Mtg 1/38: Mon-30-Aug-2021

Outline for Today


Link to the UR Courses wiki page for this meeting


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Zoom Audio Transcript

  • Hello. Good afternoon, yes it's no longer morning. So big change for me i'm zooming from my office at the university. Instead of from my kids spare kids bedroom at home. So this this this. first meeting of the first class of the Semester, or you already had some today.
  • First, yes.
  • it's the first one.
  • yeah I suppose it's either one or two. wouldn't be. it's not that late in the day that you'd have. Many more than that. Anyway, it's nice to. Be with everybody here. So I had a. I thought about. Updating the names, so I know that. You can rename yourselves. let's see. Let me share the screen on the chat let's see what the chat okay that's.
  • Okay.
  • Good afternoon, Professor.
  • Good afternoon. So I encourage people to put the video on if you if you're comfortable with that. feel a little more interactive. I can. Do a gallery view than we can. Okay, so we're couple of minutes in and have 3234. So we have 52 enrolled as far as I know. So how how successful was I in getting an email message to you earlier today. And did some of you get more than one.
  • leave a great.
  • yeah so the interface has changed, and I, I thought that I had restricted them to the different groups. But then I saw that they were being sent to all groups all participants and I thought. There I was looking in one place. Where I where I thought I should look and it looked like it was sending to a particular group and then later on, at the end of the message block it said. It had another drop down that said all participants are different groups. So. I apologize for that little bit of confusion, maybe we can look at that in a minute with. Your courses. So let's see. What if I share my screen. And then, would you be able to see it well. I don't know. I don't know if I get the zoom windows in or not, so let me just explain what i'm going to do. So from the list of participants. I can choose myself, and then it says rename. So i'm going to say. i'm going to rename it, so this is the name i'd like to be called. So you can call me Darrell or Dr happening. Try and stick with those two. No bad words. So now i'd like to be called and then in parentheses my email address without my you Regina email address without the. Whole part just the. Just my ID user ID. Okay, so i'm gonna i'm going to suggest that, as a way so that. I understand how to how you'd like to be called and then. And then I can associate it back to the class list. If you put your user ID on your you rejoin the user ID. So that makes sense. So can everyone take a minute to do that, please. So, and maybe maybe not just. Okay. So enter eat. I see you put your student number I don't want to know your I don't want you to share your student number with everybody. So just. Just the part that identifies your email address, so you don't have to put at your but just. Does that make sense the the username for your email address. and i'd also welcome you to. be less formal if you mean you don't include your family name as well just the first name or the name you'd like to be called. So if we can do that as a practice. Then i'll be able to keep track of everyone's. So when you post in the chat and so on. Now okay. So the idea is. Oh, I can rename people to I didn't realize that. Okay. I don't think you have the ability to rename anybody, other than yourself that would be. strange if you did. to report that is a bug or a feature, perhaps not sure which. i'm. Sorry, my phone is ringing. didn't show. Alright, so. Where are you. So i'm going to ask you to not send me direct messages in zoom. So that I don't it doesn't when you send me a direct message, then. It wants me to reply to a direct message and that. And I have to reset it to go to everyone. So that makes sense, so. Please, please just send me. Messages send message to everyone chats to everyone. Okay, so the idea is. When you get beside your name in the participants window if you click more then there's an option to rename. So that's where i'm asking you to rename. yourself. Okay. So Can somebody who's. The let me ask path, if you can write something in the chat i'm just curious to see whether. You appear in the chat Okay, thank you. So that's. If you do that. For every meeting, then I can keep track of you, and so, when I put the chat transcripts. Oh anonymize them so you're not getting. You won't be identified to display identified as. We have done it as S, and then a number. So you'll you'll be identified that way, but then I can keep track of of your participation. So it makes sense.
  • Okay.
  • i'm just gonna grab a screen here. grab the window and.
  • Okay.
  • So there's that Now let me go to New our courses. So editing is on. So let me so i'm going to ask you to report your attendance. And meetings. So that there's a link here attempt no they haven't shared my screen sorry. I think i'm going to try and use my second screen here that I have in my office. or figure that out for next time so i'm not juggling so many windows. i'm okay i'm live. Okay, can you see my Google chrome window.
