- Due date for Project Part 2 -- changed to Monday, OK?
- DHH: Good afternoon. i'm late, I didn't. keep a close eye on the clock. I have to do something, just to get ready to. appear before you today. So. Let me share my customer not to share the screen. For this, but I will. I forgot to say happy Wednesday. Happy Wednesday.
- S01: Happy Wednesday to. Thanks.
- DHH: OK, so the first the password for attendance to the chat. So there's. A request for. An extension. For the second part of the project. until Monday so so just making that for one persons or one group I. extend that. extension to all of you, I hope, that's okay. So if you're done for Friday, you can still submit it. But you have until. One minute before midnight on Monday. Night submitted. said okay any questions or concerns about that.
- S01: Thank you so much.
- DHH: Oh you're very welcome. Getting lots of responses to this that bit of news, so I should maybe have. to something like that every day, so I get everyone communicating. Okay. So let's look at website for today's. Meeting. So I said, the theme for today was fatal interface issues, so I mentioned about five for one. Any thoughts about that in terms of. Why that's an interface issue. So I mean it was. there's three three parts of interaction, I guess, one is. If. there's a. Important bit of integration being conveyed by. Love on the. In the cockpit. Then, there should be. an easy way. to verify the ball was. burnt out or. And there's an easy way to. To change it. mean so there's one aspect of interaction there and then there's another aspect in terms of. The. engaging the autopilot and being able to disengage it by tapping the. word. By copying the steering column I guess it's not the best term but. me, I guess, there are. Many small issues along the way, and then. And then the way that. People were flight crew was. able to become. diverted from. The process of flying the plane, because they thought the autopilot was in control. And then. We got to the point where. Your idea of how this is the slide was. Proceeding. diverged more and more from the actual situation until when they got the low altitude alarm. They couldn't reconcile the two in time where they hit the ground. So the other one that. comes to mind and it's a Canadian example. Is the third act 25 if any of you heard of that before. Okay. So this was a radio therapy. device. That was. produced by atomic energy Canada limited. And it was the next was a progression. Of the previous two models were done in collaboration with the French Government. But I just giving you a link to the Wikipedia article about it and i've just taken. A bit of text from there. So this to me seems like. Important interface issue. Design did not have the hardware interlocks to read the electron beam from operating in its high intensity high energy mode without targeted place the engineering review software from the therapy from the previous models which had used harder interlocks the mass the software defects. hardware safeties annoyed reporting they had been triggered so pre existing errs roving. Right, so there were mechanical safeguards in place.
- ???: and
- DHH: So, because the software is being used on those earlier models. which had the mechanical safeguards and there weren't any issues with it. They thought. There is a big leap of. an assumption that software is is without errors, the software is working properly. it's just that the. system wasn't designed so that it could can convey the air conditions existed when the hardware over hardware interlocks were deployed. So I thought of that one. We were looking at the Harvard Harvard open data project, the other day. Because we saw the interface element navigation menu on the left hand side of the screen. wasn't being used as a. As a menu so much as it was being used as an input. Specifying. phil specifying filters for. The information displayed on the main. screen. So. So to me that seems like. A big issue that. We should we're not doing the users any service by. Using standard things in one standard ways. So I mean that's not a fatal. issue there but. Okay well. This. So I want to also mention in terms of that slips versus mistakes and the inner interaction. So I have a link to the interaction design.org website here, this is take a look at that. So in these two cases, the place for one Sarah 25. Is, these are not. intentional. There is no malice or fourth or, worse, not in creating the interfaces this way. anyway. So Okay, then let me give you more context there, so we can talk about whether people make who are using the interface make a. mistake, so they form the wrong intention.
- ???: or.
