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- Yao, Y.Y.,
An introduction to three-way decision,
in: Li, X.N., Qi, J.J., Sun, B.Z. (Eds.).
Theory and Applications of Three-way Decision
(in Chinese), Sience Press, Beijing, pp. 14-30, 2019.
- Yao, Y.Y.,
Three-way computing, cognitive computing, and granular compting,
in: Liang, J.Y., Yao, Y.Y., Li, D.Y. (Eds.).
Multigranulation Computing and Three-way Decisions
(in Chinese), Sience Press, Beijing, pp. 305-314, 2019.
- Hepting, D.H., Bin Amer, H.H., Yao, Y.Y.,
Facial similarity analysis: A three-way decision perspective,
in: Bello R., Falcon R., Verdegay J. (Eds),
Uncertainty Management with Fuzzy and Rough Sets,
Springer, Cham, pp. 289-313, 2019.
- Yao, Y.Y.,
Three-way decisions: thinking strategies and methodology through
trisecting-and-acting (in Chinese),
Zhang, Y.P., Yao, Y.Y., Miao, D.Q.,
Wang, G.Y., Liang, J.Y., Li, T.R., Zhao, S. (Eds.),
Historical Perspectives on and Future of Granlar Computing,
Quotient Spaces, and Three-way Decisions (in Chinese), Sience Press, Beijing, pp. 146-161, 2017.
- Sakai, H., Nakata, M., Yao, Y.Y.,
Pawlak's many valued information system,
non-deterministic information system,
and a proposal of new topics on information
incompleteness toward the actual
in: Wang, G.Y., Skowron, A., Yao, Y.Y., Slezak, D., Polkowski, L. (Eds.),
Thriving Rough Sets, Springer International Publishing AG,
pp. 187-204, 2017.
- Zhong, N., Ma, J.H., Huang, R.H., Liu, J.M.,
Yao, Y.Y., Zhang, Y.X., Chen, J.H.,
Research challenges and perspectives
on Wisdom Web of Things (W2T),
in: Zhong, N., Ma, J.H., Liu, J.M., Huang, R.H.,
Tao, X.H. (Eds.),
Wisdom Web of Things,
Springer International Publishing Switzerland, pp. 1-26, 2016.
- Chen, J.H., Ma, J.H, Zhong, N.,
Yao, Y.Y., Liu, J.M.,
Huang, R.J., Li, W.B., Huang, Z.S., Gao, Y.,
WaaS - Wisdom as a Service,
in: Zhong, N., Ma, J.H., Liu, J.M., Huang, R.H.,
Tao, X.H. (Eds.),
Wisdom Web of Things,
Springer International Publishing Switzerland, pp. 27-46, 2016.
- Yao, Y.Y.,
Rough set approximations: A concept analysis point of view,
in: Ishibuch, H. (Ed.),
Computational Intelligence - Volume I,
Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), pp. 282-296, 2015.
- Yao, Y.Y., Greco, S., S
Probabilistic rough sets, in: Kacprzyk, J., Pedrycz, W. (Eds.),
Springer Handbook of Computational Intelligence,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 387-411, 2015.
- Yao, Y.Y., Yu, H.,
An introduction to three-way decisions (in Chinese),
in: Yu, H., Wang, G.Y., Li, T.R., Liang, J.Y., Miao, D.Q., Yao, Y.Y. (Eds.),
Three-Way Decisions: Methods and Practices for Complex
Problem Solving, Science Press, Beijing, pp. 1-19, 2015.
- Qi, J.J., Wei, L., Yao, Y.Y.,
Three-way formation of formal concepts (in Chinese),
in: Yu, H., Wang, G.Y., Li, T.R., Liang, J.Y., Miao, D.Q., Yao, Y.Y. (Eds.),
Three-Way Decisions: Methods and Practices for Complex
Problem Solving, Science Press, Beijing, pp. 1-19, 2015.
- Yao, Y.Y.,
Several issues in studies on three-way decisions (in Chinese), in: Dun, L., Li, T.R., Miao, D.Q., Wang, G.Y., Liang, J.Y. (Eds.), Three-way Decisions and Granular Computing, Science Press, Beijing, China, pp. 1-13, 2013.
- Yao, Y.Y., Deng, X.F.,
A granular computing paradigm for concept learning,
Ramanna, S., Jain, L., Howlett, R.J. (Eds.),
Emerging Paradigms in Machine Learning,
Springer, London, pp. 307-326, 2013.
