Outline for Today
Link to the UR Courses wiki page for this meeting
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Happy Friday! No freezing rain last night!
Due dates now Monday (project) and Tuesday (individual)
New Features
Zoom Audio Transcript
Good afternoon.
hey Peter, how are you doing. how's everyone doing today.
so good.
Happy Friday indeed. And bonus, there is no freezing rain last night. So I realize I didn't push the last update. To the server to the server until. Well, I didn't push it when I thought I did so I did it before. Joining here, so let you be updated in a minute. So let me share my screen. and There we are but. let's go over to your courses and to the attendance. There we go that's what's in the chat. Okay, so. Any questions or concerns. So i've updated the due date for the project to Monday and individual assignment to Tuesday.
hello, Professor. Maybe I have missed a part of. of discussion, maybe you have mentioned it, so I was a bit confused about like. For the video recording is it Okay, if one of the group member just create the video or do all of them have to participate in the video for the last part of the project.
So I said. of new a phrase that was something like. it's encouraged that everyone participates, but not required.
Okay, that sounds good.
Okay well. Maybe. We might be some problems here. Updating the page but. So. I had the idea proposed the idea, yes last meeting to. add the new feature of. Today URL. So here's. So what I did was I said teaching. today.
Professor me I.
yeah so I had a question regarding that. Final assignment for the eight or nine students as or eight 800 level students.
So for that I saw that category says that the upper right at least 1000 lines and that paper should be recent year like 2021 or 20 years. My problem was well, I was going through the website for the suggested paper like what do you suggest it further, I found so many interesting papers and I chose. Like two of them, but the thing is it's the paper length is somehow between like from six and a half pages to seven pages, so there was a requirement not a requirement but association says that it should be a minimum of eight pages so, is it a hard requirement for that.
Okay, so. Yes, i'm looking for pages papers eight pages long. At least eight pages long. So. I think there are plenty of. papers in the last year. That meet that requirement. So the link that i've added. The discussion. Is a bit more leeway, so the first link was just for the conference, the big conference. expand expanded it to lie to be able to look at see I sponsored publications.
Okay, my point was I was making I was also taking the three is 900 seminar as well, so I really like. I found like two papers that I was really interested in and like writing a review, as well as. You know, getting into depth of it, but the thing is on that topic I didn't find anything of eight pages, because I feel like. You know, to let that paper go for because of just just one page shy of them criteria would be ashamed, so I also wanted to ask. If I choose that paper is there any nearly marks for that, like, I can lose some monsters, and then because I really wanted to write my review on that specific topic that the Burberry farm.
Okay, so let's. let's continue this outside of class so maybe we can just stick around for a few minutes after our meeting today and we can talk about this more detail.
Okay, thank you.
Okay, any other questions. Okay. So here's what I came up with. I haven't. doesn't appear on. On as a link here on the teaching page but. it's live on the website. next meeting for today. Okay, so open the floor to. comments on this page. So. Just seemed like that might be a useful thing if you're. You can try it on your own in your own browsers now. We tried online mobile. So it seems to be okay on my iPhone. So what other information would be useful let's say if I came upon this page on a Thursday, where there was no meeting. suppose I could. advertise the office our link. What about on the weekend. The peaceful to.
I think there may be two columns and one for the class links, I mean media links and another column can represent the office hours that would actually. Help the users to find it more easy. and If. We can have all the link of the meetings. I mean, as a least. In a descending order, I mean the latest latest one will be at a fast. Then.
So. Okay, so from here, I can. We can get to all the other link meeting links. Where is that maybe. So this this is pagination this control here at the top. Then, leaving here.
When I first. started this plus it took me a long time to realize that these numbers are actually presenting the depressing during the classes. I mean when I started the class was, but now I know that these numbers are actually present in the classes so. My suggestion was like if there is something that actually mentioning that is the link for the classes, I mean some note, possibly or a. Maybe yeah possibly a. Simple not that would actually help us to find when we are new to this class that yeah this is this is, this is the link for the classes and that will understand you see. I mean for the beginners class, they will not actually understand that yeah, this is the links. yeah.
