Mtg 25/26: Tue-09-Apr-2024

Outline for Today

Usable Privacy and Security, Humane Interfaces


Response to Responses

  • Was a little difficult to understand the last concept about Usable Privacy and Security. Does it mean the website can be either highly usable or highly secure, and developer must find a compromise between the two?

Results from Last Meeting


For Next Meeting


No Media


Zoom Audio Transcript

  • Good morning. Okay, let me share my screen and let's begin. So meeting 2526 today. anyone watch the does anyone safely watch the partially clips yesterday around noon. Okay? So today. I wanted to just continue a little bit about privacy and security and then talk a bit more and both humane interfaces. Let me get the chat open here. I was sitting by a window in Ridell. anyway. So one comment from yesterday was our last meeting was. it was a little difficult to understand the concept about usable privacy and security. Does it mean websites can be either highly usable or highly secure. and the developer must find a compromise between the 2. So we'll talk about that today. So another comment I didn't include here was. Can we make the last assignment due on Friday instead of Thursday. and that's fine. I'll make that change. So Thursday will. We'll? So we'll focus on review. We'll try a We'll try out a sample final exam and answer any questions about the exam. So we'll handle that on Thursday. Okay. so I wanted to point out a couple results from the participation items I set up the other day: one is about the breakout room broadcast trial we did at the end of our last meeting and then there is the formative feedback for me. so I'll go through both of them. So here's the link to the first one about the zoom room, broadcasting zoom breakout room broadcasting. So I had asked you to rate the effectiveness of the following modes for broadcasting to breakout rooms. So notice I had the rating scale be symmetrical around the middle. very ineffective, very effective. ineffective, effective. neither ineffective nor effective. So message got an average rank average rating of 3, and the voice got 4.3. So there are 17 respondents 16 who used the breakout rooms last day. But what this summary doesn't show is the relative ratings. So that's how. Here, let me show you list of responses. So start at the beginning here. And so one person rated both as effective. Another person voted said the voice was more effective. So I recorded that as a plus one for voice preference. and here both were effective. so I won't go through all of them. But I did that so that I could get the the numbers here on the page. So people who preferred message. There were 2 people who preferred voice. There were 11. So I'm not sure what that Emoji is. Okay. Thanks for the explanation. So, going through of the 16 responses to people from people who joined the breakout room on Thursday 2 preferred message 11 preferred voice, and 3 had no preference. so that means they rated no preference means they rated them the same. I didn't look at who rated. I think some people who said no preference right. read them both as ineffective. So I'm really looking at the difference. So they said. One said very ineffective. and the other one said. so. So say message was very ineffective, and voice was ineffective. They still preferred voice, and then gave a score of one. So I looked at the difference between the 2. So is this. plus 24 score of the plus 2 and the plus 24 scores? Are they helpful? So what might be a better way to analyze or make sense of that data. Anyone have an idea about that. So I'm thinking of a word with that many letters anyone make? Want to make a guess anyone want to request a letter filled in? Okay, let me view them in order here. So first was a V, so that's then a yeah. So I think it was Julia who who guessed average first, and Kartek got it as well. anyway. So maybe making an average is helpful. So so we had us a plus 2 score for those who preferred messages. So an average is one. So it's maybe a slight preference preferred voice. So the score was 24, divided by 11 equals. let's say about 2.2. I know it's more than 2. So another way I could do this is to look at. So maybe this is help was maybe helpful, because the people who third message add a slight preference for message. People who who preferred voice had a bigger preference for voice. any thoughts about that. So did I answer your question. Dane, about? Oh, this was. and yes, so I could make an announcement. If I'm if I'm doing breakout rooms in the future. Now that I have the voice option, I could say, Attention, Students! Prepare for an important announcement. get everyone's attention. So it's important to get the attention to begin with. because we can only put our attention in one spot at a time. So especially with the messages. If we're not expecting messages to come up. it takes a minute to realize there, there's some text flashing on the screen. but then it's gone before they may be gone before you realize what happened. So I thought there was an answer that was given on the midterm about improving the interface involved storing the broadcast messages so you could review them. So I thought that was an interesting idea for dealing with the problems of of communicating in a more stressful environment. any thoughts about that. Okay? So I want to also go over the feedback. So