- Grzymala-Busse, J.W., Marepally, S.R., Yao, Y.Y.,
An empirical comparison of rule sets induced by LERS and
probabilistic rough classification,
in: Skowron, A. and Suraj, Z. (Eds.),
Rough Sets and Intelligent Systems -
Professor Zdzislaw Pawlak in Memoriam,
Springer, Berlin, pp. 261-276, 2013.
- Yao, Y.Y.,
Three-way decisions (in Chinese),
in: Jia, X.Y., Shang, L., Zhou, X.Z., Liang, J.Y.,
Miao, D.Q., Wang, G.Y., Li, T.R., Zhang, Y.P. (Eds.),
Theory of Three-way Decisions and Applicatiion,
Nanjing University Press, Nanjing, China, pp. 1-16, 2012.
- Yao, Y.Y.,
Three-way decisions using rough sets,
Peters, G., Lingras, P., Slezak, D., Yao, Y.Y. (Eds.),
Rough Sets: Selected Methods and Applications in Management
and Engineering, Springer, London, pp. 79-93, 2012.
- Yao, Y.Y.,
Interval sets (in Chinese),
in: Wang, G.Y., Li, D.Y., Yao, Y.Y., Liang, J.Y.,
Miao, D.Q., Zhang, Y.P., Zhang, Q.H. (Eds.),
Cloud Model and Granular Computing,
Science Press, Beijing, pp. 74-93, 2012.
- Yao, Y.Y., Slezak, D.,
An introduction to rough sets,
Peters, G., Lingras, P., Slezak, D., and Yao, Y.Y. (Eds.),
Rough Sets: Selected Methods and Applications in Management
and Engineering, Springer, London, pp. 3-20, 2012.
- Deng, X.F., Wang, H.K., Yao, Y.Y.,
Adapive rough set approximations based on three-way decisions (in Chinese),
in: Jia, X.Y., Shang, L., Zhou, X.Z., Liang, J.Y.,
Miao, D.Q., Wang, G.Y., Li, T.R., Zhang, Y.P. (Eds.),
Theory of Three-way Decisions and Applicatiion,
Nanjing University Press, Nanjing, China, pp. 118-130, 2012.
- Yao, Y.Y.,
Methodology of granular computing,
Miao, D.Q., Li, D.Y., Yao, Y.Y., Wang, G.Y., Zhang, Y.P.,
Wu, W.Z., Liang, J.Y., Yu, D.R., and Wang, R.Z. (Eds.),
Uncertainty and Granular Computing (in Chinese),
Science Press, Beijing, China, pp. 150-163, 2011.
- Yao, Y.Y.,
Notes on research on decision-theoretic rough sets,
Li, H.X., Zhou, X.Z., Li, T.R., Wang, G.Y., Miao, D.Q.,
and Yao, Y.Y. (Eds.),
Decision-Theoretic Rough Set Theory and Recent Progress (in Chinese),
Science Press, Beijing, China, pp. 155-178, 2011.
- Yao, Y.Y.,
Artificial intelligence perspectives on granular computing,
in: W. Pedrycz and S.-M. Chen (Eds.),
Granular Computing and Intelligent Systems
Design with Information Granules of Higher Order and Higher Type,
Intelligent Systems Reference Library, Volume 13,
Springer, Berlin, pp. 17-34, 2011.
- Yao, Y.Y.,
Human-inspired granular computing,
in: J.T. Yao (Ed.),
Novel Developments in Granular Computing:
Applications for Advanced Human Reasoning and Soft Computation,
Information Science Reference, Herskey, PA, pp. 1-15, 2010.
- Yao, Y.Y.,
The Triarchic theory of granular computing,
in: Zhang, Y.P., Luo, B., Yao, Y.Y., Miao, D.Q.,
Wang, G.Y., Zhang, L. and Zhang, B. (Eds.)
Quotient Space Theory and Ganular Computing, Theory and
Practice of Structured Problem Solving (in Chinese),
Science Press, Beijing, pp. 115-143, 2010.
- Yao, Y.Y., Zhong, N. and Zeng, Y.,
Information retrieval support systems,
in: Encyclopedia of Library and Information Sciences,
Third Edition, 1: 1, 2546-2552, 2010.