- DHH: What would they choose how they choose to. and act. carry out their plan to achieve a goal. they've made a mistake and planning, so they haven't understood how to move from their goal to. They haven't understood correctly, how to use the interface to achieve their goal. versus whether they've understood, but they've stolen. made a mistake along the way, so that's the distinction between slip and steak. So, then, the third thing. So this is what happened this is what's possible when we're designing a good faith, we can still. Have the user experience slips and mistakes. Even though we're designing. To support the user, so it makes sense. So don Norman. sent a division between slips. And the stakes are. It occurs division occurs at the level of the intention, a person establishes an intention to act, the attention is not appropriate, this isn't a mistake if the action is not. What was intended, this is a slip so intention was correct. But the action. is not a. The action is not always intended. to slip, but if we have the wrong intention. Then, then we've made a mistake. So let me just. Finish reading this. example and the stick would be to buy a Microsoft excel license because you want to store data that should be made it accessible to web clients through sql queries. Because Microsoft excel is not designed for that purpose, so that's a mistake, in other words you chose the wrong method for achieving your objective. However, if you install the postgres. postgresql server for the same reason, but in your haste forgot to do the program privileges to go through your firewall That would be a slip chose the right method of achieving your objectives that you made an error and carrying out the method. So according to sternberg who's writing the 96 slips are most likely to occur when he was deviate from a routine. lot of that process in appropriately override intentional control processes. or be when. Automatic processes are interrupted usually as events. Usually, as a result of external events or data, but sometimes as a result of internal events such as finally distracting thoughts. So the designer shouldn't. Think of a simple dichotomy between errors and correct behavior. Rather, the entire interaction should be treated as a cooperative endeavor between person and machine, one in which consent misconceptions can arise, on the other side. So, as I make sense in terms of the distinction. Okay. So the idea. designers are trying to do right by users. Is. somewhat the premise here we're not trying to make errors trying not trying to create problems with users. What if that's not the case. So the idea of dark user experience patterns. just become popularized and. Last year's. So. The idea is that the interface is set up and designed to this leader trick users to make them do something they wanted to. So we haven't done a breakout room for a little bit. So let me see there's 2827 participants. To do three breakout rooms. And then. So i'm not sure about advertising discounts all the time. is an issue is an example of that as much as it is. size and the placement of ads. on the screen so it's. yeah okay. So if we're adding a timer to create a false sense of urgency to create. New. yeah to create a false sense of urgency for the user. That can be. That can be disruptive and if it's an 80% off. Then it's. It may very well be. More than, then the user can easily say no.
- ???: No.
- DHH: to disregard is especially if it's something that is of interest it's of interest to the person. So what I was going to ask in return to discussing breakouts are. What are some examples, what are some examples of. dark ux patterns. So the idea of. yeah okay so i'm going to create three groups i'm going to ask you to think of examples. Of interfaces that. make you do something you don't want to do. or don't make what you want to do an easy alternate an easy thing to. Choose in the interface. And then, how do we combat them. The These evil designs. Is there a way that we can combat them. Okay, so i'm going to make three breakout groups and. So the idea is to. try and get eight or nine people in each of them okay. So i'll type in the question here to the chat scott's. Okay, so now we're back any. Did you have a good discussion about that.
- S03: I think we we just briefly touched about how to combat.
- DHH: it's how about examples of.
- S03: Okay, I think one example, at least, that I used. Was youtube's autoplay. So you click on a video and there may be a chance you finish that video and YouTube decides of loads up the next video that the algorithm chose for you. uh huh and. Well, a good chunk of the time, the algorithm is wrong, you don't want that next video. And it benefits YouTube because it's there's playing ads for you. So overall I guess that would be one example of a dark ux. So I guess in terms of how we're talking about combating such a thing. I guess a we need awareness. We what we want, clearly when we do things. And second is maybe things like an ad Blocker. But yeah we just was starting to talk about. Combating these things, but it didn't get too far, there.
- ???: Okay.
- DHH: Any other examples.
- ???: Thanks Jeffrey.
- S04: NGO three, we have a good discussion. We found out that. There are some websites. Where we actually when we want to start there they actually give us a prompt to collect the cookies and if we deny it, they actually don't. Let us to have a view of the which side, or sometimes if you want to download a document you cannot download the document, if you unless you accept cookies. So there are some research like that and Michael also had a example of a website and he denied to actually accept the cookies but still it collected the focus from. His PC. There was one example, and another one was like I actually first myself I I sorry offer in the fleet, and it was a chill you take you will miss $20. And then I clicked on it and I found out that they will actually register for the offer and there will be a draw and then you can get it, so you just kind of misleading.