we had 20 responses. So you can look at this yourself. I wanted to deal with what you'd like to change about this course. Any thoughts about response and quiz required. Every class is too much. I'll create a feedback activity for that as well today. So I'm not. I've mentioned this before. I think I'm not requiring it for every. So there are a couple of times when we didn't have something set up. and then there were times when well, and I'm going to not use all of them. So it's not required for every time. So I just wanted to make that clear. Okay. any thoughts about that. Okay, the course is very messy on the look side. It's not organized well, and it's so confusing to go through the course material very poorly handled. So this. So I take that to heart. I've I'm trying working on organizations. So if you have suggestions about the organization. let me know again. I'll ask some more specific questions based on this. some more instruction. So this is another setup comment. If I could, I change the way the course is set up more instructions to know what to do. Okay, so I've I've not help some things by by copying the assignment and inadvertently taking your submissions from assignment one and putting it into the last assignment. and that caused some issues that are still dealing with. So I know I've had some issues there. So thoughts about having the midterm be worth more. There should be no assignment. Instead, there should be this discussions midterm and final. So when you. using the breakout rooms with a bit more structure and the use of class time can be improved. Yes, so the the group. There could be better tools in your courses to support that. And I think one of the one project is dealing with that topic and the grading and the feedback. This was not helped by my error with the copying and moving the assignments that I just talked about the mode of information, dispensation. clear information for assignments. So I'm dealing with. I'm trying to deal with the issues about assignments by letting you Reese Reese revise and resubmit earlier parts. if there were some issues in those. so I know another issue with communication was me posting to class discussions and believing that I had set the class discussion Forum to notify you when posts were made there. But I realize that's not the case. So that that's certainly an issue of the designer model user model and the system image system image not communicating my intent. And so this feedback is important. And I could. I can work. I will work on communicating those things more clearly and using the announcements for updates. important updates and pointing to class discussion posts that are relevant. relevant and timely. So as an example, I'm I'm working to provide information in only one place. So I'm putting things on my website. And I'm looking to my website with your courses. So yes. I'm guilty about the short comments on the midterm. So I will provide more detailed feedback about what I expected for the questions this week. So this is the first time I've been doing 4, 28 was 7, 30. And so there been a few issues there. I've tried to be responsive to comments about the material and the readings. I'm my intent was to have information be centralized. So I'm not. I haven't been successful in that. So this is very good feedback for me that I can improve. So yeah, the readings could be improved. I realize that I've tried to be responsive to that. Those comments that came up earlier. you know, and in our discussions. and just read material for exam. I'm not sure but that is. anyway. I don't want to take all our time talking about this. I wonder whether I've lost anyone for doing that. anyway? So is Canada weird? That was the question I asked. yeah. So Western, educated, industrialized, rich democratic. Yeah. So it's not necessarily a good or bad thing. But it's important to acknowledge that we have a certain perspective, and that the perspective that we have isn't isn't the perspective of everyone. And we need to consider that diversity. Yeah. So I didn't put. I'll put this link in later. But I'll show you now. So the Acm has book a page about welcoming all to computing. So there are some problematic phrases. and well. so some some terms may be more or less troubling to you. but there's a case to be made for all of them. and perhaps some more. So instead of a board terminate child process, maybe cancel force, quit, stop, end, or finalize average user. When used to describe less experienced users of technology. This term may come across as pejorative. So an average user is is hard to define. Each of us has our own our own individual differences that make us unique. I'm not sure that common standard or typical user is. those are better. Black and white box. Self-explanatory term. such as opaque or clear box might be better. Black hat, white hat, blacklist. Wait, list blind and double blind lines. Review. Byzantine. and this is the one that talks about the trip. The the non-western cultures term reflects a prejudice against it. an erasure of cultures associated with and drawing from Byzantine civilization, and endorses an exclusionary and denigrating stereotype of against people of such cultural background and dark pattern is maybe better described as deceptive or manipulative. so usable privacy and security does it mean the websites that we design should be either