Outline for Today
pbrt + Radiometry, Spectra, and Colour
For Next Meeting
Link to the UR Courses wiki page for this meeting
Audio Transcript
Okay? Ed Jerome is
working Today.
Do but so I owe
you a choice activity about
assignments. I'll do that today,
and I thought because I CS,
there's an option of dealing
with the code. I would show you
a video with Matt far walking
through the code, so that it's a
little bit dated, because it was
done in 2020 but I think it
might be interesting of value if
you're thinking about doing
something with code to to see
how things are set up. And then
I want to show you some examples
with pbrt and what I've been
I've been trying some examples
with different settings, so
we'll look at that as well, and
then We'll get into the
beginning of the chapter four
stuff you
No, so I have pbrt version four
and TEV are installed in
classroom 135 so you're able to
go in there when it's rooms not
being used, if you want to use
that software in case you don't
have your computer with you, or
is there a code to you in that
room? Yes, so you have to swear
that you're not going to share
the code with anyone,
and I will post it in the
announcements in your courses
today. I on all
the machines in there,
or just one.
That's what they told me. It's
on the desktop. Of all the both
programs are on all The desktops
Okay, Just see her,
Okay, so this will watch this
with random
YouTube ads sprinkled in what
you needed is for
entertainers. Yeah,
oh, That's it.
Okay, sound. I
Oh, sound settings there.
Alright. So what does it
actually look like to dedicate
an entire week to just tackling
everything that we've
procrastinated in one fell
swoop, leads, finances, folding
laundry, calling your mom back,
personal projects, you name it,
life would be so much easier if
we could just get everything
done and out of the way for
good. Does all that sound or
So this is running around my
laptop. I hmm, alrighty. So
today we released an early
access version of the next
version of pbrt, The Great Race
for the will be described in the
forthcoming fourth edition of
physical based rendering book.
You know, CS is an early
release. It has rough edges and
it's not, not very documented,
you know, it will, in time, in
time, be documented through the
book. And we're going to kind of
focus on documentation efforts
there, however, you know, it
should be kind of, you know, we
hope it'll be kind of
understandable if you know pbrt
already. But I did want to make
a short video just to kind of
walk through a couple of new
things in kind of how the system
is structured, you know. So this
is more focused on the system
structure, and in particular,
how the GP back end is
implemented. I'm not going to
talk about the new graphics
algorithms. There are a whole
bunch of them there. They're
prescribed to read me. You know,
for those at this point until
the book's done, if you want to
understand their implementation,
you'll need to kind of refer to
both the code and the
corresponding paper on that
topic. Okay, so first, I just
want to start with briefly, one
of the things I'm excited about
is that the system now supports
the image as it's being
rendered, using Thomas rulers to
have image viewer. So tab is on
GitHub. It's really nice image
viewer. And now pbrt can talk to
it over a socket and send
images. So just to show that,
quickly, you know, you pass this
display server command line. You
pass the IP address of machine,
Ryan dev on the image, or Dev,
you know. So this is running
around my laptop. So you know,
it takes a few seconds for pbrt
To get started, but once
rendering begins, you know, you
can see the images as it's being
rendered. And so it's fun. It's
it's useful. Zoom in, pixel
geek, all that sort of thing.
And you know, it's just kind of
close you see your images being
rendered. CS bug. So if you
check out pbrt, the you know,
it's a pretty similar directory
structure before, with couple
changes though source pbrt And
the external dependencies, like,
the XR and then we'll just go
into DRG. So the biggest change
is that, whereas before we had
separate source files for each
and every shape and camera and
filter and all that stuff, now
we've collected that so all the
cameras are in cameras that H
and cameras that CPD and so
forth, there are a couple of
different sub directories. Now
you know that that should be
fairly clear. There's util for
kind of lower level utility
code, math and four level
matrices, data structures and
containers and stuff like this.
There's command which has the,
you know, for each binary
executable built by those in the
build. You know, there's there's
the file with the main function,
there's some command, and then
there's a base, CP and GP. So
let's start with base. So the
biggest change, one of the one
of the biggest changes, you
know, in terms of kind of system
organization, is that we've,
we've moved away from virtual
functions for dynamic dispatch,
and this, this was kind of an
enabling changes that enabled
the GPU port, so that you know
that that has an effect if
you're trying to add a new shape
pretty late. So just want to
briefly walk through a little
bit of that.