So we better find maybe put. OK. OK, so I didn't understand that earlier. I think that was a common that was expressed. I didn't quite. make the connection there as much as I could. But I could put the meeting number here and the date. And then have the date. The appearance tool tip. Here as well, so. So maybe. This doesn't need to be. As a page that has only today's the current date on it, or maybe it was back to. The previous meeting in the next meeting was back to the previous meeting and ahead to the next meeting so maybe this would be. A kind of a calendar. That have all the days of the Semester. Well, the meeting days in the Semester. And then, if it. So in this case. Meeting Monday Wednesday Friday so Monday Wednesdays and Fridays that appear. and Tuesdays and Thursdays as well because of office hours. Well Tuesdays Wednesdays and Thursdays so there's because of office hours so there'd be two items and. The date for Wednesday. The class meeting and. office hour. and Then Saturday and Sunday. We just go to Monday, perhaps the net following Monday or the following last day. Does that sound like a better approach. Okay, so what, if I have. The date year. So all the days in the Semester. And then, based on the date I. point to the. I picked a card that's got. The most. that's the closest upcoming class day. or class activity day. Does that sound. So then i've got date and then have the meeting number 428. So this makes sense, this the title of this link.
So the next semester, when I have. seminars and two classes, then. I can list all the things. And those days. So teaching two classes next semester, and both of them are Tuesday Thursday classes so. i'm not sure when the seminars are. So what if we do. breakout groups on. Where we can share the screen i'll let you share your screens. And then you can maybe come up with a sketch or. An interface to do. To give this information for. Our students. In the given semester. How does that sound. Okay, so. You can share your screen. breakout rooms. let's say for breakout rooms. See how that goes. And i'll let you assign yourselves. To the room so. Looking for both seven people in a room. Let me type in the chat. What i'm asking for we start that. Does that make sense. Okay, so. Anyone have some questions before we start. Okay. So i'm opening the breakout rooms now. hey Peter Amal. Precious.
i'm still here.
But please can you please join a breakout room.
I never got the option to join one.
Okay, oh. Anyone.
Okay, thank you.
Zanna productive breakout session.
Yesterday it was so we discussed a few things. And we get, we discussed the diagram.
You want to share.
yeah actually i'm not done with it, but he still I can share that but.
Once you finish it.
While I mean when you are sharing your screen, I cannot share it.
You could. Okay i'll stop sharing maybe that's why.
Okay. So this is just. This is the thought of our discussion so we think that when we are in the link for today's. Meeting, so we we don't think that we should actually click click again for our description of today's meeting. It should be already shown in somewhere here after today's meeting so description of today's meeting would should be there. And then there should be a link that will actually, let us to previous links, I mean meeting for link for the previous meetings that would be helpful in my in our I mean from our discussion waiting that. So in today, it should be, I mean it already should show the description of today's meeting, we should, I mean if i'm in the page of today and then i'm clicking the date and then again going to do this meeting, then it's kind of. To the same little.
is redundant, because if we're already today why don't I already just see the details for today, like upcoming events planned for the for this meeting, blah blah blah instead of me having to click on another link when i'm already on that would be.
For sure.
Okay, so I thought about doing that as well. So, in the case that Syria have another class. let's say I have. No. next semester, I have let's let's say we have the 282 80 is being offered this semester as well right taught by somebody else so let's say we have see us to at.
Good discussion. And it would be great if you can share the date, along with the meeting number, then there will be no confusion, which is the meeting number vision is that it.
Okay. So. Can you send me a copy of that picture.
Yes, you. Do you want me to make.
sure it can send my mail that's that's good okay any other so there's a comment about the time of day, the meeting would be nice okay. that's right so. If if we check in at 2pm and realize that we've missed today's meeting. and That would be our next one is on Monday. Okay, so other breakout group. Did you like having. You to the groups that had. Well 15 and 12 I think 11 or 12 participants in each. were those two big or revolt right.
We were not anticipating that many people. We We talked just a wee bit about um. We didn't really do a sketch or anything but we did talk through some ideas. So we want to. Previous lectures feedback. So um so we could click the previous lecture link to the previous lecture read what what happened. So we could sort of anticipate what's going to happen today. We also wanted to see if there's a way to submit our own review. Of today's lecture. On to that, but there's all your ID that you, you are course this quiz that we get with every lecture so. sort of a. It would it would either or is OK. We were also talking about adding the zoom link, but that would be making the zoom class publicly available so that would probably not be good.
yeah I mean it's it's not hidden but.
yeah and time of day that's The other thing that we went through. In our breakout room.
