Outline for Today
Cameras and Film
- Assignment due dates
- Ideas for exam questions that will give a fair assessment of your learning to date (to the end of Chapter 5)
- Chapter 5, sections 1 and 2
For Next Meeting
Link to the UR Courses wiki page for this meeting
Audio Transcript
Doing very good. How do you do a
good end? I pretty
How you doing good? All right,
sorry, I wasn't keeping an eye
on the clock.
Been there. We've all been there
working on something. The next
thing you know, it's one o'clock
in the
morning. Done that so many times
less so now Alex 10 has moved
Back in I don't do that nearly
as often.
I so here we are at meeting 11.
meeting 11, February 11.
sorry. I'm used by small things.
so we're in the last week before
the breaks. We have a meeting on
Thursday, then the break. And
then we meet on Tuesday, the
25th and that day we can do some
review for the midterm, if you
like. And we'll start on Chapter
Six then, so We'll deal with
chapter five, today and
Thursday. You
here's our meeting for today.
See came
up? Okay?
So? Assignment due dates I was
checking with both Our marker I
first assignment, six marks
That's due February 25 Tuesday
2359 and
59, I What do you think about
So the final two assignments and
would be due at the same time.
hello, I was now in time does
midterms of
27 Correct? Yes.
So it should be in the calendar.
Let's check it out. Do
Is it may be filtered. I
Mom, our nature. I thought I
had taken out the attendance for
that Day, but don't stress about
attendance for that day. I
winter, February, 27
in class. So there's no quiz
that class, then obviously,
yeah, I You did remove that
my brain is actually, I
you can ask you, what do you
need to bring today? And you're
going to respond with pencil,
pencil sharpener, maybe an
eraser, and you remember your
student card. And
yes, yeah, I think Dr Hepting
Well enough by now.
Yes, I'm
just trying to get
into that. I've been around for
forever. It's my third Dr
Hepting class. I day class.
284, 28, don't you know who my
professor is? I
I know I have to do another
wiki, so
I will get that done off the
It's on my list of things to do.
do so Mr. D,
like one right before this one,
I brought that all right again.
did. Oh, is this four questions?
Wow, is this any questions about
what I'm asking for assignment?
okay, change in size, adding
one spheres. Changing the size
you will be able to click on a
description very soon. I just
wanted to get the dates and the
marks into your courses for you
appreciate it, so now we can
transfer them to our own
Yeah, So has anyone done the
export calendars from your
I have another planning app I
use. No I just meant to have the
transfer all The due dates to
your own calendar And
Okay so?
So I want to encourage you to do
that. I
If you don't make any
suggestions, I guess we'll still
have a midterm. Anyway, though,
when did you walk them by? I
How about the day? Monday, the
24th and midnight. I 359,
on the 24th or 2359 on the 23rd
24 24 Okay, Yes.
Thank you for that.
These are randomly generated, as
you realize, perhaps not
randomly generated, but randomly
ordered. So we talk in the book,
he talks about different spaces
in which we can work and render.
So what is an advantage of or
what is the camera world space,
and what is advantage of
rendering in it?
Well, it's basically like
relative to the camera. It's the
biggest part of it, really
the Carroll road space. The
origin of this space is the
camera's position, but it
maintains the orientation of the
world space. It is not
necessarily looking down to Z
And then that's
render space tied to that's the
render space tied to the Canada
world spaces. But there's a half
that's not lot of
my I'm just gonna look up
point. So rendering space can be
the world space, the camera
space or the camera world space.
So that's just
an umbrella term for
space we're rendering in
feeling it should be at the top,
and the other ones, if it is an
umbrella term, it should be, it
should be first and then the
other one should be the only.
According to that coordinating
system, it's just the place
where it's being rendered.
That's a rendering space. But
that's all it is. It's not
they seem like they're separate.
