Mtg 3/23: Wed-11-Sep-2024

Outline for Today

Chapter 1


Response to Responses

  • bitmap v. vector, discrete v. continuous


  • Chapter 1

For Next Meeting


Link to the UR Courses wiki page for this meeting



Audio Transcript

  • I should have caught the sample comment in my
  • recording.
  • Let me try and recreate it. So one person
  • said they were doing well. So therefore, with that one sample,
  • I'm saying everyone's doing well, maybe I should take a more
  • detailed sample to get a more accurate picture of the class
  • smooth.
  • But this is the way we think about with
  • computer graphics for sampling phenomena at a particular rate
  • resolution.
  • So the results we get are dependent on the
  • sampling we engage in.
  • So if we have more samples, then we get better credit results,
  • better reconstructions. Is
  • it better the first time that didn't get on the recording, or
  • better the second time? Or does someone have a better way to say
  • it than Like two tries?
  • Okay,
  • so the syllabus is online. I
  • so I've said it for october 23 but I realize there's a lab that
  • a week is older, the labs are very weak, and I was wondering
  • if there's some interest in changing it From the 23rd to the
  • 28th or the 30th I
  • so I'll create a choice for your input on that. So
  • I could have made better use of my time
  • when,
  • When my colleague Lynn
  • mahanic, was talking to the students anyway.
  • So here's a way to get to the website the meeting today, and
  • then I realized I didn't get today's Meeting updated. So I
  • will update that later today.
  • Okay, so I want to
  • Talk about chapter one today. I'm
  • slides Out of post review our courses and
  • so what version of the textbook are people using? Or can you
  • give me an idea? How many people have got access to the eighth
  • edition?
  • Seven? I
  • You've got eight. Were the people holding their hands up?
  • Was that for eight? Seven?
  • Okay, so who has eight? I Okay, who has seventh, who has Six or
  • less, five or less? Good. I
  • I think that's the question I asked you, in addition to
  • conversion or condition number. So what is immediate? One
  • graphics
  • where the client basically takes versions and immediately throws
  • them
  • down. Yeah. So weird. You
  • so what's the alternative to immediate load graphics do?
  • I don't know if it was worth the talk to write out that
  • response. So is the answer, and I'll turn to the book graphics.
  • I'll get to the
  • later book graphics,
  • who says Yes?
  • Who says, Stop trying to make jokes.
  • You
  • so retain mode graphics. So that's because we have
  • GPUs. And GPUs were once, once upon a time when G's dirt for
  • graphics processing units. Now, I think it's more of a general
  • processing even, because GPUs are now being used for AI
  • applications a lot. I
  • but so the idea is we have memory and other capabilities on
  • the chip. So we send primitives and we work with them in buffers
  • on the GPU.
  • And so we have a up
  • the opportunity for a lot more a lot more
  • efficiencies, so we can get more polygons, more friends, frames
  • per second, and
  • just better gaming experience, or a better you. For a better
  • watching videos experience, or
  • doing data analysis or
  • what other kinds of things do
  • we do at the do we do with graphics,
  • design? That's another one that's mentioned in the book.
  • So does anyone have more direct experience with graphics?
  • Who has experience with graphics because of gaming platforms? I
  • I was talking to a friend who was an alumnus, and he and some
  • friends,
  • once they graduated from U of R computer science, he went to
  • Vancouver to work for Game Studios. He's
  • now not working
  • at a game studio. He's
  • doing AI for law legal
  • firms, and he
  • stood in people
  • who smart programmers, who would like to live in Vancouver, the
  • Rural mainland, the Lower Mainland, sorry, I don't know if
  • it's a Lower rain land anymore. You
  • so I'm not implying that just because you like to play games,
  • that
  • automatically, just by playing
  • games, that you get programming knowledge by association. But if
  • you're interested in
  • games,
  • there's opportunities for programming,
  • and if
  • you're adept at programming, graphics and animations do those
  • are the skills that other develop other
  • Other employers outside the games industry are Looking For.
  • I
  • So the meetings dot ICS file. If you want to put our meeting
  • schedule into your calendar, you can grab that file and download
  • it for your open it in your calendar. Here's the CS 315 lab
  • page,
  • and here's the website for the textbook.
  • So you can see that I'm in the process of creating introduction
  • to Web GL two assignment. I'll get that sorted you.
  • I find out,
  • is there a question back there? I
  • I've added more links here. I
  • here's a zoom link to my office. I
  • so set aside 1030, to 12 till noon for office hours. You can
  • come and see me in person, or I'll be on zoom as well. I'm not
  • sure what the fate of zoom will be now that we're also doing
  • Microsoft Teams. But I like zoom for
  • zoom is good for a bunch of things too. So anyway, I want to
  • mention that, and if we organize this a little bit, so there is a
  • comment about participation and doing the wiki so
  • so one way to participate is to take your attendance, record
  • Your attendance at the meeting. Another way is to make wiki
  • contributions.
  • So what I have in mind is thinking about presenting the
  • highlights of our class discussions. Use the raw
  • materials provided within a day of the meeting, so photos of the
  • board under media, the audio transcript and responses.
  • So you can create an edited and corrected version of the
  • transcript on the wiki page, copy and copy and paste the
  • transcript and edit the stuff that's not course related and
  • correct some sometimes humorous errors in transcription and