  • yeah.
  • I notice it's not.
  • highlighted.
  • I updated to the latest version I don't see the highlight. Other versions had the. window. That was being shared. I lighted so. Anyway, so at tenants at meetings. Okay, so I posted. password for the attendance. So i'll do that at the beginning of every meeting. And just use that to record your attendance.
  • Okay.
  • sessions here set up and there's 38 meetings, including today's. So we have 3903 you might have 39 ideally but. 38 is pretty close. Okay, so let me go into the student view. and show you what's.
  • here.
  • So these links won't go to the best place right now, because. it's an August. Tomorrow, the debt it'll be better. I realized, because I have. My scripts set up to divide things in terms of winter is January to April. Then spring summer is may to August and fall is September to December. But today is today's an outlier so I have to. fiddle with that so on Wednesday we'll. we'll have better content available at some of these links. And i'm just finishing editing the syllabus as well, so we'll talk about that on Wednesday. So these links would go to. Things on my website which aren't don't include the current one. And I haven't published an update to my website for a while, so. I have a running on my laptop. But it doesn't. It hasn't made it to the CS website yet. So that's another one that's the link that's not quite updated yet. So I spent the better part of last week, it seemed all 40 hours of. trying to get my printer my computer to printer the printer across the hall for me. So I. So, on the one hand, that you know the paper cuts system. And if it's so. Managing print resources on campus to reduce waste so it's it's good and it's generally interoperable. But. So I just updated to the latest operating system on the MAC. And I probably tried to do a few things that I shouldn't have tried to do said well i'll just reinstall this myself and then cause problems but anyway so Finally I was able to print again so. Now, on to the other important things that need to be done so. So this zoom this zoom link here. Is a real link foot so that's my office hours. So if you have some suggestions for when I should. be available for office hours, let me know you can send me an email. I don't. send me an email with the subject of CS work 28 plus 828. So that helps you pick out things that you're sending to me. Okay, so that's the first part of that, and if their announcements i'll send them here. So I sent. I use the breakout groups list so that I could let you know which group you're in. So we'll talk about that now, so the zoom meeting link is the one we're using right now so that's going to be used for all the meetings. When I first started doing this. Several years ago good I only seems like several years ago. 16 months ago I would create a new link for every meeting. And that became a little bit too much. But so here's the zoom link to get to the meeting and here's the attendance and things we've talked about. And then i've used breakout groups to. to inform you about the links. and which group you're in so if if you're not yet registered. or you're kind of sitting in today that's fine. we'll figure it out. This coming in, by the end of the week i'm sure we'll have it figured out. Okay. So I created a page. So if you got more than one message for me. So we have 52 students registered. So I made groups of the seven groups, some of them are eight and some are seven. So not too big not too small. But if you're not sure which. Which group you're in you can refer to this page this link, on the one page for the course in your courses. That makes sense. Then here is the discussion forum. So the student I haven't included myself. So, if anyone has this message. If you clicked on that. Well you're not registered yet in the class so. we'll take care of that this week, like I mentioned. anyway. So you as a student you could click on this and you would be able to post your group. So i'm just that message from Korea. Korea Shah. So thanks. But please don't send me direct messages. So I can. not get stuck in sending messages to individual people. Anyway, Okay, so it makes sense, so we're going to try a breakout room in a second here. On a little bit more than a second.
  • So.
  • Far I think. OK. So the breakout groups are going to use throughout the Semester so we're going to try and keep them the same and what i'm going to do differently with my treatment of breakout groups is. Let you to let you to assign yourself to a group. So i'm going to create seven breakout rooms, based on their current configuration and then you can put yourselves into the breakout room so that matches your group number. Okay, so, then you have some continuity. you're not getting together with a bunch of new people so. Maybe the breakout groups will help you. The continuity, will help you. Just be more connected to the class. You can let me know how it goes.
  • Are the breakout rooms also going to be recorded.
  • I do not think that I can do that.
  • Okay.