- DHH: mm hmm. So regarding the cookies. I suppose, in the first case. If they make. If they make cookies a condition of using the website. That that seems like a reasonable thing that doesn't seem to me so unreasonable office at first blush. So long as they're clear about that. When the case where they've. Used cookies when you explicitly. disallowed them. That that seems like the serious case that. Could. result in in some consequences for the company. or for the website. Any thoughts about that. So my my sense of. Is it when i'm using websites on my phone. You that's good coverage for the. person or the company doing. Doing doing that. elite or that. Unwanted behavior. by hiding under the. bed hiding. Their deeds.
- ???: Under.
- DHH: content that seems. That would advertise their. adherence to the. To the rules sorry. it's a bit of a rambling answer there, I was just going to say my example. Is navigating things on my website on websites on my phone especially. If i'm looking at recipes are some things I look up quickly. Well, this happens, most with recipes. That it's a minefield. get through the content, without steak me tapping on when the ads. So. Seeing there may be an interesting study there to look at. What percentage of screen real estate. is occupied by ads and is there a way to get through. to navigate through the content of the page without. Without activating and add. That to me seems. seems very deceptive practice. So. Does anyone else have experienced in the sense that ads on mobile sites are. Are are too big. Maybe too big.
- S05: yeah as not only on the mobile sites, but. Whenever we use to. Open any website, there will be the we usually get pop ups so purpose on the. Bottom right side, so when and these pop ups have have been designed so like that they have their clothes buttons very small.
- DHH: mm hmm.
- S05: So when we when we try to close their thing, sometimes it gets closed, but sometimes. That click redirect us to that particular website, which we do not want. So these so it's it's a it's it's kind of. I think like ux designer. They were told by the company to design these kinds of. designs, that is a these kinds of buttons so that user can get. misunderstanding or there. I think like. So that so then like the so that the user can can be forced to. redirect to that particular website.
- DHH: mm hmm. yeah so I. I put a link just to the general. issue acm ethics website. So there's one principle and particularly recognize and take special care systems that become integrate. and become integrated into the infrastructure of society. So I think. that's one way. In which we need to we can think about. what's the word. To where we can. Maybe draw a line in the sand that what's appropriate and what's inappropriate. By relying on these. idea of professional principles. Anyway, I see that i'm a couple minutes overtime, my apologies for that thanks for the discussion today. Have a good day i've got an office hour to. And another one tomorrow at one. And we'll see you on Friday. Take care everyone stay safe.
- S06: Thank you bye bye.
- ???: bye.
- S04: Thank you ever so have a good one.
- S07: thanks you too, thank you, Professor.
- S08: Thank you, Professor of the new one.
- : thanks you too.
- S09: Good Afternoon Prof
- DHH: Student password
- S10: happy Wednesday
- S04: Happy Wednesday Professor
- S05: Happy Wednesday Professor
- S03: Thank you! Midterms this week has been stressful
- S10: thank you
- S11: Thank you
- S12: Thank you!
- S05: thankyou prof
- S07: Thank you prof
- S06: No
- S10: In a previous class yes
- S04: yeah
- S08: yes
- S10: would site sthat always advertise 80% off be an example of dark ux?
- S10: its deceptive because they add a timer suggesting you need to act quickly
- S06: Pop ups that the close button or X is difficult to find
- DHH: Discuss examples of dark ux and what can be done to combat them.
- DHH: (in breakouts)
- S10: what about a site that you reject cookies but they still store them?
- S10: yes
- S04: yes
- DHH: https://ethics.acm.org/ ?
- S10: it was ironic because the article was about being compliant with cookie regulations
- S13: i agree with the recipe example. i always find myself mistakenly clicking on an ad
- S10: thank you
- S14: Thank you
- S15: Thank you