Outline for Today
Texture Mapping
For Next Meeting
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Audio Transcript
Good job.
I How is everyone today?
Anyone watched the gray cup?
Anyone pleased with The results
Okay, I
Here we are at meeting 18. You
i so i anonymize
the cues backward to Victor and
Sam and I pushed them through
our courses. I
so there was this disagreement
that it was about the right
level of difficulty and
and you can look at that And
I've removed
the names associated with The
comments. I
so there's a question of what
we can do
to make the final exam a fair
assessment of your learning over
the semester, so that it matches
what we've done in class and
It's not too it's
challenging, but not too
And there is sufficient Time to
Answer questions you
I say starting now, So I'd
really like you to engage in the
idea of
create, taking part in the
creation of an exam that is a
fair assessment of your work
this semester, and I say, please
consider suggesting Questions
and Answers starting now doesn't
mean you should guide your
Horses during the class here and
start typing away. But if that
that works, I
wouldn't be too upset. I
so I will work out the example
give you a few different ways to
approach it and
so in that question and exam,
we wanted to move the center
rotation to a point not at the
So we wanted to, we
in terms of code, we have, we
we Have a matrix, and then we're
going to multiply So
we're going to specify
translation to The new center.
Then we apply our rotation
matrix and
does That make sense? I
Is that a good way to get at
the process of
the this happens in a few cases
where we want to do a rotation
of transformation from some
point other than the origin, we
translate from the origin to the
new center. Apply the
transformation, then we
translate center to the origin.
So the first one here is
specify. The first one specifies
the last applied. We
up so we're doing the translated
origin and
so this is x, F,
is that still Okay? Do
so I neglected
a cut off date for the
assignments after which you
wouldn't get a late penalty, but
after which you wouldn't get a
Mark at All.
So You
so we have our final exam On the
so if you're
if you're struggling To get
assignments in
on the due date, if
It has to be In by The 10th And
so there was a comment
about clarifying what goes on
with grow shading and Fauci
let's Take a minute to talk
about where the calculations are
done for each of them and
okay, not everyone all at once.
Vertex Can you repeat
that approach? Actually, it's
done in vertex shader and stuff
in the and stuff, yeah, I
do we use normal vectors in Grow
Yes, we do,
but we use them all the end of
vertices, so we're COVID and
intensity. So
we're covering intensity at the
vertex, So when we're doing the
laying equation and
so we perform the lighting
calculations of the vertices,
and then that gives us a vertex
color, and we pass the vertex
color to The fragment chair and
output the fragment color the
fragment shader And interpolates
that value
to give us our image. So we
calculate the intensity at the
vertex, and then we interpolate
the intensity the fragment
shader does the interpolation
across The scan line.
So long, shading, really
fragment shader and
so with grow
shading, using the vertex
shader, we're interpolating the
intensity that we compute for
the vertices, The faux shading
and the fragment shader. Does it
interpolate intensities? Do
okay, so I
so with the font shading, we're
performing Lane calculations and
fragments and
so with long shading, we're
interpolating normal vectors,
and because we're doing the
lighting calculation at the
fragment level, then we can make
a more accurate approximation in
our illumination equation,
so we get
more realistic highlights,
regular Highlights and
anything else?
Does that make sense? I
so there's a question or comment
about translucency and
that comes up In chapter eight,
and we'll
do alpha blending if
and then two shaders and
I found a couple of old
examples, but I haven't had a
to put them into web or
into example code.
Forward of that, So
oh, I would like to Just mention
something About the midterm. I
so to talk a bit about texture
so We have can map a texture in
an image and it doesn't have to
be an image, a photograph. It
can be a constructed image that
we create in our code.