  • So. If you have a really good. chat going on. So i'm not sure whether you can say just the chat from the breakout room. or not, I think it's what happens in the breakout room stays in the breakout rooms. And I could be wrong. I am occasionally. Or maybe as my wife and daughter tell me. Frequently. wrong about things. anyway. So it's something to. experiment with it so. If you do it. Like if you do a chat or take some notes. So I just encourage you to keep those keep a record of those discussions. In the in this forum. So it says separated by group so you're not going to be stuck. sharing with everybody in the class it's just through the years with your seven or eight. Group members. And then, at the end of the Semester. See the night. The Nice feature about the disorganization is that it shows due dates. and It only shows up when you do collapse topics. So it's kind of a secret hidden. Easter egg, as they say. If you use this layout. So you have these arrows here that you can. You can hide them. You can clap similar. So we'll talk about grading groups. and realize that. Well, I can generalize. mushroom that's. Something is ringing not sure what it is. i've turned my phone off now. Okay, so that anyway. So that here's. The section about meetings. And then. We have responses to meetings so if any of you were in know some of you were in 280 or two or five in winter I. started doing this. And it took me a little while to get. get going in a reasonable way. And I think now is even more reasonable. You can let me know if you think it's all if you also think it's reasonable or not. So the changes i've made so i'm using a feedback instrument in your courses. So it doesn't do words, it does character so i've set it to be not. You can write up to 512 characters which is. will say it's about 100 words. And i'd like you to pick one of these three things most important thing you learned in the meeting most difficult thing for you to understand in the meeting that just passed. And the thing you would like to know you most like to know more about. I wrote a better the thing about which you would like to know more. So. You can submit these up until midnight so after the class is finished in 17 minutes from now. you'll be able to write something. it's not open yet, but so you get it. there's two questions, one is to pick one of these three things one is a description. And then you get 512 characters to write something about that. And so last semester, I did winter, I did it as. You have been a the day before the next class. Now wasn't really enough time for me to. make good use of them, so and giving until midnight today. And so there are 38 meetings, including today. So. give you a you don't have to submit all them to get 10% the 10% of the marks. Whether a good portion of them anyway so. And I don't want to be too. too hard too hard and fast about that. try and do it every day. So you can see that there are responses for every meeting. And I think that i've done this correctly, I know there's 38 meetings and I ended up with 38. And I think i've. gotten the the days we're not meeting correct. So, for example, Monday next week we're not meeting that's Labor day. So jumps from. September 3 to September eight. And then you know thanksgiving on Monday, the 11th so there's that goes from October 8 the 13th. And then we have our fall break. Whereas it's here, so we go from the fifth to the. So you're not moving in that week. And remember it stays in that week as well. So I I added this today. Because I wanted. To give you an opportunity to write more if you're interested. So i've created a collaborative wiki so you can. elaborate on your responses. So you can have more than 500 characters. In the wiki and then we can look at organizing it and. Keeping it as a record of our discussions are learning from the Semester. So maybe things if you think there's a resource that. would help to. be good to include in that discussion so you're talking about. Human centered design generally. And you find that there's a link that. or discussion or some somebody's blog post or whatever. That would be a good addition or maybe a video or anyway. Those are also things you could put into this wiki. Okay. So let me close this. So then there'll be individual assignments with 20% of your final mark, so we started with 10% here, plus 20%. Is 30. And then we'll be a project. will be done in groups. And lots we divided into different assignments. And all together they'll be 40% of the final mark, so now we're up to 70%. know and there will be an exam. I said exams but i'm not going to do a midterm exam. So we will finance our 20%. And you'd have to pass the final to pass close. But it's. Just as a sign that you've been doing the work and not relying on your group members or other people in class. So it makes sense. And then there's another 10% allocate for participation. So part of that is attendance. Your contribution to discussions and plots. and Other opportunities that come up to. Speak well. If you put things into the wiki that's. And suggested suggest exam questions you can. Find issues with my website. or with my website or your courses. So different things like that now how about I just didn't have a chance to clean up everything. Once we end today i'm going to do that. So we'll have much more information before Wednesday. And then there's also research credit. You can get one or 2% bonus marks for participating and research. it's done in the department. hasn't there there's not always a project but i'm the principal coordinator, so if there is a project you'll know about it. And so. We might ask you to try some software do do something. it's basically you're volunteering time. Maybe a half an hour or an hour. Monitoring time to contribute to some research. And as a way to say thank you give people give participants but credit for the class. wellness marker too, so you can. participate in tune studies and get two bonus marks. So that's, not to say thank you it's not enough to. make you feel like you have to do it, even though you really don't want to. me if I said i'll give you an 80% bonus, if you do to study for me. So you might be inclined to do it, even if you don't want to do it. So. i'm. I would be 80% of view but of course course of word. So don't do that we want to have free and informed consent. When we. get people to offer their opinions, because then the data that we get from those studies is.
