University of Regina
Department of Computer Science

CS 890EG: Topics in Mobile Computing (Directed Readings)

Winter Semester 2013

Instructor: Dr. Orland Hoeber Web:
Lectures: There are no regularly scheduled lectures for this class. Email:
Room: n/a Phone: 306-585-4598
Office Hours: T/Th 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
(other times by appointment only)
Office: CW 308.25

Calendar Description

The student will undertake an individual research project related to Mobile Computing under the direction of a faculty member.

Course Objectives

In this particular offering of CS 890EG, students will be expected to conduct a detailed survey of the mobile computing literature, focusing on a specific topic that is relevant to their thesis research. The reading will be largely self-directed. However, there is an expectation that the students will find and read 2 – 4 papers per week, and will be able to develop a classification scheme that will guide the development of the survey paper. A draft of the survey paper will be due on Feb 15, with the final paper due on Apr 15. A presentation will be given in the CS 490CX (Mobile Computing) class on Apr 9.


The final grade in the course will be determined as follows:

Draft Survey Paper: Feb 15 30%
Final Survey Paper: Apr 15 60%
Presentation: Apr 9 10%
Total: 100%


As a directed readings course, there will be no regularly scheduled lectures for this course. However, students are encouraged to attend the lectures of CS 490CX (Mobile Computing), held on T/Th 8:30 – 9:45 AM in CL 410. Furthermore, students are expected to meet with the instructor once per week (during the instructor's office hours) to provide an update on the readings and survey paper progress.


The course syllabus contains additional details about the course.

Important Dates

February 15, 2013

April 9, 2013

April 15, 2013

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