

  1. Overview
  2. First Build
  3. Hardware Theory
  4. Software Theory
  5. Exercise
  6. References

1. Overview

Buttons are a simple way to communicate with your Arduino. They can indicate to your Arduino whether or not they are being pressed. This information can be remembered and used to make decisions in Arduino programming language that can affect a circuit's behaviour in many ways.

In this lesson, you will see how to use one button to control a led directly, to adjust the brightness of a LED, and to count slowly while the button is pressed. In the exercise, you will connect a second button and use the two to make a light switch.

Yesterday got a lot of questions about what Arduinos can be used for, and one in particular about whether your could hack your XBox with an Arduino. You can't - not directly. But you can use Unojoy to connect directly to a PC or Playstation 3 through their USB ports with your Arduino Uno. A popular hacker named Ben Heck makes his living hacking everyday things and especially loves hacking game machines. In this video Ben hacks an XBox 360 controller to help a special needs child. His hack focuses on buttons, which we will be learning about today.

2. First Build

You should assemble the following circuit and run the sample program on it before proceeding with the lesson. You will know you got everything right if pushing the button turns the light off.

2.1 The Circuit

One Button in Pull Up with LED


2.2 The Code

We will start with code provided by the Arduino programming environment. Use the following program:

3. Hardware Theory

3.1 Pushbuttons

There are two pushbuttons in your kit. They look a bit like this:

Top and side views of a pushbutton

Each button has four pins. If you look carefully you will notice that they are slightly bent. Your button has two sides and the shape of the pins tells you where the sides are - pins that bend away from each other are connected. When you push the button, the two sides will be connected and current can flow across the button. The schematic representation of a pushbutton tries to show this:

pushbutton schematic


A Basic Button Circuit

If you don't need to do something complex, then you can put the pushbutton directly into a circuit so that pushing it completes it like so:

Simple Pushbutton with LED

But this doesn't let us do anything fancy or clever with the button. For that you want to connect the button to the Arduino and let it do the thinking.

Digital Input to the Arduino

Arduino inputs only measure voltage. Connecting to a digital or analog input on the Arduino will not affect your circuit. They do not draw or provide any meaningful amount of power.

In the First Build circuit, the button is connected to digital pin 2 but any of the digital pins, 0 to 13, or any of the analog pins, A0 to A5, can be used for digital input. Digital input pins will tell you if the voltage they are connected to is close to +5V (HIGH) or to 0V (LOW). Those are the only two possibilities when you read from the digital pins. They can't tell what the value is exactly. This is perfect for a button that can only have two states - up or down.

Some input devices can provide a range of voltages that may correspond to temperature or a position on a dial. To read these values you must use the analog inputs. We will look into analog input next lesson.


Connecting Buttons to the Arduino

Correctly connecting a button to the Arduino takes a bit of work. You need to set up a pull-down or pull-up circuit so that the Arduino has a dependable voltage to sense when the button isn't pressed.

In the First Build circuit, the button is connected to the Arduino and it works, so it must be one of these, but which? Take a look at the button part of the breadboard.

Pull up pushbutton

This circuit is connected to the Arduino on the +5V side of the button. This is a pull-up configuration — when the button is not pressed, the Arduino will sense high voltage. Notice that pin 2 is connected after the resistor. The electricity has nowhere to go after the resistor because pin 2 draws no current — it only measures pressure. With the button up it will measure a pressure of +5V or high pressure.

The other side of the button is connected to ground. When we push the button, the pressure will be relieved on the ground side of the resistor. Pin 2 is connected to the ground side and will read low pressure or 0V.

If Pin 2 were connected to the +5V side of the resistor in this circuit, it would read +5V even when the button is pressed. This is because the resistor slows the flow of electricity in the circuit and pressure builds up on the +5V side of the resistor faster than it can escape. So the resistor serves an important purpose — it helps create a measurable voltage drop.


The resistor in this circuit serves a second purpose - it prevents your button from drawing too much power from your power source when it is pressed. Using a weak resistor or no resistor at all can be very bad.

If your Arduino is connected to a USB power source the consequence probably won't be too severe. What is most likely to happen is that your Arduino will shut down when you push the button. When you release the button it may do weird things like lock up or reset. If it locks up just remove the power supply, fix the circuit, reconnect the power supply and press the reset button.