  • it. So you can also add links to resources that are hinted at in
  • the transcript or that seem appropriate as you create the
  • wiki page. Include questions where appropriate and ask me
  • when needed you Does that give a bit more information and
  • structure to the idea of creating these Wiki pages?
  • Anyone slightly more inclined to do it? I
  • Okay. Anyway, so involvement in class, and one other way to be
  • involved in class, Aside from the ones I've listed, there Is
  • To I
  • so When we create a bitmap image, We're
  • capturing samples continuous phenomenon. So
  • so if we have a vector graph, we're storing the description of
  • the shapes instead of the samples that We take at a
  • particular resolution or the image we
  • so we can describe Something with a mathematical formula that
  • lets us,
  • lets us generate or regenerate an image at any particular size
  • of the display. Because, in practice, we're working with
  • screens that
  • are and
  • I'll show you a couple pictures of those screens. One thing in
  • that mention about sampling so we have
  • spatial resolution and
  • then we also Have the precision with which You're storing the
  • information and
  • what happens if we store one Death per sound now,
  • you Know
  • shades of gray if
  • so how many distinct values. Do we get the name gets,
  • what's the precision? Which you can store or sample 256,
  • different colors.
  • Yeah,
  • so if the interpretation of color is
  • it could be colors, but if we're talking about grace together,
  • might talk About levels. So so that's
  • enough said about that. So
  • what if we have i
  • What if we store defense for red, green and blue channels? Is
  • everyone familiar with RGB as a concept.
  • So we have a tri stimulus model of colors that we'll talk about
  • in more detail later on.
  • But images are generally
  • expressed in terms of R, G and B.
  • Anyone know what 256 times 256? Times 256? Is? I
  • so that gives us the possibility of adding to 16 point 7 million
  • give or take colors in the image. So that gives us a lot of
  • precision compared to one bit, and we might end up there are
  • formats now that go beyond 24 bits we might also Have RGBA
  • delta, so that
  • would be three, two bits. Two bits per pixel. That gives us
  • much more flexibility. So the alpha channel controls the
  • transparency. So we can, when we're editing images, we have
  • very fine grained information
  • That lets us cause images
  • and do different effects you
  • Sorry, I Just want To Get I
  • so make these slides available And
  • So
  • how many people have dealt with WebGL? I forget too. How many
  • people have had experience with WebGL To outside of the lab this
  • Week?
  • Okay, I
  • so we create A canvas in HTML, html5, Perhaps. You.
  • So the HTML describes, describes the page, so we might have the
  • canvas and some controls.
  • So that's the
  • is so are you familiar with document object model as A way
  • to have JavaScript interact with HTML?
  • Okay? Do it.
  • So we talk about shaders. So the way the examples in the textbook
  • go, the shaders are put inside the HTML file. That's not the
  • only way it can be done.
  • I think it's a reasonably good way to do it, and it works, so
  • we'll stick with it. I
  • So JavaScript is running on the browser, and it's using local
  • resources than a local GPU.
  • So this gives you, if
  • you can see it, it gives you the address of the page at the top.
  • If interactive computer, two,
  • slash triangle at HTML.
  • So the shader,
  • so there's a vertex shader and there's a fragment shader.
  • The vertex shader deals with vertices, strangely enough, and
  • the fragment shader deals with the pixels apart from the
  • vertices. So we'll see
  • that distinction more clearly
  • later on in the semester. Right now, we use a script tag to
  • define the shader code so for the vertices we're getting the
  • input of a four position vector.
  • A position is its name and
  • so GL, underscore, position is a standard variable name,
  • so we're just assigning value
  • of the input variable to the GL position
  • fragment shader
  • we're dealing with the color.
  • We're using medium precision float. Now we're outputting a
  • four element vector for the fragment color. So all we're
  • doing in this shader is saying the fragment is what Color is
  • it?
  • Pardon me, yeah, it's red because I
  • so we have a one in the first position of the vector that says
  • red is one or full on. You
  • might also see red as 255, 004, 00, or i
  • Does anyone recognize that that location? Sorry, I think you
  • said
  • that's hexadecimal. So F, F means all ones and 0000, mean
  • all zeros. So we're getting red, but nothing else i
  • So in this next bit, we have some JavaScript to initialize
  • the shaders, then we have triangle.js to describe the
  • triangle and we want to draw. And in the HTML, we're
  • specifying a canvas as 512 by 512, and
  • this JavaScript is not current.
  • You can tell by the var i
  • anyway, so in our JavaScript,
  • this is
  • saying, when the page is loaded, we try and get the context for
  • the canvas. So the first thing is to
  • use the DOM interface to find the canvas in the HTML file. So
  • that's this first bit, and then do GL equals canvas. Dot get
  • context WebGL too, so that tries to create a context for the
  • canvas to draw on, and if that GL variable isn't initialized,
  • then we have a problem. And then the next part, we're specifying
  • three vertices for the triangle. So
  • then we open the viewport, where we set up a viewport, so from
  • zero to 512 and zero to 512 and We say clear color is, is what?
  • Yeah, white, I
  • so that we create a program
  • that combines the context
  • with the vertex shader and the fragment shader that we have,
  • and then we say to use that program.
  • So our first step, our next step, is to create a buffer and
  • load the data into the GPU, so we create a buffer, then we bind
  • it
