Outline for Today
Assignment 2 and Midterm Exam
- Assignment 2
- Midterm Exam: Chapters 1-5
For Next Meeting
Link to the UR Courses wiki page for this meeting
Audio Transcript
Hello, Hello, Hello,
how's everyone doing today? I
so let's talk about Simon two
midterm and
let's see where that gets
us. I
so my computer seems to be
better today. It's not giving me
two different mouse pointers on
the different screens. I'm happy
about that anyway. Okay, so
let's look
at the assignment do
Is there any interest in making
the Due Date Monday?
Anyone strictly opposed to an
extension. I
Okay, so
I'm asking you to write a
program and answer a couple
questions. So write a web GL two
program that generates a 3d
hypo. There shouldn't be two
there a certain skis tetrahedron
and builds a container around it
that includes the tetrahedron.
This container should have a lid
that opens while being connected
to the rest of the container
along a common edge.
So maybe
something like
this. I
that feels like a garbage bin.
Let me try again for a king. I
Well, that's not better.
So we have we
have a lid, so we have an
and a lid that's connected here.
How's my drawing? Okay,
I think we got the general idea.
thanks. That's very generous.
Okay, so that's that's the
general idea.
So here's the sample from the
code. Sample code from the
textbook. This is gasket four in
chapter two. So that gives you
an idea of what should be
included. I suppose you might
think of the
you could put the tetrahedra,
the sierpinsky's tetrahedron,
inside a tetrahedron, and have
and have one, one or more sides
open up and
does that convey the idea? Okay?
So we should see the there's a
tetrahedron inside the
container. And so
can use sample code discussed in
class and the 315 lab. So for
those of you in 733
you may not have seen this, so
we'll go over it a bit today,
not to belabor the point for the
people who have done the lab
already. But if there are
questions I'll do my best to get
them sorted out. Okay, so I
repeated myself in a different
way, I think thanks to me use
Apple coat from the glass and
the lab,
I remember to acknowledge your
sources, and then later on, when
I corrected the bit of
instruction from first
assignment. Then I said the same
thing, that you should not
forget to give credit where
credit is due, and not represent
other people's work as your own.
so for the submission, I want
you to submit a single zip
archive. I
So Maybe I
so maybe you have Two PDF files,
or a single PDF file that
answers both questions, the
readme file and then A code
directory that has the common
stuff and and your own code.
So a note about adapting the lab
code for the assignment. So Alex
has the shader code and separate
files, which doesn't always run
well. You click on the
HTML file, the marker may run
some problems with cores, so I
think the easiest solution is to
follow the textbook convention
of putting The shaders inside
the HTML file using script tags
energy. So here's the link to
the lab of three.
So Alex has done a few things
that are nice, a couple things,
Well, they don't necessarily
match with the textbook Code. I
This isn't a big thing in this
in this code that it's an issue
in other places, GL, dot, false
doesn't exist. You
so instead of in the textbook
code where he says, Remember,
these are in column major format
in The shaders.
So Alex has done a Nice
silication And We sell you
so We do a flat, put a trend,
flatten the transpose, so that
takes care of
switching from the Row, major
format in the JavaScript to the
column Major form in the shaders
and the GPU.
So let's
look at an example. I
so in the lab code here, there's
Bridgette. Projection Matrix. I
we have m v so
in terms of vertices, we have a
Or I think he's Alex, is called
V position times MB times p, and
that gives us the GL to
position. So we apply the model
view matrix and then the
projection matrix and
so we start so we're the way
it's done, by convention is to
post multiply The
the viewing matrix
with the transformations and so
what we start with is the Last
thing that's applied, because we
go through transformations and
is we can say we start with
identity, and then we Do the
look at
and Then we get the ball. You
so we're building it out from
this way. So you stay you can
start empty
equals to Look at and
then MV
equals Mold MeV and
Next form I'm
so this is
a variation On the boxes example
in the lab.