- Butz, C.J., Yan, W., Lingras, P. and Yao, Y.Y.,
The CPT structure of variable elimination
in discrete Bayesian networks,
in: Z.W. Ras and L.-S. Tsay (Eds.):
Advances in Intelligent Information Systems,
SCI 265, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 245-57, 2010.
- Yao, Y.Y.,
Integrative levels of granularity,
in: Bargiela, A. and Pedrycz, W. (Eds.)
Human-Centric Information Processing Through Granular Modelling,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 31-47, 2009.
- Yao, Y.Y., Miao, D. and Xu, F.,
Granular structures and approximations in rough sets and
knowledge spaces,
in: Abraham, A., Falc, R., and Bello, R. (Eds.)
Rough Set Theory: A True Landmark in Data Analysis,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 71-84, 2009.
- Yao, Y.Y. and Zhong, N.
Granular computing for web intelligence,
in: Ras, Z.W. and Dardzinska, A. (Eds.)
Advances in Data Management,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 89-102, 2009.
- Yao, Y.Y. and Zhong, N.
Granular computing,
in: Wah, B.W. (Ed.)
Wiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering,
Volume 3, 1446-1453, 2009.
- Zhong, N., Liu, J. and Yao, Y.Y.
Web intelligence (WI),
in: Wah, B.W. (Ed.)
Wiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering,
Volume 5, 3062-3072, 2009.
- Zhao, Y. and Yao, Y.Y.,
On interactive data mining,
in: Wang, J. (Ed.)
Encyclopedia of Data Warehousing and Mining,
2nd edition, Idea Group Inc., pp. 1085-1090, 2009.
- Yao, Y.Y.,
A unified framework of granular computing,
in: Pedrycz, W., Skowron, A. and Kreinovich, V. (Eds.),
Handbook of Granular Computing, Wiley, pp. 401-410, 2008.
- Yao, Y.Y. and Chen, Y.H.
Rough set analysis and formal concept analysis,
in: Hassanien, A.E., Suraj, Z., Slezak, D. and Lingras, P. (Eds.)
Rough Computing, Theories, Techniques, and Applications,
Information Science Reference, Hershey, pp. 108-127, 2008.
- Yao, Y.Y., Zhong, N. and Zhao, Y.
A conceptual framework of data mining,
in: Lin, T.Y., Xie, Y., Wasilewska, A. and C.-J. (Eds.)
Data Mining: Foundations and Practice, Springer, Berlin,
pp. 501-515, 2008.
- Yao, Y.Y.
The art of granular computing (in Chinese),
in: Miao, D., Wnag, G.Y., Liu, Q., Lin, T.Y. and Yao, Y.Y. (Eds.)
Granular Computing: Past, Present, and the Future Perspectives,
Academic Press, Beijing, China, pp. 1-20, 2007.
- Yao, Y.Y.,
On conceptual modeling of data mining,
in: Wang, J., Zhou, Z.H., and Zhou, A.Y. (Eds.),
Machine Learning and Applications,
Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, pp. 238-255, 2006.
- Yao, Y.Y.,
On unifying formal concept analysis and rough set analysis,
in: Zhang, W.X., Yao, Y.Y. and Leung, Y. (Eds.),
Rough Set and Concept Lattice,
Xi'an Jiaotong University Press, pp. 1-20, 2006.
- Yao, Y.Y., Chen, Y.H. and Yang, X.D.
A Measurement-theoretic foundation of rule interestingness evaluation,
in: Lin, T.Y., Ohsuga, S., Liau, C.J. and Hu, X. (Eds),
Foundations and Novel Approaches in Data Mining,
Springer, Berlin, pp. 41-59, 2006.
- Yao, J.T., Yao, Y.Y. and Zhao, Y.,
Foundations of classification,
in: Lin, T.Y., Ohsuga, S., Liau, C.J. and Hu, X. (Eds),
Foundations and Novel Approaches in Data Mining,
Springer, pp. 75-97, 2006.
- Ma, J.M., Zhang, W.X. and Yao, Y.Y.,
Rough sets and granular computing (in Chinese),
in: Zhang, W.X., Yao, Y.Y. and Leung, Y. (Eds.),
Rough Set and Concept Lattice,
Xi'an Jiaotong University Press, pp. 160-180, 2006.
- Yao, Y.Y. and Zhao, Y.,
Explanation-oriented data mining,
in: Wang, J. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Data Warehousing and
Mining, Idea Group Inc., pp. 492-297, 2005.