The rendering space is just your
choice of those three coordinate
systems. Which one you want to
it. So rendering space is
mentioned above the list, but
it's at the end of
it. Should I feel like it should
just be the first of the four of
them that are listed?
Yeah, that's a good point. I
think it's not like
they're even trying to go in
alphabetical order, because they
have object space at the top
world, yeah, so are some of
these familiar, yes,
very familiar camera space,
because whenever you're doing
like, like game development, or
anything like that. You're from
the camera's point of view all
the time, and then you can
always leave it to do, like, to
move stuff around in the world,
to place things. So in a similar
way, you have them as separate
sort of entities. Just because
you move your character doesn't
mean the entire world moves
around. The camera just moves.
Yeah, I camera
to me, camera space versus
camera world, space. Camera
spaces, if you're looking at it
like first person and then
Camera, camera world is where
you're looking at the whole
scene altogether, like where
you're a third like you're
outside. Like the classic Mario
game would be a camera world,
space where the first person
shooter of me, one I don't know
what Call of Duty would be,
camera space like that's what
we'd be looking
at. Makes sense,
yeah, but I think we have to be
careful. I
we have to be careful in the
sense that the final product we
see on the screen as you're
playing a game, for example,
it's the final product. Is the
output. So, camera, world camera
space, world space, these are
the details under the hood, so
to speak, and there are some
efficiencies that can be gained
from them. Does
that make sense?
So what's an advantage of using
camera world space as a
rendering as The rendering
more precision and geometric
details preserved you.
More precision is definitely the
case here, because if we have an
astronomical translation and
rare. So here's the original
car. Here's a translation of a
million units I think
looks like a Lego car, maybe a
so what happens here is, because
we've we've used up the
precision translating a million
units away, so We don't have
very much to work with anymore,
and so we get this imprecise
image. So that's a reason why.
Maybe not rendering in world
space is a good idea, and this
is a camera world space.
The viewpoint has shifted
slightly, same here things
just the pixels are slightly
offset because they're giant
blocks instead of, you know, no,
I think compared to the
that's what the description
said. Viewpoints shifted
slightly due to a lot of
accuracy and the representation
the camera. Think you might have
to zoom into the micro pixels to
find that very end of this
CS, the translated CS, rendered
camera road space. Much more
precision is available than
geometric details preserved.
However, the viewpoint is
shifted slightly due to loss of
accuracy in the representation
of the camera position.
In other words, they couldn't
get the exact camera position.
Let's test that
doesn't appear different
display on them, probably the
in artifacts for J bagging I
safe image as What's going on
here. I
Okay, Let's take a
it's an interactive image. I
guess that's feature, Not the
bug. I
Okay. Now
let's try and reset it. Does
that look like it's Yeah, I
that is Okay. I
I don't feel like it should not
say anything at all if it's
working, but
it doesn't look like New files
Be Great. I
You put the second one quotation
works, the camera, World card,
The other ones you put in
quotes, yeah, that
one because there Were arguments
to the switches on the command
line. I
Ah, I think we're getting
closer. Yeah,
so I was able to generate an
error message so it's it's
working. It should say there's
no difference. Who agrees with
me on that? No but I'm just
saying the Image tool software
should report that there's no
difference between two images. I
my technique would have been to
Photoshop put them images right
on top of each other, and use a
difference filter to see if
there's any differences. But
then, since they're like, What
JPEGs, P and GS, there's still
going to be micro differences
just because the file format. So
I don't know if there's a good
way to do it, without the
artifacting and stuff like that,
but here anyway,
So not conclusive, but it seems
like they're the same image.
It'd be really awkward if they
just put the wrong image up,
like they actually put the same
image twice. It's like they
didn't even notice the
difference is not aligned. Yeah,
it would be really awkward. I
as we Have that in this PPR,
Four scenes, I believe i
Not sure which one it is. Let's
try to smoke this Car. I
i don't i did this before, So I
think it's Maybe the VMW. I
I only had 35,000
seconds. Yeah, we won't hold our
breath for that one.