Environment. Mapping is another
way to add cues about the space
we're in, and
bump mapping is about modifying
normal vectors to add detail
that isn't in the model. So
We're cheating A bit. I
so we're getting extra detail
for a little for a very good
price. And
so this is from 2020, and the
figures might be older than
Anyone know
how many millions of polygons or
triangles per second for a
current graphics card,
it's a lot,
but we don't want to
we don't want to spend all our
polygons doing complicated
models, or maybe physically
accurate models of clouds and
drain and skin that one doesn't
seem to belong in the list,
because If we want to in a game,
we're not
those. Models aren't aren't the
focus of our attention, but they
add realism and
the ability to the setups.
we do
texture mapping to overcome to
allow us to keep The polygons
low and still have realistic
textures, realist,
believable. Detail, I guess So,
modeling In Orange and
so a sphere that's colored
orange may be appropriate In
some cases, but it's
too simple,
and if we
scan an Orange, a navel orange,
or a mandarin, Christmas orange,
not spherical. You don't see
fruit at the grocery store.
That's sphere.
But if we are, we don't
want to make the model, the
geometry too complex to capture
all the features of the orange.
Maybe there's some happy medium
between getting the basic shape
and then adding details with
So we can
take a picture of an orange and
then map it onto the sphere and
it. We can also do bump mapping,
so putting the picture of an
orange onto the Orange sphere is
texture mapping
and changing
surface characteristics is about
So we have a geometric model on
the left
and then a texture mapped
version on the right. And
then here's an example with
environment mapping.
So the surface, the surface of
the model is reflective, and
it's reflecting the environment
that we specified for it.
And here is a version of bump
so we can see
the differences in the
surface quality.
Here it looks a bit rough. Here
it's smoother and
it impressive or not.
So we're doing mapping at the
end of the pipeline,
so after we've
clipped the polygons out that
aren't going to be in the scene
and see you.
we can either,
we want to go from The texture
to the imp to the model we
So it's straightforward, but I
we have
a challenge to Get from our 2d
texture to the 3d surface. So
so the different coordinate
systems, so there's parametric
coordinates that specify
positions in our models, extra
coordinates, used to identify
points in the image to be
mapped, object or world
coordinates, where the mapping
takes place, And window
coordinates where the final
image is produced. The
so the idea is the parametric
coordinates are are used
to describe the object surface
that's going to have the texture
applied to it. Then we have
texture coordinates s and t, and
we're going to map the texture
coordinates to the parametric
coordinates on the surface.
So then, as we get three find
the points on the surface we're
looking to map to then we make
the connection with the texture
coordinates and sample texture
At that point, and we get our
final image and
so we can think of x, y and z in
terms of texture coordinates
that it might be easier to do
the other the other way. So we
have a pixel, and we want to
know which point on an object to
which point it corresponds on
the object.
So we specify s and t in terms
of x, y and z. So me,
it might be easier to map to an
intermediate object and then I
and then go from the cylinder to
the surface. We're interested in
texture mapping and
if we think about A sphere, we
have an issue of how to not
so putting a square image onto
the sphere is not going to be
without problems.
If you were giving a basketball
or a volleyball or water polo
ball as a Christmas gift and you
want to wrap it.
It might look good around the
middle, But at the ends, it's a
problem. I
so instead of doing a sphere, we
can use a box.
So then it's a matter of
putting square images on the
different sides of the box and
So when we go from our
intermediate object to our final
One, we
need to take care of the normals
it. So here's an example of
accessing the texture and
Getting some aliasing problems
because we're not sampling with
high enough frequency to get The
blue stripes.
So instead of point sampling. We
can average the area, but
the slower we
so if we think about
where those dot samples are
taken, if we average the area
so we're not just taking one
sample for the area That's
represented in the image and on
the surface
If we look at all the values
available there, you would
certainly catch some blue stripe
here and here,
this one is pretty well
centered, So it might not get
much blue at all. You
so in Web GL
steps to apply texture is for
specified. Specify the texture.
You can generate an image
or read one from a source file,
and then we assign the texture
make it available, and we enable
So we need to assign texture
coordinates to the vertices and
specify texture parameters,
whether we're going to wrap or
filter it and
so the idea is we go from the
image at the bottom, bottom left
to the geometry of The top left,
and then display this is the top
The top right.