Did you know that you can make
between five and 25% on your
money per month, passively,
without predicting the market,
without trading experience, and
without doing a thing? I
so what we have now is we have
this base directory. So you
know, for each of the kind of
main base classes in the system,
shape, light, camera, material,
all of those have a header file
and base. And this header and
base, basically it does two
things. First of all, it defines
these candle types. So here we
have a shape handle, and all of
these candles, you know, and
this is kind of a replacement
for a shape, shape pointer with
virtual with virtual functions.
So now we have these handles,
and they inherit from tag
pointer. And tag pointer is some
kind of C Plus Plus template
insanity, but that it kind of
that's gives us the engine to do
the dynamic dispatch, but you
don't have to clarify
communication. But the point is
that you need to register each
instance of a particular type in
this tag pointer template
parameter list. So you can see
here all the shapes that PBR
team now supports, and by
registering them in this way, a
is able to do that in dispatch
and then B, in the GPU path, C
will be able to kind of do some
fancy things. For like. We
iterate over all the types, say,
for each type of sampler which
is different than like it or
like the types that are
essentially so these headers in
base define the interface that
that each implementation of this
type has to fulfill. So so every
shape has to provide an
implementation of these methods.
And this is essentially the same
set of methods that that PBR, TV
three supported or required from
shapes, but they are through
abstract base classes and
virtual functions. So here you
don't have the same level of
kind of compile time enforcement
of that stuff. But you know,
hopefully it's pretty
straightforward. I Okay? So the,
you know, so, so that's kind of
the the key, you know, you know,
as far as the system structure
of the CPU, port of pbrt, that's
basically the only change. Well,
I mean, there's more, but you
know, that's kind of the most
important change, or that's the
only one that's worth really
going into here. Next step, I
want to say a bunch about the
GPU implementation and walk
through some of that code, but
let me, let me motivate that
first. Okay, so I've logged into
another I'm logged into another
machine here. This one has 32
cores. It's one of the thread,
or photos with 32 cores and 60
more threads. So let's start out
by rendering that on that CPU
and see what that looks like. So
here I'm going to pipe the pipe
the image to the to the instance
of a tavrick in my laptop. Here,
just go throw that out. Start
rendering now, we'll wait just
for the same view of parts and
stuff. And it's much faster,
right, you know. And of course,
you know, it's clocking charge
on my laptop. It's got a lot
more cores, you know. And we see
this image, you know, chugging
along nicely. If you go back,
it's supposed to render 56
samples per pixel. I just killed
the render, but you know, we're
looking at about 565, seconds to
render it at 256, samples per
pixel. Okay, but let's, try
doing that on the GPU. So same
command line. If you build a GPU
support, you still have to do
dash dash GP on the command line
to enable it.
Now this is actually looking
slower than it is because of
network buffer. So that first
set of samples was actually done
much more quickly than it
appeared. And if we go back to
the shell, it's actually done so
if we scroll back up, so it's
about 12 and a half seconds to
render that at 256 samples per
pixel on the GPU. And to me,
that's, that's pretty exciting,
you know, because, you know, if
we go back to the 165 seconds we
were, we were trending for, for
the 32 core CP version, you
know, we're 10x faster than
than, you know, a beefy, beefy
modern CPU. So, you know, that's
the motivation for the little
bit of complexity we're going to
go into now, for kind of how the
GPU backing works, I should add,
you know, that kind of, you
know, as I explained all this
stuff, you know, if you're
working with pbrt, or if you're
extending it, kind of at the
level of graphics and graphics
algorithms. If you're adding new
light source or something like
that, you know, you shouldn't.
If you don't want to, you
shouldn't really need to worry
about how, what I'm about to
show you about how the GPU stuff
is wired together, you know, so
it should just work, you know,
if you have any details, right,
you know that your new light or
whatever will just work on the
GPU path in the same way that,
you know, you don't have to
worry about the the
implementation of bi directional
path tracer, you know, when
you're adding a light to pbrt
before, right? You know, you
just fulfill the interface, and
then when you're seeing and
then, you know, so should be the
same sort of thing for GPU path.
But I think there's some
interesting stuff to see. So I'm
just going to quickly go through
some of that. So the big
challenge in the GPU version is
polymorphism. And pbrt, you
know, by design, is highly
extensible, and there are all
sorts of incidents of different
types of of the same thing. And
what this means, you know, and
on the CPU, it's fine, right?