If you are attached to something more potent, like an AC adapter or a battery, you may generate a lot of heat and burn yourself, drain your battery, cause your battery to leak, or break your AC adapter.

A pull-down button circuit is very similar to a pull-up circuit. All you have to do is switch the +5V and ground wires and you are set.

4. Software Theory

4.1 Variables and Constants

This lessons main example uses both variables and constants.

A variable is a symbolic value that can change while a sketch is running. You make one - called defining a variable - by stating what type of value the variable can represent, then giving it a name. Optionally, you can give a variable an initial value. In this program buttonState is an example of a variable. Here is buttonState's definition:

// variables will change:
int buttonState = 0;         // variable for reading the pushbutton status

Its type is int meaning integer, or whole number. On the Arduino integers can have whole number values between -32,768 and 32,767. It has been initialized to the value 0. This value will change before you ever try to use the buttonState variable, so you could get rid of the initial value. Give it a try.

The buttonState variable exists to record whether or not the button in the circuit is currently pushed. You usually change the value of variables by making an assignment - by setting it equal to some other value. In an assignment statement you write code that says this variable is assigned that value. That value can be a simple number or something more complicated like a mathematical equation. In this example we set buttonState to the state of the buttonPin like this:

  // read the state of the pushbutton value:
  buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin);//buttonState is assigned the state of buttonPin

A constant is a symbolic value that never changes while a sketch is running. They are used when you want to refer to something in a program by it's meaning rather than by a seemingly arbitrary value. In this lesson the button and LED pins do not change once the program starts, so they are defined as constant using the keyword const like this:

// constants won't change. They're used here to 
// set pin numbers:
const int buttonPin = 2;     // the number of the pushbutton pin
const int ledPin =  13;      // the number of the LED pin

In the last lesson there were several values that should have been constants, like the pin number of the LED and relative timing multipliers for Morse Code signals. The basic unit of time, uTime, could also have been a constant in the simpler challenges, but the varying speed challenge would have required it to be a variable.

All the examples of constants and variables thus far have been of type int. There are other types too. If you are curious you can check out the full list in the middle column of the Arduino language reference.

4.2 Reading Digital Input

For your Arduino sketch to read values from a digital input pin you need to do two things:

  1. Set the pin to input mode.
    Just as you need to set output pins to OUTPUT mode before they work corectly, you need to set input pins to INPUT mode. You do this with the pinMode command, usually in the setup() procedure  :
    void setup()
        // ... do some setup things
        pinMode( inputPin, INPUT );
        // ... do more setup things
    Take a look at how the pinMode command is used in the First Build sample program.
  2. Read values from the pin.
    You do this with the digitalRead command as shown in the variable section of the notes..
    The digitalRead command takes one argument, and results in a symbolic value of HIGH (for +5V) or LOW (for 0V).
    The result of a digitalRead can be used directly in an if/else statement or they can be remembered for later use. We will look at an example of each in the next two sections.


4.3 Making Decisions with if/else Statements

if/else syntax

Once your has read the value of an input pin, it has to decide what to do with the result. The mechanism for making decisions in a program is the if/else statement. In its most general form it looks like this:

    if ( boolean_expression )
        // stuff to do if boolean_expression is true
        // stuff to do if boolean_expression if false

The boolean_expression usually takes the form of a comparison of two values. For example, this the First Build sample sketch reads pin 2 into the variable buttonState and checks to see if the result is HIGH:

  // read the state of the pushbutton value:
  buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin);

  // check if the pushbutton is pressed.
  // if it is, the buttonState is HIGH:
    if (buttonState == HIGH) { 
        // turn LED on: 
        digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); 
    else {
        // turn LED off:
        digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); 

This code says: "Get the button's reading. Is the button's reading equal to HIGH? If it is, turn the LED on. If not,  turn the LED off." Because the loop procedure repeats continuously and our program does nothing else to interfere with checking the button, the LED's state will change quickly to follow this rule.


In this example we use the == or equals comparison operator. The result of any comparison is a boolean value of true or false. Other comparison operators you can use are:

  Comparison Operators		
  C++ Symbol   Description
== equal to != not equal to > greater than < less than >= greater than or equal to <= less than or equal to

The result of a comparison is a boolean value of true or false. They are the simplest form of boolean expression.