So what what. came up what I came up with for idea, so any other ideas thanks Jeffrey. My.
plan for the point that Jeffrey said was like for the reviews and the previous lecture feedback was kind of a little bit different than what he explained. My idea was because the webpage you showed was completely empty and have only one link. So we can like utilize all the spacious and have something useful in it, so I was like thinking, maybe you know. Put a chat box there so everyone can after the meeting or maybe during the meeting they can just chat like put some feedback they're like okay this thing is this I didn't understand. That concept. or anything that concept, or very, very useful, and this is some extra links that I found related to that content so. It will serve two purposes one, it will give the feedback for this lecture on either on the time of leisure or after the time of the lecture. And second anyone who may be, you know, sometimes they missed some topics, or maybe they didn't it in one class, they can always see that thing, and they can have an idea what well like what kind of topics, they are discussing on that day. And, and the rest feature what Jeffrey said was completely correct, to the point, so that was my point of suggesting that review and previous lecture feedback.
Okay. So you don't think that. The responses are a good way to. So I guess that's another question about how to capture feedback and whether it's public or whether it's. Within you are course because I think there's some advantages to having. course stuff remaining in you our courses. So maybe maybe the responses. Are aren't filling that need as much as they could and. There could be some other ways to do it.
yeah exactly my point, because when i'm feeling the responses after class it's just me and what I understood from it, and the only person who can see it is you right, but if it was like a public. Like chat box or something like that, like a discussion forum type of stuff so not only i'm putting my response there, I can also see if. I missed some other response, or I could think of some other responses, maybe that might be very helpful for others, or something so I can gain some intellect from there as well. And even if I missed one response so that I can catch up on that too.
yeah so i've been trying to keep up with publishing them anonymously on the web page. I didn't get your.
office after we started our own response, I think.
Pardon me.
We can see other students response after we submit our response, I think.
Okay. wow I didn't realize it's 23 after so. I guess i'll share i'll save my ideas for Monday. and we'll go from there. So Monday let's we'll do a review. Any any questions that come up.
One very quick question. Sure, and you our courses, we have a deadline coming up raiding our breakout rooms, how do we do that.
So. I was thinking of using the same mechanism for. group work but. I think if you want to give a comment about your breakout groups and the idea of how to manage. Your idea about how to design that that would be. A helpful thing as well.
And just thinking, the Members are wildly different sometimes.
yeah so all. i'll update that okay it's a bit. of change that on your courses to reflect just talked about.
Okay, thank you.
Thank you very much.
Have a good weekend.
thanks you too. So if you have questions like seraph. And you want to stick around for a minute. try and deal with them now okay. thanks again everyone take care, have a good weekend and go writers.
Should I share my screen.
I hope you can see the screen.
Okay perfect so my only point of representing the paper was like I was. doing some of the other research paper topics on the particular subject virtual reality even my like i'm taking see as 900 calls this semester and i'm. Presenting on this topic link, not on this paper topic, but on virtual reality topics as well. So I was really into the virtual reality field and I found some of the interesting conference that's going on and that's very interesting because this thing we were actually. Trying to implement in January, when I was taking the virtual reality quotes so I found this paper and the thing is the only problem with it is just is, I think one and half page sharper than your eight page requirement, but I do think this paper is very good and in terms of is.
It can just. Where is it from.
Is from the website is suggested.
Just just scroll down to the bottom of the first page.
There we go.
Okay, so it's extended abstracts yeah so it's not it's not exactly a paper.
So what would be your feedback on there, like. I should go ahead, or should I just. fulfill the criteria, yes that's what I was concerned about.
So, can you post, the link in the chat please.
For the paper. yeah sure.
Give me a second.
i'm gonna stop sharing for a second.
it's fine.
I heard it we.
Can a year.
So I was thinking a little bit about any tools that we can use for the hyper fidelity prototype so I went through some of them, but if you have any suggestion about the about any tool that would be helpful for me. for creating hypothetical.
yeah so. I mean I. can do something, even with PowerPoint or something. where you can just programmed the. transition between screens okay. If you do screen captures and then. shift between them that might be.