You're, you're rendering a
single pixel sample in a thread,
you know, if your thread just
kind of does whatever it needs
to do for the type of light
attach, or the type of shape it
hit, or whatever, you know, by
the GPU, because you have this
kind of, you know, groups of
threads executing together,
stuff, polymorphism Can, can
have much bigger effect on
performance. So to get good
performance GPU, you have to
address this, and kind of that's
how the design of the back end,
the GPU back end, was informed.
The key ideas here are a couple
of things, you know. So we have,
we have a sequence of kernels.
We're kind of, we're doing some
chunk of work in rendering
computation, and these kernels
are fed by queues, so kind of
proceeding kernels in the
pipeline can queue up work for
subsequent kernels, and then
each kernel just kind of
consumes the work from this
queue and operates out of in
parallel. And that's like pure
data. Parallel elements are
processed independently, and
that's what we parallel so. And
this is effectively the
architecture that was described
in Mega kernels, considered a
harmful paper and by Simone
friends. And this is a really
great paper, this kind of you
like to understand why the GPU
staff and pbrt is structured,
why it is this beautifully lays
out the kind of trade offs and
issues. So definitely check that
out. Okay, so these are the main
kernels in the system, and we'll
walk through some of this code
shortly, but just to give a high
level view of how it all works,
you know, and it's the classic
structure of the path tracer,
just decomposed into kernels
with cues feeding them, we
generate a camera aid, you know,
for edit pixel, for example. In
this case, we have a separate
kernel to generate random
samples, sec, and then we find
the closest hit and then meet,
queue up and do additional
kernels based on what happened
at that hit. This version of
pipeline does not include some
sort of scattering, or
volumetric scattering, which
adds a number of additional
kernels that I've discovered.
Most of the work happens the
key, the key stage, the key to
the efficiency of it, is the
sorting stage that happens
during intersection. So when a
gray surface intersection is
found, the work for that is done
in a different cue, is put on
different cues based on the
specific material found. So
everything diffuse goes here,
and everything dielectric goes
here, inductors and so, you
know. So what that does is it
lines up kind of coherent work
to work on. So we can work on
all the few stuff all at once.
That's more coherent than
interleaving different material
types, you know. And then in
this kernel, which we'll look at
shortly, you know, basically all
the usual stuff happens. You
know, we evaluate the textures.
We get a PSDF, choose a light
source, choose point and light
source, send PSDF, view, a
shadow ray, impute, indirect
array, brush. So classic path
tracer. It's kind of the heart
of the heart of your regular
path tracer. So, yeah. Okay, so
let's, let's go look at the code
for this. Okay, so this kind of
material evaluation stuff I just
described is in our GPU service,
scattered at cpp. I should add
that, you know, all of this
stuff will probably shift around
in the coming months. So this
may be a little scale. Okay, so
this material in BSDF, somewhat
work happens in this evaluating
material, BSDF method of the
path integral. You'll notice
here that it's a templated
method. So it's templated on the
type of material, and then a
texture evaluator thing, which
I'm not going to go into today.
It's just a little wrapper on
texture evaluation, but
basically in other code, which
we won't look at now, what's
happening is that code it's
looping over all of the types of
material in dbrt via that tag
corner thing we saw before,
which allows us to kind of
iterate over the types and then
for each type, it's calling this
method with that particular
material type. So then we get
instantiated for diffuse
material. Now we have this for
all queued construct. And what
this is, is it wraps a parallel
for loop over one of these
queues feeding into a kernel. So
each kernel has a kernel, a
queue going in with its own
little struct that describes
what's, what the work items are
in the queue. And then we can do
a parallel for that, and then
that takes in which we use for
printing stats and stuff, makes
a queue full work from and in
this case, the aval queue is
kind of this multi queue where
there's kind of wraps a queue
over each type of material. So
we have to ask to a queue for
our specific material type and
the maximum queue size. Then it
takes a lambda. And then, you
know, these lambdas, you know,
the key thing with the lambda is
this first argument is this work
item. So, you know, this is a
structure that kind of, you
know, withholds all the, all the
values for particular work item
on the queue. So you're just
given the start like, Hey,
here's your input. So then what
happened, you know, and then you
start doing work that is, you
know. So kind of, from here on
out, it's pretty much the same,
you know, as the path tracer,
you know, on the CPU, you know.