I am looking at it from a
different point of view. Here's
an example of how a lid might
move to
illustrate the show The contents
of the box of The container.
So the
in the vertex shader.
I didn't, I didn't correct this
one, I guess, oh, because it's,
that's not my No, it is,
yeah, okay, I see I left the
original code there, but I just
streamlined it a bit
so I
so we take the V position, the
vertex attribute position,
multiply it by MV and then by
The projection matrix to get our
points and then The fragment
shader is just passing through
the color. And
so I haven't used the matrix
stack here I'm just resetting
the View after I draw each cube.
start with look at
so the first
cube is moved on the x axis, but
it's still centered
on still centered on the axis,
just moved further down the x In
the x direction and
so the translations are the same
if we start with that,
if we didn't do a translate, we
just did the Rotate, where would
we be rotating?
Right so we'd be rotating around
that center as it is, but we
want to rotate on an edge so we
translate by one Half, one half
And up together. You
That one's Not a very good
square, but you get the idea. So
we're doing a translate, so we
have the center of the axis of
rotation on one of the edges of
the cube, and then we do the
rotation, and then we do another
translate to put it On top of
the other cube.
So instead of resetting the MV
matrix to look at, we can do the
push and pop
so we don't have a
so That simplifies things a bit.
Does That make sense?
Was that helpful? I
Okay, I
Should we Try it with Solid
tubes? I
any questions about about that
at all? Bless You. You.
Okay, should We talk about The
midterm? I
So we'll cover chapters One
through Five. You
do a summary of
our discussions, some links,
resources, and I'll have that to
Father for Monday. And if we
have questions to
to do, whether we can do that,
then I
So it's going to be
in person on paper,
so I have more flexibility for
The kinds of questions I
I think that was the point we
used In our example. What
you think about
that is that that as a question.
care. So I
would say
rotation on x means that
we have this matrix the cosine
and sine, and then if
I give you an angle different
than 90, I'll give you
I'll give you the values to put
in as well,
so we don't have to memorize
values. Just do
the process, go through the
process. So
who likes that idea?
Okay, one person, 2345, well,
that's okay.
Should we do some multiple
choice questions? Do Okay.
I'm How about give you a little
bit of JavaScript or Shake your
code to explain what's going on
with it.
Anyone like that idea for a
question, okay?
Any other kinds that come to
mind? Well,
so Of course, some exams, I have
a couple that
are based
On this book,
so it's not an indication that
so the discussions in class may
have been different, but I'll
give you the sample exams and
samples To in the hope they may
be of help. I
any Other questions,
suggestions? I
Okay, so
if you have any that come to
mind, let's say by the end of
Friday, you can post them to the
class discussion list, and I
will. I would certainly
appreciate that that's that's an
option, opportunity for
participation in the class to
give you questions And what you
think would Be good answers.
Okay, do
Okay, so I thought maybe
We could talk a little bit more
about projection matrices, okay,
it also indicate which slides
that sharing with you, Maybe I,
more relevant than others Do.
Okay, so the comment about
we're getting everything into
the standard view volume and
so what is The View? Volume?
any changes? What are the
points? We're able to see? What
core points in
what are the coordinates that
we're able to See without doing
anything, setting Up, viewing
The transformations.
And I didn't put the z values
if the positive Z axis is coming
out of the board, and so which
handed coordinate system?
Is this the volume that we have
to work with? Do clipping
coordinates, it's
actually minus one, minus one,
minus One and on.
So we can apply orthographic
projection to
get perspective projection So
so this is I start with Our
model view transformation. So
all the transformations we have
at the model. And then at the
end of that, we do the viewing
the lookout to change the basis
for the camera space. We do the
projection transformation, and
then when we go to perspective
division, to go from 4d to 3d
then we do the clipping, and
then we project from 3d to 2d
and so we wanted to the
information as long as possible,
because we want to do the use
the Zen buffer, or the depth
buffer, to help us with hidden
Surface Removal and it.