I mean thinking, the slides.
yeah changing slides that Sir yeah.
I got it Thank you have a good weekend.
thanks you too.
Thank you, on Monday.
Give me just one minute i'm trying to search it on that website that he provided. I think I can share my screen again since no one is here. And their.
perception of ritual objects using weight illusions.
Yes, this is, this is the one I can provide you the link.
Well, I found it.
So i'm just. Extended abstracts aren't really papers, the sort of. work in progress or late breaking results are. So mean they're promising but they're not a full. Just. See.
looking for.
Last year.
yeah. And this is very interesting for me, because this area is still like unlike a lot in in La always undiscovered so I was like sure why not, because. Most of the technologies are not available and Facebook is also releasing the new technologies and solving this kind of problems, so I thought, maybe it can be a very good idea to.
One one. thing from last year came up when we just feel that it's.
terms of other papers, I did, I do have like one or two other papers that I selected, just in case if this paper got rejected because of the six pages, or something like that.
well. there's one plus one is a research paper but it's only two pages long.
I know the other thing with all the virtual reality technologies either the papers are too short or either it is like to old. Because that's the new thing right now, because it just jumped in 1990s, then it completely you know diet and then now right now with Facebook Meta and stop the oculus quest they are reintroducing and stuff. Especially for the cove area they're trying to do even the saskatchewan government tried to do. In January, to try to have a tourism thing for the virtual reality, because not nothing was visible So when I one of my classmate did a project on that as well.
mm hmm.
yeah so did these things are like very, very new right now so that's why this kind of stuff Sir. kind of weird in terms of paper and writing.
So. How about you do a little extra. justification of this choice, saying that. The all the keywords you looked at you that you're interested in yielded nothing. More than. Nothing eight pages or longer.
Okay, so like. What do I have to do in that case I do, I have to give a justification like why I chose this paper. I can do that.
yeah I can actually that's what that's my like that's why I was trying to talk to you because I can even write more than what you. gave the criteria for like what the people wanted to do what the what the methods or I can just say what the problem was and. Why, I chose this paper and how it can help me in the near future, when the technologies are available for virtual reality, I can add like a bunch of more points and.
know what I asked, please.
Okay, so so just one why I chose this paper because of the six pages.
No it's not why he chose his papers included in the list, I believe. Maybe maybe it's not a. and made a change. But explain why you. Have the topics of interest. Nothing else was. So. Perhaps some searches that you did. In the interface, and so on, but we didn't yield. Paper those eight pages or longer. Do you understand what I mean.
yeah, so I think what are you trying to say is kind of the motivation behind this exact thing.
Not the motivation snake will no longer papers. In the.
In the exact topic that I chose there's no available like lenny or paper that's.
yeah yeah.
I can do that.
And so you're not doing so, what are you doing for your seminar.
I already uploaded my video it is how to like immersive Mr SCI fi user in virtual reality technology using different kind of methodology, so, as I said, it's a very. Like new topic so they're like immersion in virtual reality depends on fairy like various factors, so I choose three factors like that those are like the major factors, right now, in this era with the technology available to us. So it is the first one is the interaction method how virtual reality like how in virtual reality you're interacting with different objects and how you're walking and talking. Because you're just standing in place, but in the virtual reality you're walking so that's kind of a D synchronize and that's a very huge problem in vr. So that's one of the paper that I chose the second one was how to enhance the image quality to give the user, the perception of immersion and. presence in virtual reality to emulsify and make them more immersive in the content and the third paper that I chose was like to have the gaming. Had the neural engine and the underlying in the virtual reality to improve the processing speed so again, that also have correlate to the immersion.
hmm. So it's not all brand new stuff no.
Yes, it is not the concept of this thing is very old, but the thing is the technologies available is very new that that's what it's kind of rising because of that, because in 1990s when. These kind of concepts were there, even the way the matrix movie came out the technology available to us was very. I would say not up to the mark that can accommodate those things so that's why it completely fail after nintendo's I think the red boy again and then like now, because of the oculus questions touch with their again rising because of that, because we are trying to accommodate those things.