And the difference is just that,
you know, when you want the
shading normal. Well, it turns
out that's one of the, you know,
some of the value stored in the
work in the work item you're
given, you just put a pull it
out of that work item start. So
you're just getting that out of
the key, you know. And then
everything else follows similar
so we do the same bump mapping
calculation as before, the same
bump back function to compute
that partial derivatives, BSDF.
There's a little bit of stuff
related to G buffer, don't worry
about but then there on out, you
know, again, it kind of
continues in a very familiar
way. You know, we sample the
PSDF for the right lighting. Did
we get a sample? If so, then,
you know, we have throughput,
some PDFs, a little more work.
Apply Russian roulette. And then
we respond the indirect Ray, you
know. So whereas before we would
just be doing a while loop, you
know, in the integrator, you
know, where we kind of go around
again to trace the indirect Ray,
in this case, we're just pushing
the indirect Ray onto the ray
cube for the next bounce, and
subsequently, eventually the
kernels will run to consume
that. I won't, I won't walk
through all the details for
direct lighting, but it's the
same idea. You can check out the
code yourself. You know, it's
just kind of, you know, same
structure as the CPU prediction.
I'd like to talk briefly. Okay,
so this is kind of work items
that H and all the different
types of work item are declared
there. So like, you know, we
have a ray work item. So that's
the, you know, the state for,
you know, the ray, and a ray
cube to be traced the ray, and
you know which pixel it's
associated with, and, you know,
a little bit of information
about the previous intersection
to use for mis light source, you
know, and just kind of the state
of array. So these are things
that just be local variables,
you know, in the old path, you
know, we have a different table
type for escape grades. When a
ray doesn't intersect anything.
It gets put on a queue. So we
can deal with the fact that
there's, like an environment map
that has to be sampled. So work
items that age has all of these
declarations of all these work
items, or all the sorts of
things that are stored in the
queues. Now, a couple things
about that. So one thing to
note, and again, this is
something you don't need to
worry about, you know, if you're
just kind of writing rendering
code, but you know, if you're an
expert GPU programmer, you may
be wondering about data layout,
you know. So here I've just
defined these structs, and I've
said, and in fact, the kernels
are just past these structs
here, your values doing the book
like a share kind of thing. Now,
the the optimal layout for these
things in memory is, is
structure, a raised layout,
where kind of you know, for
each, each you know pixel you
know, integer, pixel index or
whatever, instead of having it
in regular struct layout, it's
better if all the pixel indices
for the work queue are
contiguous in memory, so that
way the group of threads reads
their pixel index, then that's a
contiguous performance. So
structure of a raised layout is
a much better way to do this.
Now it can get pretty grungy to
kind of redeclare all of your
structs and to kind of write the
logic code, to kind of re
Swizzle it in memory. And I
couldn't find a way of doing
that I was familiar with. So I
ended up we have this kind of
hacked up structure of arrays
compiler called soac, which is
one of the things that gets
built. So this is work items,
SOA file and this, this is kind
of C like, but not C. But
effectively, what this is doing
is it's basically a
redeclaration of the types with
some additional information
about, you know, laying these
things out, flat memory and
stuff like this. What it does is
it parses these, these kind of,
you know, pars is a very small,
you know, subset of C,
basically, to be able to kind of
figure out these types and then
automatically generate code to
do, to read them and write the
construction of the race layout.
So this is nice, because a T is
to write that code B, you know,
it can be error prone, but it
also lets us kind of add some
syntactic short so we'll go back
to the look at camera rate
generation for a second here. So
camera rays are a little
different where, you know, they
don't consume from a queue like
this is where it started, where
it all starts, and then it
pushes race into a queue. So
that starts out with this GPU,
parallel four, but it does all
of the usual things to generate
camera, Ray, camera, generate
Ray eventually, but then you can
see when it's writing out the
state for a particular pixel.