  • It.
  • Is a higher quality it's not so biased. And then we're also being ethical we're not twisting people's arms being them to do things they don't want to do. They will talk about more that will talk more about that later as well. So does that make sense, how we've got things set up. Okay, so let's try breakout room. And if you're in if you're just waiting to get into class. You can pick a breakout room for yourselves. Who didn't get an email with the breakout group number so i'm going to put this up. again. So if you don't have a group number a group breakout group breakout room. Choose 456 or seven because they have only seven members so. Keep it spread out and then, if you if you do end up on in the class, then you can just keep you in that group, you can let me know which group that is and i'll add you to the group and. we'll take it from there. Okay. So it didn't talk to mature yet about. What we're going to do this class so. So the idea of designing interfaces for people doesn't just have to be software, but. that's The thing that we're focusing on here. So how do we engage. Humans so that we make the interface. With the people at the Center of the interface, instead of just as an afterthought. Instead of thinking Oh, what would be easy to code. And then, all. The people who are going to use it, they can just figure it out. So maybe you've seen soft seen interfaces like that. Where people haven't really the designer the programmers haven't really thought about people using the thing. we'll do is we'll talk about the theory. goes into interaction design and we'll go through the process of identifying. opportunity problems. unmet needs and then. How we can address those. Those needs. go from. requirements and through design and implementation so we're not going to implement. we're not going to change. The actual code of any software programs, but will do prototypes high fidelity prototypes and we can. make it look like we're interacting with the software fine. So we'll do. Low fidelity prototypes which are grown and paper with on paper with pencil. And the high fidelity prototype which is using some software. And we'll try we'll do a bit of evaluation along the way. So let me have. Bigger here. I think this should just you should be able to see that. Can you see that because I just switched the tab in the same browser so. So there's understanding the issues and exploring opportunities and then materializing. And it's this isn't just a. single iterate is doesn't just go smoothly, from start to finish. There are opportunities to go. And revisit steps along the way. This is, these are the eight. This is the kind of the process that we're going to look at so that makes sense. Okay, so. Oh boy sorry. i've talked too long sorry. let's go into breakout rooms and you can say hi to one. Okay, so we have 39 participants 38 excluding me. And you should be able to assign yourself to a breakout room. So the other thing I wanted to mention before we wrap up today it's. Well it's my experience with. An undergraduate class I took looking at wallpaper patterns. It was a geometry class, but the idea was we're studying the 17 different ways to create plane filling patterns or wallpaper patterns. And some. What what I did that semester was. analyze every piece of. wallpaper I could find. So I want you to think about this semester is an opportunity to think carefully about. And more deeply about interfaces you encounter. Whereas, you might. not notice, something is. Very good, or very bad. You just accept it for what it is, but maybe there's an opportunity to. understand and reflect. On what's. What are some of the potential issues for people. That makes sense, I hope it does a little bit. So we got all the. got five people in Room one. 300 to five and four 305 506 and 307 so. If we're giving out prizes be room six. and three. But we're not. Maybe that's something you should consider if your future meaning so. that's a little joke. So this finally. I got a direct message from sahil so are you ready just. See. What he said there's no options to get in. Anyone. Well we'll talk about it, I guess we're 22 minutes or two minutes late here. So we'll address that are you are you in the class officially in the class. So you worry. Okay we'll figure it out for Wednesday okay Anyway, thank you very much for your time today, thank you. you're very welcome. So. we'll hit the ground running so So if you had a chance to look at Chapter one in the textbook. do that but we'll. Sorry for keeping you late first day take care stay well see you Wednesday. bye.
  • bye.
  • bye.
  • bye.
  • Have a good Monday. thanks again. So see you on Wednesday.