Okay well. So I. was just. Trying to help you out by encouraging to be more precise, and what you're what you're talking about. So. That That would be my suggestion you know. So. I you know, like, I think, with the instructions for the paper eight pages or more so. So I just want you to address. Why. you're not able to. receive with that. If you'd rather if you have another paper that interests you that's eight pages or longer. From the published in the last year. Maybe it's more straightforward to go with that. I don't know. So those are the choices, I guess.
yeah then works for me so just to clarify on last time, so if I choose another people that these eight pages and long that's fine, so I don't have to write any other criteria. But if I choose to go with this paper, so I should include a column artist section explaining why I am not able to proceed with other papers. For the similar topics and why I chose this paper, even though that is six pages long, like just to clarify that thing and that section, you would like me to include at the top, or at the end of the paper like review.
well. it's not a part of the of your submission it's maybe it's more well. So I guess priests. haven't received the submission, if you choose to do that.
So i'm to write this section separately and send it to you before I write the review of the paper.
No, I just said, put it first in the PDF.
OK. OK so like right this section in a PDF and also write my review and combine those two and send and submitted.
Okay, that would work. Okay, thank you very much, Professor. you're welcome Okay, have a good weekend.
thanks you too bye.
bye bye.
Zoom Chat Transcript
Happy Friday!
Good Afternoon Everyone. Happy Friday!!
Student password
All good
Student password
Useful link, especially if a student is taking more than one class with you a semester.
weekend - only email info maybe
Yup. And Seminars too maybe :)
I think putting the date corresponding to each meeting number would be helpful.
Breakout rooms: can you come up with a sketch of how to improve this new feature of “today”?
Does that make sense?
Listing the time of day of the meeting would be nice
for this
What important concept or perspective did you encounter today?
- doubts for project 4 and individual assignment 2
- In today’s meeting we did some diubt clear discussion about next due projects.
- In the break out rooms I learnt more about How can you come up with a sketch of how to improve this new feature of “today”?
- The marketability of the websites product in mention.
- In today's meeting, we discussed about the sketch for new feature of “today” in breakout room.
- We talked about the possible ways to improve Dr. Hepting's website to avoid confusion.
- In the breakout room, we tried to build a sketch of what other useful features could be added to Dr. Hepting's website.
- sketched "today feature" for prof's website
- Today's meeting we have discussion about common exam questions
- In today's class, we discussed about a new webpage made for "Today's Meeting". In the breakout discussion we sketched a diagram to find the opportunities that page.
- different ways to access the page, it is now easier to find the content that is needed and related to the class
- we provide new ideas for Prof's website redesigning
- it was interesting to see the improvement on the website
- The most important thing that I learned today was that the deadlines are extended.
- We have discussed about the improvements needed in the interface of the Dr. Hepting's website
- Discussion about assignment
- How to design "today" page for less gulf of evaluation.
- Today I commented on the Dr. Heptings meeting page, that if we add some more information like, instead of clicking on the linking and then getting the information, if that information is on the page in front will be more useful. the page has lot of space , we can add feedback or review option so that student can give their opinions on the meeting topic and others can also view it.
- Today we cleared our doubts of assignments and had a breakout room discussion and evaluated the Dr.Hepting website and had ideas on redesigning.
- Discussion about improving the website
- in today's ,meeting we discussed about the due dates of assignment and project.
- was about suggestions regarding interface of the professor's website. We also had a breakout session to discuss about that.
- In todays class we have had a discussion about the course structure and also had a breakout session for the same where we could talk about the changes that can be made.
- Discuss about Assignment today
- We looked at a page to improve on dr hepting's website today. I learned that it is hard to come up with concrete ideas for improvement with so many people.
- Today, we disscussed the ideas and opinions that helps to improve the website of Dr. Hepting. In my opinion, I suggest to do some improvements in the font and the size of the words. such as, better colors and fonts.
Was there anything today about which you would like to know more?
- Today’s discussion was interesting and for the next meeting I want to discuss about our final exam, so that to get some more idea about what kind of format we are going to have.
- Exam format and an idea on how as students we should prepare
- When we have dependent and independent variables for interface study, could we consider search tasks as independent variables and give them different levels of difficulties?