So if we do
projection, we have an ortho
matrix in MV, nu.js specify the
left, right, bottom, top and
near and far coordinates so that
we have this shape, the shape on
the left, and it gets
transformed into the standard
clipping volume.
So we move the set the two steps
that we need to accomplish. So
we move the center to the origin
translation then we scale so
that the sides have length two,
because we go from minus one to
plus one.
So two divided by right minus
left, two divided by top minus
bottom, two divided by near
minus far, and then the
translation that we specify in
the first step. So that's
that gets us into the clip
coordinates, the minus one plus
1q and then
this matrix M Orth takes the 3d
coordinates and puts them into
2d because We're dropping The Z
so here's an example with the
center of projection at the
origin the near moving plane at
z equals minus one, and the 90
degree field of view determined
by The planes x plus minus z, y
plus and minus z. So that means
going out at 45 degree angles.
And so the field of u is 90
because we have 45 and 45 and
so the simple projection matrix
for homogeneous coordinates, so
we have minus One in the bottom
row. So
the point x, y, z.
So we can map parameters, alpha,
beta, and after the perspective
of vision, we get x, prime x
divided by z, y prime, y divided
by z and z prime is minus alpha
plus beta over z,
So that projects to the desired
part, regardless of alpha and
So if
we pick alpha and beta
carefully, then the clipping
Volume is the default again.
So we're Stretching out
so this,
stretching out this plane to be
the same size as that, or we can
think of we're taking a
truncated pyramid and turning it
into a parallel plate, but so we
can easily get it into the
clipping coordinate. So it's the
story, but it projects
correctly. I
so our hidden surface removal
with the depth buffer works if
we apply the normalization
transformation first. So
there's some distortion, which
might become a problem of small
businesses and
I anyway, wrote a time I see I
hope today was
At any rate, I thank you for
your attention
today and for time to see me
and I rotating cubes. I have
office hours tomorrow, but feel
free to make comments online as
well. So anyway, this is a bit
early, but have a good weekend,
and we'll see you on Monday, if
not before. Take care. Everyone
not before. Take care. Everyone
What important concept or perspective did you encounter today?
- Orthographic projections to screens
- I found the discussion on perspective and how it affects how looked at the image very interesting especially the valvulations involved with the perspective
- In the last meeting, more about the inner workings of the box.html code and how I can implement it into assignment 2. Though instead of separate boxes, I plan to rotate one if the faces of the container to open it.
- The important concepts I encountered in the last meeting were, the details about Assignment 2 and its due date extension, then we looked at lab code and sample code from the prof that relates to the assignment, then we learned the midterm will be on ch 1-5, a summary for midterm will posted and looked at on Monday, old exams will be posted to look at, then we ended by going through slides about Normalization.
- We went over some of the code to be used as reference on the assignment, and what he was expecting conceptually. We also went over what material might be on the midterm and which types of questions.
- Perspective frustrum manipulation was pretty neat!
- Animation and Projection
- shadow maps
- Sierpenski Tetrahdon
- When passing matrices to shaders, we need to do this: flatten(transpose(m)). This will convert the matrix from row major order to column major order which is what we need for the computation.
- nothing great actually
- We looked at the assignment 2 details, model view and projection matrix with transformations.
- Discussed about Midterms and Assignment 2 ; Rotation and viewing matrices and how to incorporate them in the scene
- we mainly discussed the assignment and midterm, but we did touch on differences between the different types of perspective
- Today, I grasped the concept for Assignment 2 on how to animate the lid using the modelview and projection matrices. I also learned about using orthographic and perspective projections to adjust the positioning of objects in the scene.
- learn abohut mid term exam question and orthogonal projection
- Today mostly we discussed about the assignment 2 end discussed about the exam midterm
Was there anything today that was difficult to understand?
Was there anything today about which you would like to know more?