  • Professor me I.
  • Yes.
  • Yes, I have a ton of questions I screwed up a little bit in the beginning, I clicked on the wrong link because there was too many link in the. website so I was like maybe was some office, our leaders and let them, so I joined like 15 minutes late to this. session so I missed the first part and just right now, like asking questions regarding that like what a mess so i'm just wanted an overview of this whole subject so. The subject is basically like I already saw the old arm resources that were provided that it's going to be assignment project there'll be no made them that you mentioned and final exams right.
  • yeah.
  • Okay, so for the final exam would be the proper exam or Do I need to install that or is and it'll be a zoom lecture like an open book closed book something like that.
  • you've done in your course before. So I think that works OK.
  • OK, so to be you.
  • don't have to use proper track.
  • Okay perfect and. Regarding the course and how it is implemented i'm just having some questions regarding that so like the courses, like every single day, that would be attending the lecture afterwards, before I didn't even better, we have to mark attendance in the course like in the URL seltzer.
  • Not before this so during during the meeting I will send that password soon the password it's a child.
  • Okay.
  • So it will say student password and then i'll be like a little short string characters.
  • Okay.
  • Take that and. use that to record your attendance at the meeting.
  • Okay, and and every single day, we are you will be like teaching us some content and something like that, and we have to discuss it in the breakout room, or is it just the have to give us like every single day like. What are we are, we are like what our plans for the Semester like in for every single actress.
  • So I. i'm a little resistant to be saying to committing to a plan for every single lecture but, overall. like this. Many people are. Still with us anyway, a few other people, besides you. chicken. So this picture you can can you still see the picture here.
  • The certificate.
  • So we're going to. Talk about and kind of follow this. in general. go from understanding to exploring and materializing. Or the Semester and that's what the project will focus on. So along the way we're going to touch on different pieces of theory. That are explained in the textbook and and and and other resources. So every day. I have a little outline. This is kind of how the Semester is going to be organized that we're going to follow this. circle.
  • So, like we will be taking one topic. From the book and it will be like discussing two hours this guideline and the assignments and stuff it will be based on the books, a content and of what we do in the lecture style.
  • yeah.
  • Okay.
  • But. Again I don't i'm not comfortable in saying that this is over. we're going to you know cover page 500 to six 500 to 520 on in meeting 13. So it's. i'm. prepared to have the. default discussions, where they go.
  • Okay.
  • So the idea of having the breakout groups. And the rooms is so. That we have a structure so. we're not getting together with a bunch of new people every time we do breakout rooms. And connection with the forum and your courses there's a way that we can have more. continuity.
  • yeah okay that helps.
  • So. I would say don't worry. about things before. They come to pass. So i'm. Sorry, but since the last time I did the class i've updated. The marketing scheme, a bit.
  • yeah I actually have checked all of that. yeah I did get an overview of what we are doing and I just like. Like a little bit I was little bit confused about the content, like what we are going to do for the assignment and the lectures and stuff so that's why I was asking you, the questions and stuff.
  • well. So for Wednesday i'll have. To website cleaned up my website. Anyway, I just have some more things and. So what I want to say, I guess, this. So the responses to the meeting, so you can write a response to today's meeting you can say. here's what I didn't understand or here's what I. like to know more about or here's, the most important thing we talked about. So I know.
  • Yes.
  • Professor one more thing regarding that feedback every single day that after the lecture we are right at 100 words things like that I checked. And he said, the deadline is like every day after the meeting hours, so you after the lecture I was 12 in the night so because, like i'm having some classes, following this class so. Can we maybe modify that like maybe extend for four or five hours or something like that, because the classes goes on, after this for like because I have taken another class that starts from like. 237 and I have also taken a graduate seminar that goes on like five or 530 so kind of like it's like it's difficult for me to like write the review, right after our class. So that's how they can we just extend that like maybe the next day 12 or something like that in the morning to Wilson.
  • Like, no, no, I don't think so I don't want you to overthink it. it's it's like. issue is going to take more than five minutes. Your your. It should I don't expect it take more than five minutes so.
  • Okay, so it's not going to be a like big thing it's going to be like small thing and it's not.
  • 100 words.