The syntax is really clean. You
might expect this to be written
as pixel sample State Index, if
it was kind of an array of
structures layout. So we have
the indexing in the slightly
funny place, but under the
covers, you know? So from from
the user perspective, this is
all you need to do. But under
the covers, this is actually
transformed into SOA, right? An
SOA right into an SOA array for
the pixel radiance value. The
last thing I wanted to mention,
you know, so we do a bunch of,
you know, we saw with materials
that we're kind of storing all
over all the material types, you
know, and having a separate
kernel for each one. And just to
show one more example of that,
another example is samplers. So,
you know, in this case, we don't
have to iterate over all the
samplers, but we, what we end up
doing is we say, like, well, on
the CPU side, we say, what type
of sampler do we have? Oh, it's
ALT and sampler, right? And then
what we end up doing is then
dispatching the specialized
kernel based on the sampler type
to generate the random samples,
you know. And you know, we can
do this on the CPU as well. It
wouldn't have a lot of benefit
there, you know. It would save
us, you know, the, you know, the
indirect dispatch, but on the
GP, it's a big name, because,
you know, we can have this
kernel implemented knowing the
concrete you have multiple
kernels, one for example, or
type and recall this one, but
it's implemented knowing the
concrete type the sample. And by
doing so, I would just stack,
allocate it, which, in turn,
allows it to not
live in
graphics memory, but I can live
in registers GPU, which is a lot
faster, and that works out
myself. Okay, I'm gonna wrap up
there. I think that's all the
key stuff, hopefully enough to
get folks going and enjoy VRT
before. Please send thought
reports, suggestions, anything
would be fantastic. And I'll
wrap up by rendering the
landscape scene from the GPU. So
this is that scene from loud,
loud, work, and this is going to
keep Google Now, again, we have
this leg because it's coming in
over the network. But see it
renders pretty quickly. And so,
for examples, we just finished
in 1.3 seconds. So that's cool.
Okay, all right. Thank you. So
hi, I'm Daniel Wright, and today
I'm going to talk about using
radiance caching to solve real
time global illumination.
Surprised no ad, no ad. And it
seems like a relevant
just The next video, but It's
good one.
It's okay, so,
Any thoughts about that video? I
anything you'd like to share.
I noticed he continued to say,
This is what's different. What
was different from the previous
Yeah, it
helps you familiar with the
previous version. Would help if
you were more familiar with
their previous version? Yes. So
so I just want to show you where
I got this from I'm
so under
resources I should have, I
should put a link for that. I
So i i visited Benedict.
Bitterly sight and chose an
image there.
So I picked the gray and white
room. And then I downloaded the
PBR key version four input file
or specification files, and
so I did this myself On my
laptop. And this is 1024 samples
per pixel.
So here are some previous
Here's me choosing the wrong
parameters for the image.
So I I had set the maximum depth
for the integrator to be a
default instead of in the input
file. Let's look at the input
file and
so it is a path integrator,
integer max depth, 65 so instead
of 65 I just used the default,
and it seemed to generate More
work because the estimated time
kept increasing
the transparents in
that window makes it look like
it's like been burnt. I feel
like the printer or something.
Yeah, I'm not sure how I can
here. Let me see if I can open
Another window I
sound a little better.
So what's the
keyword to separate the file
into two? I Yeah,
so there's no world end. I think
that's appropriate, because we
don't need to think about the
end of the world. There's enough
stuff going on to make us think
of keep that in in mind. So the
first part we describe the
rendering parameters, and then
we'll begin then we describe the
textures and the shapes and how
they're put together. You
so we have a variety of
materials and
to describe different elements
of the scene, we have leaves for
the plant the plant pot,
so those are the materials, and
then We have The shapes and
then we position them, and then
At the end we have a light
source. And
let Me copied This and
Let's make a
Oh, so this is
128 samples per Pixel. I'm
so if you wanted to,
you could go through and in the
parameters of the file, you
could change, like leaf texture
to be Gold again, for instance,
like we did before, yeah,
I could have done a few Last
samples. So the thing about five
minutes is still faster than
some of the other ones. 200
seconds instead of 2000 Yeah,
still a fraction of the time.
So I was gonna say, if you're
running files in CO 135 your job
ends when you log out, you can
set Up to run, have a coffee and
come back.
Snap. Make it easier. Well, I
have to get out. Okay, let me
start running this and then I'll
cut back after this class would
have been
heavy, yeah, it's a good
feature, though, for letting us
get access To the lab that was
the best pass so far.
They cleaned up a lot of pixel
in the living room. Yeah.
So I notice,
I notice this
interesting feature. I didn't
try this before. You can play
through the images.
Interesting and one of
these doesn't belong, very
interesting treat like a jump
scare. I jump scare.