highly usable or highly secure? Or do we? How do we find a compromise between the 2? Any thoughts about that. So if we give the user too many choices. so maybe it's not a bad thing to give people choices, but it. It's about also making it clear what the impact of those choices is. I would say that usable privacy and security is is making sure that the impact of selecting a configuration in the interface is clear, so that people using a system have access to to the information, and they can make an informed decision. So it means. I think. having security available. having perhaps the most secure and most privacy, preserving settings configured by default. and then allowing the user to make changes only if they understand well. pet. in such a way that make changes such a way that. huh! The that the impacts are made clear. So it's not a question of in Facebook with with the dark. with the deceptive pattern. Pardon me. of privacy, zukering where the privacy. negating choices are easy to make. and the privacy preserving ones are difficult to find. So things that are helpful to the user have much more friction. and the ones that are helpful to the company. So a question of can? Does it website have to be usable or secure? I think it can be both. And it needs to be both. So what would be a happy medium. Yeah. So we need. we need to make it make things clear. So we go through the process of we need to spend time designing the interface to security features. so that they're presented in an understandable way. So we can think of the heuristics as a guide. and we design things consistently to reinforce a metaphor that encourages users to adopt appropriate mental model. We're dealing with this. the issues that are presented in the interface. So I just wanted to point out the center for Humane technology. So Aza Raskin is a son of Jeff Raskin. who was a designer on the Mac project on the first Apple Macintosh design, and he wrote a book called the Humane Interface. So he talked about some laws for humane Interface design. And he said. the first law that the computer shall do no harm to a user's work or through an action, allow harm to come to the user's work. which is maybe familiar to science fiction fans and regard related to Isaac Asimov's laws for androids. And the second law that he proposed was the computer shouldn't should not let the user do more work than is necessary. So, on the one hand. that's maybe advocating for automation and artificial intelligence. But another way to think about it is. we need to involve people in the process and keep people in the loop. So we can maintain our humanity in a more philosophical sense, but in the more practical sense keep people engaged in the process so they can recognize when conditions occur that required their involvement to problem solve and to take over from the automated system. So there is a story about a plane crash in Florida Everglades years ago. So it was a very dark night. and a plane was coming in for a landing, and the the pilot set out to put the landing gear out that the light didn't come on to indicate that the landing gear had been properly deployed. so they sent somebody down to look to see whether the landing gear was deployed. but it was so dark they couldn't tell. So then they focused on checking whether the bulb was burnt out. They had set up autopilot. but in the process of adjusting. trying to get trying to test whether the bulb was burnt out. they nudged the control and turned off the autopilot. but there was no feedback that the autopilot had been disengaged. and so the alarm came when they were at a very low altitude. But the crew, the cabin. the pilot, and the copilot we're working on the late. and they had they were under the impression that the autopilot was still on. and by the time they realized that the autopilot had come off they could not pull the plane out of the dive. In it. It crashed in the Everglades. So that's a case where maybe they put too much emphasis on the autopilot. Maybe that's like the Tesla system. where people put too much faith in the autopilot. the auto driving feature. but by not keeping the pilots engaged in the the readout of what was happening. The plane crashed. So it it turned out that the landing gear had been deployed. Just that message wasn't communicated. Did you like my story. So thinking again about analyzing numerical data. so we can do averages. So I had request for breakout rooms. So I'll get you started there. So the Zoom versus Proctor track is a group assignment. If you did the empathize as a group assignment. So there was a request for breakout rooms to do some communication about the assignment. That's why I opened them. So I'll keep the meeting going for 5 min. So people who want to can cut get into their groups can do that. otherwise we'll see you on Thursday. So thank you very much for today. Take care.
  • Perfect. Have a good one. See you? Thursday.
  • Okay, thanks. You, too.
  • So can we have a special breakout room to discuss the grades that you gave us for us? Understand assignment. My group and I are having some discrepancies about the grades that you gave us.
  • Okay.
  • And yeah, my group is here in the meeting. So if you can just create one breakout room for us, then it would be great. So.
  • How about you? Join room 2.
  • Alright, so my group will join through them. Thanks.