  • yeah I can get the word limit, but the thing is like i'm not able to get the like content like what kind of things that we have to provide like is it gonna be like a complete you know review of the things like proper.
  • You know, research.
  • And stuff or something like that.
  • So. Page here. Oh, so now. Now it's open I can show it to you. So I want you to. on any day to pick one of three things. Most important thing that you learned. In our discussion most difficult thing for you to understand from our discussion. The thing about which you most like to know more. So.
  • So. Every day feedback.
  • So. So here's what it looks like when you do respond to meeting one. Then there's it gives you that.
  • Oh.
  • So let's say the thing i'm most like to. know more about thing about which I most like to learn more. No more. So i'm going to say that's what i'm writing that's how to classify it. You can write up to 100 words and, and this is an example here okay.
  • Okay yeah oh.
  • yeah. That took me less than five minutes.
  • Okay Okay, or if that's just like a general question type of stuff okay let's open that we have.
  • right to see like I want to get your input. Yes, some days, maybe you have a question some days, maybe. You don't have a question but. This particular thing was. Important I found this really important. or i'd like to know more about this or. i'm trying to give you a few things some I don't want you to describe what we talked about in class.
  • I don't need.
  • you to read you know regurgitate. A summary like that. But. So I want you to pick one of those three descriptions of what you're writing and then right up to 100 words. See you know in Chapter one of the. So there's an interesting answering machine designs talked about in Chapter one I think it's Chapter one. Anyway, so I might be. Something that comes up will come up and discussion.
  • Thank you, Professor That is my all doubt it's really helpful.
  • Anyway, what i'm going to do is. Because these are going to be do by midnight, then tomorrow i'll look through them and organize them and then we'll spend some time talking about them. Next class. Okay.
  • Yes, perfect. Well, you represent.
  • I don't know if it's perfect is pretty standard but.
  • Oh no that is perfect actually the concerns that I was having it was answered fire.
  • yeah.
  • So that that's.
  • What I was looking for. I don't need to. me because i'm a dad on know, maybe just have that dead since. I try and. get a smile other students.
  • Okay, so.
  • I hope you enjoy the class and then we'll have lots of good discussions and semester.
  • So me too.
  • Okay, take care.
  • See you on Wednesday here yeah.

Zoom Chat Transcript

  • 2nd for me
  • 2nd one
  • Already had one
  • 1st
  • 2nd
  • #2 for me
  • 2nd for me too
  • 1st
  • 2nd for me
  • 2nd
  • yes
  • I didn’t get any email...
  • me too
  • yes
  • Test
  • yes
  • Yes
  • yes
  • yes
  • yes
  • password?
  • 4ax8ih
  • l*
  • Student password
  • Done
  • yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Thank you. Have a good day
  • Bye :)
  • see you
  • Happy Monday !!
  • Hey I missed the attendance
  • Would it be a problem
  • Have a good Monday! See you Wednesday
  • Attendance missed one day is not a problem
  • Thanks
  • Thank you
  • Came late so I’m listening too
  • :-) See you Wednesday!


What important concept or perspective did you encounter today?

  • In todays lecture we go through the UR Courses, syllabus and format of assignments. Overall, it is an interacting class relating the overall course.
  • Thanks for the in-depth explains as to what to expect this semester.
  • I apologize for not attending todays meeting, but I'll make sure to ask my classmates about todays meeting. Thank you and I'm looking forward to another great semester with you Prof. Hepting. Heptin
  • Class expectation in regards to attendance and participation. Also how to navigate through the class's URCourses page and the prof's preference in communication.
  • The human computer communication refers to the user communicates with the system and performs operations through the human computer interface.
  • Today, I learned about the course structure, the breakout rooms. It was a good meeting as after this I can easily access the course from ur courses. Looking forward to learn new things in this course.
  • With today's meeting being the first, the most important thing that I learned was how the classes would be structured and the concept of breakout groups and discussions on general topics related to the subject.
  • i learned about the subject and what to expect also how the following classes will be and different topics that i can expect form the course
  • For today most important thing learned is the general structure and approach for which this course will be delivered.
  • Today it was our fiest class and we discussed the syllabus and grading system. And also how to use breakout rooms. Looking forward to this semester.