Note: the equals operator, ==, is easily confused with the assignment operator, =

Alternate Ways to Read the Button

In a program as simple as this one, we don't need to use a variable to remember the state of the button. Instead we can read the button it directly in the if statement like this:

    if (digitalRead(buttonPin) == HIGH) { 
        // turn LED on: 
        digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); 
    else {
        // turn LED off:
        digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); 

It should work exactly the same as before.

Fixing the Button's Behaviour

When you start this sketch, the light is on and it turns off when you hold the button. Why is this? What if you wanted the opposite behaviour? What can you change to make the light default to off and turn on only while the button is pressed? There are three possibilities:

  1. Rewire the button.
    The button is a pull-up button which means its default state is HIGH. If you rewire it to be a pull-down button that would solve the problem. This is a hardware solution. Software is almost always easier to change than hardware.

  2. Change the Comparison Operator.
    Instead of turning the light on when the button reads HIGH, turn it on when does not read HIGH:
        if (digitalRead(buttonPin) != HIGH) { 
            // turn LED on: 
            digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); 
        else {
            // turn LED off:
            digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); 
  3. Change the Value You Are Comparing To
    Instead of turning the light on when the button reads HIGH, turn it on when it reads LOW:
        if (digitalRead(buttonPin) == LOW) { 
            // turn LED on: 
            digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); 
        else {
            // turn LED off:
            digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); 

4.3 More Advanced Decision Making

Using a button to directly control an LED is neat, but not very useful. You can combine if/else statements with variables to make your button do more advanced things.

Here is an example that uses one button to set your LED to different brightnesses. To use it, move your LED to pin 9.

 Written Aug 2011 by Alex Clarke
 Uses button presses to switch an LED between off, dim, medium, and high brightness.

// constants for this sketch
const int buttonPin = 2;       // pushbutton pin
const int led =  9;            // LED  pin

// variables for this sketch
int ledMode = 1;         // variable for recording button presses

void setup() 
  // initialize the output pins:
  pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
  // initialize the pushbutton pin as an input:
  pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);

void loop()
  // check if the pushbutton is pressed.
  if (digitalRead(buttonPin) == LOW) 
    // if it is, count a press
    ledMode = ledMode + 1;

    // if we've counted to an invalid mode 
    if (ledMode == 5)
      // reset to mode 1
      ledMode = 1;

  // Detect the current mode and set the LED appropriately
  if (ledMode == 1)
    //Mode 1 - LED is off
    analogWrite(led, 0);
  else if (ledMode == 2)
    //Mode 2 - LED is dim
    analogWrite(led, 64);
  else if (ledMode == 3)
    //Mode 3 - LED is medium
    analogWrite(led, 128);
    //Mode 4 - LED is bright
    analogWrite(led, 255);


This code uses buttonPresses to remember how many times the button was pushed — sort-of. What it actually does is count up by one every time it notices that the button is down. The loop procedure runs very fast and it will check the button thousands of times a second. No matter how fast you push the button, the LED will end up at a random brightness. One way to fix this is to add a delay at the end of the loop procedure. Starting with a hunch based on cognitive psychology, I determined that  a 200 millisecond delay worked best for me. This is not a perfect fix — if you hold the button the light will cycle between brightnesses — but it's an improvement.

If/Else Varieties

Notice the new if/else forms used in this example:

Combining Boolean Expressions

Sometimes you need to combine one boolean expression with another or flip its value. This is done with boolean operators:

  Boolean Operators		
  C++ Symbol   Description
&& AND - goes between two boolean expressions: (expr1) && (expr2) If both sides are true, the result is true. Otherwise the result is false. || OR - goes between two boolean expressions: (expr1) || (expr2) If both sides are false, the result is false. Otherwise the result is true. ! NOT - comes before a boolean expression: !(expr) true becomes false false becomes true

Learning to use logical operators correctly takes time. For now, to see the || operator in action, check out the following Arduino sample sketch:

Make sure you have an LED connected to pin 9 if you want to try this sketch.


5. Exercise

Part 1: Adding a Second Button

Part 2: Adding a Second LED


Please click here if you want to try challenges . Select a difficulty level that is appropriate to your programming skill.

6. References