So here we're taking an image
and then mapping it on to
surface that's viewed in
perspective and
it. So I
think that's pretty
straightforward. So it's the
idea that we're mapping the
image on to the surface. So as
the surface changes, the viewing
parameters change and the
perspective projection is
applied, we get to see the image
as if it's pasted on to that
So we have a geometry pipeline
of vertices and texture
development pipeline with images
that lead into the fragment
processor you
we can create A texture, image,
So the textbook as an example
With a checkerboard image i
So here's an example where we're
taking a square texture and
mapping it onto a triangle. So
then it's a matter of specifying
the vertices
texture ordinance the triangle
vertices. So we can see here
that A is mapped point 2.8,
B is mapped, point 4.2, and C is
point 8.4
So we can
the texture mapping that way.
so this checkerboard pattern is
a texture that's applied I'm
so we're doing the rotation In
our vertex shader, and we're
getting the color and the
texture coordinates And the
position as vertex attributes,
then we're specifying, so GL
position, that's setting the
position. And we don't go
further with that, but we set V
color, a color, so Vertex Color
is the attribute color that
we've read from our buffer. And
V tech chord, V Tex cord is used
assigned with the value from a
tax cord. So the attribute that
we've specified the texture cord
that we specified per vertex and
so we have
V color in, V Tex cord in and
out is our fragment color, and
We have a uniform sampler for
the texture map.
So fragment color is the vertex
color multiplied By the texture
that's returned from that sound
Sounded like an alarm, and it's
very short lived and
so we're going to create the
image and memory, and we're
alternating black and white, and
we're configuring the texture
and we're Pushing texture
with the quad so
the texture coordinates are go
from zero to one
and X and Y. Our s and t are
zero to one and
so the order is dependent on how
they're being pushed to our data
structure, the buffer and
so I
you can
see what happens is if you
change the coordinates or the
mapping, I
How does that sound? Does that
make sense? I
any questions or concerns,
okay, so I'll do so I
I'll have some examples discuss
on Wednesday. And
thank you very much for today
and good rest of your life.
Take care everyone.
Take care everyone.
What important concept or perspective did you encounter today?
- In the last meeting, I learned the concept of Gouraud and Phong shading. Their calculations for Gouraud is done in the vertex shader for the lighting in vertices and intensity. As for Phong, calculations are in fragment shader and deals with lighting and normal vector.
- Texture Mapping techniques
- Some important concepts covered in the meeting today were, student feedback about the midterm, assignment 3 and 4 cutoff date is Dec. 10, Gouraud and Phong shading, texture mapping and its coordinate systems, 3 steps to applying a texture, then we looked at the code for texturecube2.
- Texture mapping and converting to on screen coordinates
- We discussed how textures get distorted when they are mapped to geometry. This reminds me of how 2D maps of the globe are distorted when we try to map the surface of the globe to a rectangle. And in a similar way, map makers must choose how they want to distort the map. Usually it occurs at the poles.
- Getting to discuss texture mapping is what I believe to be some of the most fundemental and important concepts to disucss and learn how to properly utilize. Discussing how Bump/Normal Maps are interpreted and utilized to imitate complex geometry.
- Shading and different types of mapping, Texture, environment and bump and also about midterm and assignment
- The difference between gouraud and phong shading in relation to where the computation is done, with regards to the fragment and vertex shaders
- We discussed the Gourand and Phong shading, and Texture mapping.
- Texture mapping
- Gouraud v/s Phong Shading, Texture mapping, bump mapping and how they are achieved; forward mapping and backward mapping; mapping images onto objects in depth
- The concept of Gouraud shading computes lighting in the vertex shader and interpolates vertex intensities across the polygon. Phong shading, calculated in the fragment shader, interpolates normals across the polygon for per-pixel lighting. Texture mapping assigns a 2D texture to a 3D surface and samples it in the fragment shader for rendering.
- About assignment we asked some questions and answers
Was there anything today that was difficult to understand?
Was there anything today about which you would like to know more?