Zoom Chat Transcript

  • good morning
  • good morning
  • morning
  • Good morning
  • good morning happy Tuesday
  • I tried
  • Yes, I watched it
  • I went out to look at cool shadows but was scared of eye damage so I didn't end up seeing anything lol
  • I saw it through a cloud, pretty cool
  • I still had eclipse viewing filter from last solar eclipse, so used that to watch
  • I was sitting by a window in Riddell Centre and saw the shadows on the ground outside
  • Only issue I have with the broadcasting is you can miss the beginning of what's being said if your not ready for the broadcast
  • Replying to "Only issue I have wi..."
  • Replying to "Only issue I have wi..."
  • Reacted to "Dr. Hepting can say ..." with ☝️
  • Replying to "Only issue I have wi..."
  • Replying to "Only issue I have wi..."
  • Replying to "Only issue I have wi..."
  • Replying to "Only issue I have wi..."
  • Replying to "Only issue I have wi..."
  • Replying to "Only issue I have wi..."
  • Yeah, I'm not really sure what the score refers to and why it's different from how many people voted.
  • I'd like to guess a V
  • Is letter A in the word?
  • average?
  • _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  • _ v _ _ _ _ _
  • A v _ _ a _ _
  • average
  • average
  • Preferred message: 2 / 2 = 1
  • Preferred voice: 24 / 11 = 2.2
  • yeah that makes more sense
  • Feel free to add your thoughts as I go through these items
  • Is it good to be WEIRD?
  • Educated is never a bad thing I think
  • Some may argue other of the points though
  • It's not bad on its own, its the lack of diversity that's the problem
  • Some may say Western culture eclipses everything else and kinda doesn’t take into accounts other perspectives
  • It can definitely be tricky, since you honestly can't give your user too much granularity, otherwise they might end up messing with their settings in a way that they don't actually want or aren't in accordance with privacy or security laws
  • Can a website be usable and secure? What does usable privacy and security mean?
  • informed consent basically
  • There should be a happy medium
  • useable and secure
  • What would be a happy medium? Defaults set to a reasonable level of security and privacy (not the most restrictive?)
  • should be easy to use for the user but security shouldn't complicate that process
  • Did you follow my story?
  • it was a good story, but plane crashes are never good
  • Reacted to "it was a good story,..." with ☝️
  • Yes, never good
  • Any questions about what we have talked about today?
  • Reacted to it was a good story,... with "☝️"
  • A thought about analysing data: averages (also called means) are helpful but medians and modes are also helpful…
  • Breakout rooms?
  • Are the Zoom v ProctorTrack assignments still a group project? If not, can it be?
  • Sorry, I’m unsure what are we discussing about in break out rooms?
  • Ok, great, thank you!
  • Ok thank you
  • The last assignment (Zoom v Proctortrack) is done with the same groups (or not) as Empathize
  • Have a great day!
  • thank you! see you thursday
  • Thank you, have a nice day!
  • I have to leave now, but see you later! Bye!
  • Thank you
  • See you Thursday!


What important concept or perspective did you encounter today?

  • Today the discussion continued about usable privacy and security and alternative words that can be used in computer interfaces. Also we looked at responses to class feedback.
  • It was interesting to see professor go over the student feedback for Dr. Hepting. It had some nice feedback, appreciate the feedback being shared with the students.
  • final
  • Going into breakout rooms
  • no
  • The main perspective for today was is canada WEIRD
  • Design the way with heutristic in a way That encourage user to adopt mental model. Give more choices to user Keep people in loop so we can maintain our humanity in more practical sense. Keep people engage in a process that require people in problem solving and to take over automated system. Plane crash story
  • The ai concept and humanity
  • Discussion of the data collection and how it was evaluated and averaged out was interesting as data science interests me
  • Important concept i learned was human interfaces
  • We reviewed again how the WEIRD acronym relates to software design, and can be used to understand user groups better
  • The meaning of WEIRD
  • talked about the quiz and topic is Canada Weird, tradeoffs, etc.
  • Canada is in fact WEIRD, though this was encounterd more during the quiz. I was also introduced to secure application design and the implications that will generally have on a user.
  • Went over breakout room feedback and course feedback, then dove into more interfaces and concepts
  • I learnt that canada is weird
  • Today we went a bit more into detail on Usable Privacy and Security and what a happy medium might look like in terms of providing security and privacy for users in a way that is uncomplicated and user friendly. Overall the consensus was that it should be easy and should keep users informed but shouldn't be too complicated.
  • That apparently a decent amount of people had issues with the course layout
  • We went through the instructor feedback as well as Zoom breakout room broadcasting feedback. We had a small chat about Is Canada WEIRD?
  • WEIRD, what it means and how it's applied
  • That Canada is WEIRD
  • some responses about the course, response data about zoom broadcasts and how to possibly calculate, privacy and usability
  • An important concept was considering how security can be less restrictive to allow for better usability, and a balance is required rather than completely prioritizing security over usability
  • Discussion about WEIRD, discussion of student feedback on the course structure
  • I learned about the Center for Humane Technology and how the advancement of technology can have dire consequences.
  • Today we learned about some AI, and discussed about the assignments in the break out room
  • msotly about the assignment
  • In today's meeting we discussed about; Is Canada WEIRD, Tradeoffs, Centre for Humane Technology and Humane Interfaces, these seem to be important topics for the finals.
  • WEIRD, Centre for Humane Technology, Humane Interfaces
  • It was discussion.
  • Design and exam things
  • The laws proposed for computers, including "do no harm"
  • We looked at the survey results of breakout room broadcasting and formative feedback. Also, we looked at some terminologies, such as user average. Lastly, we discussed a system's usability, privacy, and security that has to be compromised to achieve the easy and secure system.
  • Usable Privacy and Security
  • Unable privacy and security
  • We discussed about WEIRD, Usable Privacy and Security, and Humane Interfaces.
  • rating about zoom breakout room
  • humane interfaces
  • To have and equal balance usability and security when it comes to development.

