Information about CS 499/900 (Seminar for honours students and graduate students), Fall 2017. This page might be updated during the term.
  • location: RI 208
  • time: MWF 2:30pm - 3:20pm
  • first class on Sep 06
Office hours
  • location: CW 308.9
  • time: MWF 1:25pm - 2:20pm (exceptions will be announced in class)

A pass or fail grade will be assigned. To decide on the overall grade, the following is taken into consideration: 10% abstract
20% attendance
20% participation
50% presentation

Submission Deadlines and Guidelines for Presentations

For more details on how to prepare and deliver a presentation, as well as for instructions on when and how to submit your abstract and slides, please refer to the syllabus handed out in the first class.
design: raura