I Okay, let's change
it. A little better. A
little better. Yeah, he didn't
want to wait for him for 34,000
seconds. I
No, that's Not it. I it.
Maybe it is the pm or the sports
car then,
yeah, See what else we have
here. I Have Here You
Daryl, Yeah, I
Okay, so We can that's
let's take a look At the pbrt
file. I Guess I
I'm wondering where how To
specify render Space. I
so it's An options, Okay?
Okay, back to The quiz we
took. Took screenshots,
screenshots. I
so what's the implication of the
shutter that opens for a short
period of time? Motion
Blur? Why do they want to
emulate motion blur in the first
place? What's the benefit of
having motion blur?
We can remove some of the at
least for cinematic qualities.
Some people like an emotional
blur, because it emulates older
film, because the film was
literally moving as you the
camera. So like, as light went
across, a new blur going
through, like, like, if you took
two images and smeared it to
them to give a cinematic effect.
And it can also kind of review,
reduce motion sickness if you're
staring at something really the
high refresh rate, but if you're
a gamer itself, yeah, okay,
motion. Yeah. I get that. We can
do it, but like, it's a still
image. So I was wondering why
we, why we want to emulate
motion blur? Like,
let's assuming it's not a still
image, because if there's, if
nothing's moving, there's no
motion blur.
Yeah, could be like thinking,
like you could render an image
of a sprinter, but I'm wondering
why you'd want to make him
blurry. Show the boy running,
you know?
So we get the sense of
then being a sprinter,
sprinting, moving blur, faster
than a speeding bullet
also be used for like films that
use Physically Based Rendering,
so as they have moving
between each other, okay, that
makes one sense. I
I think I was messing
around with
Adobe Illustrator, and there was
a film. I took a little video on
the job, set it so watching it,
I increased budget settings,
added extra frames interval
in between them and watching
them just like a sudden jerk
around and move to fill it with
the gaps of So very ai,
I see if I am correct about wall
E, B,
that's Not the bold title. Think
it's just Wally.
No, not that
different. Wally. Oh, do we?
Any future
Restaurant Andre?
Will We be at? Andre? Do?
Featuring the first use of
motion blur in CGI Animation.
Should we have A peek at it? Oh,
hole. Here you go, these Wings.
These women you
so yeah, for wings, we need that
pretty impressive. Yes, that was
19, Eight, six. I
So the last question is about a
circle of confusion.
This was a little confusing for
me to wrap my head around a
bit. It's basically like when
you have an actual camera, if
you ever, like, if you don't
have, like, the infinite focus,
or like a parallel lens, you
could focus at a point which is
the focal length, and anything
that is for or after that goes
into the prism, and it either
scatters at the imaging medium
so the sensor of the film, or it
reverses up or reverses down, so
it scatters at some point Before
the Vocal Point of the lens,
creating Boca or depth of field
so things become blurrier the
farther out or the closer to the
camera. Thank
You. So it's so
a point does not lie on the
plane of focus as image to a
disc on the film plane, rather
than to a single point. The
boundary of this. This is called
the circle of confusion. I
Well, there's an example in the
picture below.
if the circle of confusion is
less than the size of a pixel,
it will affect it will appear to
be in focus. If
let's figure 510 i
It looks like somebody's thumb
is in the picture.
So that's a lot of defoc,
that's a lot of depth of field.
so a large circle of confusion
will lead to blur from being out
of focus.
Can you go back to B so small
lens after and then scroll down.
CS so there's more on the desk
that's in. It's clear in that
one where in the other one
there's less focus,
and then the backgrounds and
stuff is more out
of focus. Oh, wrote a time 17
this would be a Good one to test
with The Image tool diff and
you? Okay? Well, thank you for
today, and we'll see you on
Thursday. Any questions or
concerns, will you remarkable?
Yes, I will. Sorry, further
delay. Oh, you're a busy guest.
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