Also appeared as "On explanation-oriented data mining",
in: Wang, J. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Data Warehousing and
Mining, 2nd Edition, Idea Group Inc., pp. 842-848, 2009.
- Zhong, N., Yao, Y.Y., Liu, C., Huang, J. and Ou, C.
Data mining for targeted marketing,
in: Intelligent Technologies for Information Analysis,
Zhong, N. and Liu, J.M. (Eds.),
Springer, Berlin, pp. 109-131, 2004.
- Tang, Y., Zhang, Y.-Q., Kandel, A., Lin, T.Y. and Yao, Y.Y.,
Personalized Web search agents using data mining and granular fuzzy techniques,
in: Enhancing the Power of the Internet,
Nikravesh, M., Azvine, B., Yagar, R. and Zadeh, L.A. (Eds.),
Springer, Berlin, pp. 207-224, 2004.
- Yao, Y.Y.,
Mining high order decision rules,
in: Rough Set Theory and Granular Computing,
Inuiguchi, M., Hirano, S. and Tsumoto, S. (Eds.),
Springer, Berlin, pp. 125-135, 2003.
- Yao, Y.Y.,
Granular computing for the design of information retrieval support systems,
in: Clustering and Information Retrieval,
Wu, W., Xiong, H. and Shekhar, S. (Eds.),
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 299-329, 2003.
- Yao, Y.Y.,
Information-theoretic measures for knowledge discovery and data mining,
in: Entropy Measures, Maximum Entropy and Emerging Applications,
Karmeshu (Ed.), Springer, Berlin, pp. 115-136, 2003.
- Yao, Y.Y.,
Information granulation and approximation in a decision-theoretic model of rough sets,
in: Rough-Neural Computing: Techniques for Computing with Words,
Pal, S.K., Polkowski, L., and Skowron, A. (Eds),
Springer, Berlin, pp. 491-518, 2003.
- Intan, R. Yao, Y.Y. and Mukaidono, M.
Generalization of rough sets using weak fuzzy similarity relations,
in: Rough Set Theory and Granular Computing,
Inuiguchi, M., Hirano, S. and Tsumoto, S. (Eds.),
Springer, Berlin, pp. 37-46, 2003.
- Lu, Z., Yao, Y.Y. and Zhong, N.
Web log mining,
in: Web Intelligence,
Zhong, N., Liu, J.M. and Yao, Y.Y. (Eds.),
Springer, Berlin, pp. 173-194, 2003.
- Yao, Y.Y. and Zhong, N.
Granular computing using information tables,
in: Data Mining, Rough Sets and Granular Computing,
Lin, T.Y., Yao, Y.Y. and Zadeh, L.A. (Eds.), Physica-Verlag,
Heidelberg, pp. 102-124, 2002.
- Wong, S.K.M., Yao, Y.Y. and Butz, C.J.
Granular information retrieval,
in: Soft Computing in Information Retrieval: Techniques and Applications,
Crestani, F. and Pasi, G. (Eds.), Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 317-331, 2000.
- Yao, Y.Y.,
Generalized rough set models,
in: Rough Sets in Knowledge Discovery,
Polkowski, L. and Skowron, A. (Eds.),
Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 286-318, 1998.
- Yao, Y.Y.,
Combination of rough and fuzzy sets based on
-level sets,
in: Rough Sets and Data Mining: Analysis for Imprecise Data,
Lin, T.Y. and Cercone, N. (Eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston,
pp. 301-321, 1997.
- Yao, Y.Y. and Wang, J.,
Interval based uncertain reasoning using fuzzy and rough sets,
in: Advances in Machine Intelligence
& Soft-Computing, Volume IV, Wang, P.P. (Ed.),
Department of Electrical Engineering, Duke University, Durham,
North Carolina, USA, pp. 196-215, 1997.
- Yao, Y.Y., Wong, S.K.M., and Lin, T.Y.,
A review of rough set models,
in: Rough Sets and Data Mining: Analysis for Imprecise Data,
Lin, T.Y. and Cercone, N. (Eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston,
pp. 47-75, 1997.
- Wong, S.K.M., Yao, Y.Y., and Lingras, P.,
Comparative beliefs,
in: Advances in the Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence,
Yager, R.R., Fedrizzi, M., and Kacprzyk, J. (Eds.),
Wiley, New York, pp. 115-132, 1994.
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Y. Yao