So we can see
that the floor is getting
cleaned up here,
we're in a different
way. Yeah, I know. Oh, okay, but
the sea ring and the other
details that are don't get as
much light are still quite
noisy. I think when I did, oh,
it's done now. That's with 128
it, yeah, and it
also generate a segmentation
fault at the end. So we finished
the work, but it
there's a segmentation fault. So
if anyone's interested in
finding out what's the cause of
that, I
I realized I needed to put two
dashes in front of stats.
Let's do 32 samples per pixel,
and I did one test. So the wave
front is I talked about that a
little bit, or in that paper,
the word was mentioned the wave
front. That's the GPU
integrator. So we can, if we
give it the argument, wave front
to the to pbrt. It's going to
use the code, the method from
The GPU, but it's going Around
the CPU and you
it. So we can specify the
samples per pixel on the command
line instead of editing the
So where is it storing
all these images? Because I
notice they all have the same
name just by the different sort
of numbering after that,
I'm not sure. I'm
guessing that they're cached. I
they're Yeah, they because the
files don't exist anymore, with
these earlier versions in them.
So here's some interesting
stats. Yeah, so 3300 67,657, out
of gamma pixels clamped to 01,
so that's about 35% of the
pixels are not resolved. The
BVH, that's bounding volume
hierarchy. So we just give some
stats about
about these different things. So
geometry, buffer, cash hits. So
Is there a is there a
difference in performance, if
you were to use a different type
of graphics card, like if you
did the same passes and stuff
like that, the same settings,
would it be the same output just
in a shorter time or so?
It's their Monte Carlo method.
So details can be different, but
we'll get to a point that we're
happy with. If we convert we can
convert can converge on
something, then the variability
will be negligible.
Would it be just faster so on
average? Or will this be
quicker? Or will it be rough at
the same speed as well? Because
I have two different graphics
cards, and I could. I'm
wondering if they would perform
in a similar manner. I would use
either of them, despite the fact
that they are like different
generations and stuff like that.
Why don't you test it? Find it.
I'd have to plug in the other
So with the one
that's plugged in, did you
build? Were able to build the
GPU? I haven't had enough.
I have one that's like
a 4000 series, and I have one
that's a 16 series, and it's
just, I'm curious if I should
maybe just plug in the other
one, because I know that
sometimes if you overuse a
graphics card, who causes
issues, probably not doing these
renderings, though, as far as I
should keep my one safe, or if I
should just use it, I think
that's mostly when people are
doing like Bitcoin mining or
whatever, that they ruin their
graphics cards. I'm just a
little cautious. That's all i
Yes, I'd be
cautious about Bitcoin mining.
anyway, these are
somewhat self explanatory
geometry intersections, Green
Triangle intersection tests, 96
million, I
so there's one light 20. 20
materials and 13 textures.
I Want to,
want to show you,
so this talks about rendering
The scene from the PBR TV for
Scenes repository And
I haven't tried this before. I
Oh, that's more
reasonable pixel samples per
pixel time
at the front of the command,
yeah, That's that
gives the timing information for
The process. I
No, it's, it's still working. I
Yeah, it'd be nice to know that
It's still doing something
productive. I
um radiance.
Irradiance sounds good.
Plus intensity,
intensity and right?
Thrown off a bit by multiple
choice, who You choose all the
other the Other question, I
yeah, what's An adequate model?
Geometric optics. I
What are some features of that
do? What does that allow us to
so it shows how light interacts
with objects that are much
larger than them,
okay, but to what assumptions is
this permit.
I so we can think of the
you Can
we can linearly combine
different contributions and
What are some other ones?
No qualification. I
energy conservation, no
fluorescence or phosphorescence.
Do estimates
and steady states and
so that means state. State means
that lights are
always flickering in this room.
Technically, we just can't see
it, so it just assumes a
constant light, right?
Yeah, or not, the energy is
over time, right? Yeah,
very quickly reaches the steady
state almost instantaneously and
So light has reached
equilibrium, so radians
distribution is not changing
over time.
So it's not these
aren't wild assumptions. They
just help us deal with light in
a in a better in a more
straightforward way.
It's 216
Thank you for
today. Have a good weekend, and
I will have things on Your
courses for you to look at.
Thanks again. Bye.
Thanks, you, too. You
Thanks, you, too. You
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