  • to the as An array buffer, and then we put the data from those
  • from those three vertices for the triangle, into the array
  • buffer, and we say that we're going to use it for static
  • drawing. So later this semester, we'll see other examples of that
  • so then we have data in the buffer. So we're making now the
  • connection between the buffer and the variables.
  • So a position is get attribute attrip, location program a
  • position. So we're looking
  • to match up the a position in the shader with our
  • JavaScript,
  • then we get a point We make the connection.
  • So the data we have is two dimensional. That's what the two
  • is, GL fluid is a type, and then the other parameters are
  • important
  • for this use. Then we enable the attribute, enable vertex
  • attribute array a position. So we've analyzed the connection,
  • we've described the data that's there, and now we render. And
  • render is setting the color bit
  • it's the effect of the first line is to clear the screen to
  • white, and then we draw the arrays. We draw triangles based
  • on the data we've stored. So we start from index zero, and we
  • draw three vertices,
  • so we get a red triangle out of this. We can do more complicated
  • things. That gives you a structure for Web GL, two
  • programs and us. I apologize for not mentioning WebGL two until
  • today. You
  • so let's talk a bit about
  • computer graphics. So computer graphics is,
  • is all these things. So it's hardware and software and
  • applications. So we're dealing with all aspects of creating
  • images with a computer. I
  • What do you think about this image?
  • Anyone impressed? I
  • does it look photo realistic?
  • Yeah, maybe gender or anything.
  • Yeah, we can. I
  • we can think of a number of applications. Lender is nice
  • because it's Open Source,
  • so We can If
  • so this is a computer generated image, in case anyone was not
  • sure about that. I it.
  • So there are different elements. So what do we have to do to come
  • up with a polished image like that? What are the elements or
  • the steps we need to do to create an image like that?
  • Yeah, we can just make a shape like this thing first, like just
  • like Bob after, we can just add the layer of texture on it, the
  • Golden type of image. What we are seeing here this
  • Yeah, so we have the model
  • texture.
  • More material.
  • What else is missing? Lady, yeah,
  • sorry about that. I didn't need to scratch my nail chalkboard. I
  • anything else that's missing part B,
  • background, I'll
  • say we can put that here. I
  • The viewing we have to set up. We need to also make virtual
  • camera to record the scene I
  • so here's an outline of the basic graphic system. We have
  • input devices, then we have a CPU and then the GPU, then we
  • have a frame buffer that gets The contents of which get
  • displayed on the screen. So
  • so a friend buffer is, in a way, like a piece of film that we're
  • exposing in a camera,
  • so the frame buffer stores the image
  • that we're Creating the recreation.
  • Does that make sense.
  • So we talked a bit about this other days. So here's what a
  • cathode ray tube looks in a schematic form. I
  • so we can have a vector display,
  • or we can impose scanning. We time, we can write the contents
  • of a frame buffer to a display like this, but it's need to
  • refresh the picture on the display before it starts to
  • fade. So that's a limitation of graphic systems.
  • And here's a depiction of the shadow mass we talked about last
  • day. And
  • so we have a red, green and blue dots on the inside of the
  • screen, and we have three electron guns that are aimed to
  • excite the phosphor on the inside of the screen, and to
  • pick those dots of color, the red, green and blue colors are
  • close enough together so that we perceive a single color at that
  • spot.
  • So that's that's the way we get a bitmap displaying on the CRT.
  • So we can talk. So here's a wireframe model of that object
  • that we have
  • pictured a couple of screens ago. I
  • Has anyone ever heard of Sketchpad before? And it's quite
  • cool if
  • So WebGL, two came from OpenGL, which came from efforts in
  • European efforts, there was GKs and there was the core standard
  • in North America,
  • here's an ensemble. When we zoom in on the left, it looks like a
  • very nice, high resolution picture, but if we zoom in, we
  • can see the pixels, those individual samples that make up
  • the image.
  • So here's an advancement as well, going from wireframe to
  • polygonal models. I
  • it so we can,
  • from that polygonal model, we can make it look much smoother,
  • and we'll talk about that later this semester. Environment
  • mapping, Does anyone see Terminator two? That's an old
  • one. I mean, there's so many Terminator movies now it's hard
  • to keep track of them. But he the Terminator that was sent to
  • get the Arnold Schwarzenegger Terminator looked like he was
  • made of mercury. He could transform himself. He so that
  • was using environment mapping to make it look that much more
  • realistic.
  • Yeah, my examples are a bit old, but I
  • Okay, so we can do bump mapping, so we have the same surface, but
  • we treat the information on it differently so we can create
  • more interesting effects. So we're not adding complexity to
  • the model, but we're using it in different ways. We're
  • I'll just here's a picture of a flat panel display so that we
  • have the light emitting elements sandwiched between the vertical
  • grid and a horizontal grid. So if we send a value along a
  • vertical and a horizontal wire, then we activate the
  • intersection. Now I've kept you for two minutes longer than a
  • lot of I apologize. Please stop so we can finish this off on
  • Monday. Thank you for today.
  • Have a good rest of your week, and I'll be around tomorrow for
  • office hours if you want to come and see me. I Evening.
  • Which one is like your office for
  • dropping an office hours.
  • College West 308.22