Was there anything today that was difficult to understand?

  • Not today, material was clear enough.
  • Not at all
  • no
  • No
  • no
  • Todays class was good and informative
  • no
  • No
  • No everything was made clear and easy to understand today :)
  • No
  • no
  • Mostly about tradeoffs
  • no not at all
  • I did not have any difficulties today.
  • no
  • People's strong distaste for proctortrack
  • No there was nothing difficult to understand
  • Nope
  • Not really
  • Nothing too difficult
  • no
  • No.
  • no
  • no
  • Nothing seemed to be like difficult as such, just will go through the websites that were discussed in class and by the end of the semester would like to say this that this course was very interesting throughout and the support by Dr.Hepting provided was amazing at every step of the process, would love to take up more such courses with Dr.Hepting, thank you so much!
  • No
  • No
  • No
  • None
  • No
  • There were no difficulties.
  • No
  • No
  • no
  • No
  • all goes well nothing is difficult to understand
  • no

Was there anything today about which you would like to know more?

  • When and where AI should be used and when/where it should not.
  • I would like to know more about WEIRD and humane interfaces.
  • the final exam. im not sure how to prepare
  • no
  • No
  • Not about today, but I was wondering about the feedback about assignments. We received our grade for our assignment but didn't receive any additional feedback to see where we went wrong. Feedback is important in order to constantly improve and not make the same mistake in the future.
  • no
  • I dont think so
  • mental model
  • Want to know a few more details on what will be on the final exam and what to study
  • No
  • I wonder how WEIRD demographics are measured, and used for the development of software
  • Human interface
  • everything was upto the point
  • I wish we could have had a better or more substantial conersation about the airline design flaw with the landing gear that resulted in a crash. Having a conversation amongst the class would have been nicer than just hearing the story, but that is a shared responsibility among the students and nothing to do with Daryl.
  • no
  • I would like to know more about the final exam
  • Yes, I would like to know more about the format of the final exam. Like how many questions, what type of questions and what’s material to use.
  • I am struggling on how to prepare for finals. Also our grades for most of the assignment are not out.
  • How will we do the zoom vs proctortraxk assignment in groups
  • Is there an acronym for Eastern countries too? Would Italy be considered EEIRD?
  • no
  • No.
  • no
  • final exams
  • I would like to know more about the trade offs, Centre for Humane and Technology Humane Interfaces, as these were really interesting topics and important as well in terms of concept understanding.
  • No
  • No
  • No
  • Usability Testing
  • Will the final exam be open book or closed?
  • I would like to know about the final exam.
  • None
  • No
  • no
  • No
  • humane interfaces
  • The problem with security is it falls not only on the user (sometimes were forced into situations we don't want to be apart of) but how the company deals with this information and how good they are at keeping it safe. When it comes to security no ones safe there is only a matter of time before something happens.


Link to the UR Courses wiki page for this meeting