  • Dr. Hepting today gave us an introduction to the course. He made us familiarize with the course syllabus and how the course is divided into %. He also introduced us to the breakout rooms and had a test run.
  • It was the first meeting of the this semester and was just an introduction about how we are going to pursue this course and the important aspects to be kept in mind. There were several important points that were covered in todays meeting which included the basic outline of what are we going to study in this semester, the grading scheme, all about attendance, breakout groups and discussions.
  • The course structure, planning and the marking criteria are the important things I learnt today which will be usefull for understanding the course throughout the term. Thanks
  • Is that the way in which the class will proceed. Since, I had a course with you in CS280 last winter, it was easier for me to understand the way in which the semester will run. I am excited to have an another great term under your guidance. Thank you.
  • It was first day so learned about overall how the course will be, breakout rooms. Also got to know about the the meeting link that we have to join and marks distribution for the tasks that we will be doing. Also we all entered break out rooms and explored it a bit by interacting with others a bit. We were also shown the cycle of design thinking. I would like to know more about syllabus may that wiwll be covered in the upcoming classes. Thank you for the meeting.
  • I have learned about the subject and outlines for the class as well.
  • It was first day of the class, Very excited to learn from Dr. Hepting and our class started with understanding the Course Guidelines and Evaluation for Assignment, Feedback, Exams. Also we joined a Zoom Video Conference with other students and joined our respective Breakout room and got to know our group members. I was interested in knowing about how this class will be through out the semester including gathering information and doing research for Weekly Assignment, Class Attendances and Exams materials.

Was there anything today about which you would like to know more?

  • I would like to know more about the content that we are going to learn and discuss in these upcoming lectures. Because I it will be so interesting to learn how human and computer communicate.
  • In todays class we discussed the course outline and how the weightage is distributed among the different criteria. I learned that we will first sketch the idea on the paper and use some type of software to make a real design.
  • I liked the idea of having discussions on breakout groups and would like to know about the kind of discussions we will have on the assigned groups.
  • As per today’s lecture and looking at overview of the course/ course page design, l’am finding this course interesting and would like to know more about it. Since today was the introduction lecture to this course, I do see it has so much to offer and I’m kind of excited on what we will be discussing in following lectures. I referred to course syllabus and would like to learn and know more about those topics.
  • Does this course cover accessibility in building HCI's?
  • Today was the first day of my class and it was interesting to attend as it help me to understand the course material and how it will be going on in further semester with this class. I have attend group breakout sessions and it was nice to introduced ourselves in the first day of the class. I am really excited to learn "Human Computer Communication" with Dr. Hepting. Just learned about how the marks are distributed in this class as we have marks for attendance and participation as well. It will be great to l
  • Human-centered design
  • Is Human-centered software development. I currently do not have the most knowledge about this topic, and would like to see how the user/human is put into consideration when developing and designing a new tool for example. Along with this I would also like to learn ab out the difficulties and problems that occur with Human Computer Communication, and the practicality of the developer mindfully integrating this.
  • about the course outline i.e. the topics related to designing and interaction .
  • today's meeting was really interesting as I was eager to know how the lecture will work in terms of attendance, assignments, projects, etc. the concept of submitting the lecture's response is quit new for me but I am very excited to submit the responses according to the lectures. lectures
  • I would like to know more about the Course outline and what would be the project for this course. Project weight is 40% so if we know more about project we can start working on that right now and we can get and give more time to project. I also like the marking scheme of this class.
  • I would like to know more about what type of individual assignments we should be expecting throughout the semester as well as what are things we should consider about the group projects and group discussions. Also, will the final exam be proctored?
  • The syllabus compelled me to participate in several activities. I am excited about going forward and completing given projects.
  • Today's meeting was totally about how the semester is going to be. I found it exiting and eagerly looking forward for the course and also after reading the course description I would like to know more about this course.
  • Human computer communication - we didn't cover anything today
  • As it was the first class, we have not started the course material or reviewed the topics being covered throughout the course. In future classes, I would like to know more about the tools, techniques and methods used in each stage of the human centred design life cycle. It would also be knowledgable to know the history around computer software and application design methodologies in order to know where the current day concepts are derived from.