- DHH: Good afternoon. So good afternoon and happy Friday. Is the second loss well let's see. it's the second last Friday that we're meeting. it's the last Friday November. And it's reasonably warm up. And not too slippery. So it seems like a good day in the make. Oh yes, it's black Friday. So they will know why it's called black Friday. Okay, so give rob knows. we'll give somebody else a chance to answer though. When we can. anyone else, want to hazard a guess as to why it's called black Friday. Anyone. Okay, so it's related to. something that happened in the States. Yesterday, do you know what. happened in the States yesterday. And it's not just yesterday but it's an annual event that happens on. yeah okay. that's right. So the American thanksgiving. happens on Thursday. Okay, and black Friday is related to. That day because. Traditionally, people. go shopping for Christmas presents on the Friday after thanksgiving. Okay. let's try another hint. What color ink is used when keeping track of. accounts so maybe. To cut two colors of ink could be used. Read. As in if you say. i'm in the red, that means you're running a. deficit. you're not in a very good financial position. So the other color is black, which means. you're doing fine. Well okay that might be local or some over simplified. it's called brown black Friday because retailers in the States traditionally. start using black ink. On black Friday. make sense. Anything you want to add Sir off.
- S01: No, I think that's pretty much it apart from that fact of that traffic situation that happened on Black Friday, but I don't think that's realistic to its name.
- DHH: what's the traffic situation.
- S01: Well, I think. it's also like, as the saying goes, that like between that black Friday time it was like the biggest traffic jam that was observed in Philadelphia, or something like that. Like people were out tried to buy, like all the steps and get achieve deals and stuff so that's why but I don't think it's related to the name.
- DHH: yeah. yeah so black has black Friday has gotten. Some darker connotations associated with it, because remember one year, a few years ago. Some people died in. were trampled at a walmart as people try to get the. Exceptional deals. yeah so it's not always so much fun. anyway. Happy Friday. So let's do our attendance. There we go. Okay, so. last day asked about opportunities for me design. opportunities to improve the way the classes delivered online. Both in your courses. And online website. So I prepared a poll. So i'm. asking about how you access the quantum. So do you mainly use your courses, do you use my website. Or do you use both. More or less equally. Okay, so we have. let's see eight more. People yet to answer. Six more. Why or for more action. Five more for more. Two more.
- ???: Excuse me.
- DHH: Okay. Different question let's. let's do this one first. So. So. The know is really was erased now does that mean that. Yes, there are issues. Are you. Okay. So if you have a few issues. This. Out there for discussion. them out there for discussion. Okay that's fair. i'm. I could be. I could have the details of our meetings online sooner earlier than. Then I generally do. Well, take. Okay, so we hit on a good way of. Engaging you. sign. Allowing for. anonymous annotation on the whiteboard. newest especially likes tracing out letters on your mobile phone. Drawing arrows. Okay well. that's good to know. Okay i'll give you another. few seconds here to. express yourselves on this topic. Okay, so when and when comment, have no. Can you. elaborate bias with something about. How, you would prefer to participate. Or would you. prefer to not participate. Any elaboration of the know. you're going to say that to know. Okay, so, then the know is about. Being anonymous. Even though zoom menu up a managed to hide whiteboard window. To the persuasion discussion so. I just wanted to. So. So these are the different ways. To get participation marks. One of them is just the exam questions. So I invite you to make use of. This forum. Okay. i'm gonna say. That i'm not trying to make difficult exam questions. For people who've been engaged engaged in. Our activities this semester. So I want to make them fair, I want to make them. A fair valuation. of your learning this semester. Okay, so I can do some multiple choice questions. So better yet. In saying multiple choice questions. Okay. So. You can do multiple choice questions and i'd like. Some justin's of question and answers. say. i'm not gonna give any examples, but what i'd like you to do is. come up with. Things. That are. fairly evaluate. What you've done this semester. If you don't come up with any that doesn't mean you won't have an exam. that's my standard. comment, which is my inevitable sense of humor. I think might cause a few smiles.
- ???: But.
- DHH: that's not. My just trying to. make light of the process. Okay, so let me just. Okay, so that's that's a practical. consideration. So if there's a way to get marks for doing this. By all means so. You could maybe do both if you have. No idea.
- ???: Now.
- DHH: If you have an idea, and you write it in the discussion forum and then. put it on the whiteboard. you're not anonymous anymore. that's an important factor. Okay. So quiz based is that to say idea doing. Your courses quiz. So yes, would do that. So i'd like to have some short answer multiple choice questions, this is what I think. The exam would have some multiple choice questions and short answer some things that can be.
- ???: marked.
- DHH: online. And then. have something. it's a bit more open ended to ask to ask you to buy some design principles. Anything else. This. Okay. How about since it's Friday. i've kept you long. More than one occasion. will end early today. If you have some ideas. Did you even contribute to the participation discussion. give you a few extra minutes do that. Any questions or concerns about that. Anyone like to raise your hand and say. See you on Monday. Which means that we'll end our meeting today. Nobody wants to raise your hand and say. See you on Monday.
- S03: This hesitating.
- DHH: it's like.
- S01: In the chat.
- DHH: chat. Alright, so oh take that as a yes so. Have a good weekend take care. cheer for the riders. cheering for the rise is required, but. I. hope they can recover from the 2019 game where they were about to go into lead and the ball at the upgrade. From the quarterback. Make snuck into the Greek.
- ???: anyway.
- : see if we can. make some progress and. In reading that wrong. anyway. thanks for your time today take care, have a good weekend see you on Monday.
- S01: gd afternoon
- S04: Good Afternoon
- S05: good day
- S06: Good afternoon prof
- S07: Happy Friday Professor
- S08: Good Afternoon Professor
- S09: Happy Black Friday
- S01: yeah
- S06: No
- S04: Thanksgiving?
- S06: Thanksgiving
- S01: red and black
- DHH: Student password
- S07: d6zrxa
- S01: well see u on monday
- S01: and have a gd weekend
- S05: have a good weekend
- S07: Thank you Professor. Have good weekend
- S10: Thank you professor
- S11: Thanks. See you next week.
- S03: See you Monday! Have a good weekend!
- S12: Thank you
- S13: Thank you