's do that
last few minutes.
Does that make sense?
So I want you
it's not a burden to bear
individually, to do this if
you're having problems, it's not
anything, pardon me, I said
they're not alone. Yeah, you're
not alone, and it's not a
reflection on you. So I think
this is an opportunity to
to develop our community
interpersonal communication,
skills as computer scientists,
and all those good things. So
it's like having a group project
without having to do a group
All the benefits, none of the
pain. What's that? Well, I
suppose they're having a bit of
I getting the softer to install.
so you thought so why Lenny was
an important milestone,
one of
the first early adopter of the
physical based rendering systems
in CS mind, Adam Neil,
the winners are nominated. I
think it was one short or best
short animated, Best Animated
Short Film, if
and following
people who watched as a kid that
were like, watch This. Really
creepy. But like, Oh, my
that's I
so does Lynn's law as technology
advances, rendering time remains
constant. Yes, yes, so I didn't.
So I should play. I met Jim Lynn
at SIGGRAPH once, and he gave me
a ribbon
that SIGGRAPH they do once you
get these ribbons in in one tray
of location, someone took a
picture of me because I had
ribbons down to the floor.
I never saw the picture until
said to me, I've got words. So
they saw the picture somewhere.
But anyway,
so here's
the That makes
sense, right? I,
how did I phrase the Last
question you
so my Physically Based Rendering
important In production
improves productivity and like
efficiency, reflection. Shadows
and other lighting, quality
but like efficiency and like
productivity, you have to spend
less, like, time working on
like, every single detail and
every scene can do more of a
uniform, I guess,
transformation, it seems. Yeah.
So we're empowering the artists,
making their life easier.
And forgot everything that's
simulating reality, then we
don't have
so you said the benefit was that
you could make in your earlier
days, you could make lights that
behave strangely to meet the
need of the scene. Then it took
the lighting into different
situation, then it wouldn't
work, because the parameters for
the object the materials weren't
set to reasonable values.
So provided a
uniformity, so we're not we're
not fitting for always working
to make the most, the most
accurate simulation of reality,
then we
don't so we don't go wrong.
So I have a little link. We're
out of time, and
I don't get people trying to
come into the class before the
last class is over. I get it
when people come into class,
when the class starting time
has passed and the previous
person is still here, well, be
respectful of the
fact that some classes ended 10,
two, not quarter after. Our
particular classes don't flip
back quarter after. But there
are other classes, if it was
only an hour off class, it rents
till 20 after. So being aware of
one class before you end, we're
supposed to happen. Yeah.
Anyway, thanks for today,
and let's keep working on this
as a group effort.
And we'll get we'll get it sort
soon, later in real time. Thanks
for today. Take care. See you on
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