What important concept or perspective did you encounter today?

  • I feel like Graphic systems, APIs and color knowledge was important concept
  • WebGL2 code snippets
  • Some important topics I encountered were immediate-mode graphics, retained-mode graphics, when A1 is due tentatively, office hours, info about wiki contributions, amount of bits per sample for storing colour (1 bit is black and white, 8 bit is greyscale, 3x 8 bit is rgb, and 32 bit is rgba), programming with WebGL2, and sample code from textbook slides.)
  • How computer generated images are made. I wasnt aware of the process/components.
  • Discrete vs Continous
  • An important concept I encountered today was vertex shaders, fragment shaders and how we can make a virtual image to look super realistic with modelling, texture/material, lighting and viewing. Another important thing mentioned today was the GEneric Flat Panel Display and how there are 3 types. the vertical grid, light emitting element, and the horizontal grid.
  • programming pipelines
  • WEB GL
  • An important perspective for me today, was the components of a computer generated image
  • Setup of WebGL
  • I loved the example of that ball you gave
  • We learned about the immediate-mode graphics, color space from number of bits, WebGL, and frame buffer.
  • Chapter 1
  • Today, I encountered the difference between immediate mode graphics and retained-mode graphics. Immediate mode draws things quickly and doesn’t save any information for later use, while retained mode stores the geometry information in the GPU. I also learned about the difference between bitmaps and vector graphics, and how we handle colors and precision in digital images, and how to program with WebGL2.
  • i became to know about WebGL 2 today. We will program with WebGL2 using html5, javascript and dom. I think we are kind of drawing some shape/image using WebGL2.
  • the difference between immediate mode and retained mode graphics, and how the retained graphics using GPUs, allow for more efficient rendering and better performance in games

Was there anything today that was difficult to understand?

    Was there anything today about which you would like to know more?