CS 405+805 in Winter 2025


Weekly Schedule (Tentative)

Week of Meetings Topics Items of Note
Mon-06-Jan-2025 01 02

Chapter 1

Mon-13-Jan-2025 03 04

Chapter 2

Mon-20-Jan-2025 05 06

Chapter 3

Mon-27-Jan-2025 07 08

Chapter 4

Mon-03-Feb-2025 09 10

Chapter 5

Mon-10-Feb-2025 11 12

Chapter 6

Mon-24-Feb-2025 13 14

Chapter 7

Midterm Exam

Mon-03-Mar-2025 15 16

Chapter 8

Mon-10-Mar-2025 17 18

Chapter 9

Mon-17-Mar-2025 19 20

Chapter 10

Mon-24-Mar-2025 21 22

Chapter 11

Mon-31-Mar-2025 23 24

Chapter 12

Mon-07-Apr-2025 25 26

Chapter 13

Office Hours and Semester Schedule


Times Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
13:00-13:30 Office CS-405+805
Office CS-405+805



Simple PBRT ()

Simple PBRT

Start with simple.pbrt (also in v4-fileformat page). Change the image size to 1280 x 720, add and place 2 more spheres into the scene (each with a different material). Run with the specified integrator and also with the wavefront integrator for different values of samples per pixel.

Fully document your pbrt file with comments inline that describe all the statements used along with all parameters specified and default values for those parameters not specified

Grade penalties will be applied in the following situations for assignment submissions:
  • on time but the written instructions for the submission were not followed: deduct 10% of the earned grade
  • late (but within 48 hours of the due date and time): deduct 10% of the earned grade
  • late by more than 48 hours: deduct 20% of the earned grade until the cut-off date, after which no grade can be earned.

This assignment is worth 6 marks, according to the following rubric:


DePaul Univerity’s Center for Teaching and Learning has a useful resource describing the process of creating rubrics. Your comments about the following rubric are welcome via email

Criterion and Weight Exemplary Sufficient Developing Needs Improvement
Describe/Document (3)
Run/Analyse (3)
Rubric Criteria
Copy Output to Clipboard

Revisit Desktop Tetrahedron ()

Revisit Desktop Tetrahedron

Start with this image of the “Desktop Tetrahedron” from 1990 and create a modern version with pbrt. Some sample code to generate a model can be found here. Note that the code as-is generates a triangle not a tetrahedron.

Your image should take inspiration from the original image done in 1990 and feature a fractal tetrahedron modelled with non-diffuse materials on a desktop surface. Include more than 1 light source, one of which is an area light source. You may add other objects on the desktop surface to help demonstrate shadows and other effects, including indirect (diffuse) lighting. The final image should be high resolution (smaller dimension at least 1024).

Explore the input options to generate a high quality image (samples per pixel and samplers). Use the –stats option with pbrt and some analysis of the results (with imgtool diff, for example). Which is best and why?

Fully document your pbrt file with comments inline that describe all the statements used along with all parameters specified and default values for those parameters not specified

Grade penalties will be applied in the following situations for assignment submissions:
  • on time but the written instructions for the submission were not followed: deduct 10% of the earned grade
  • late (but within 48 hours of the due date and time): deduct 10% of the earned grade
  • late by more than 48 hours: deduct 20% of the earned grade until the cut-off date, after which no grade can be earned.

This assignment is worth 12 marks, according to the following rubric:


DePaul Univerity’s Center for Teaching and Learning has a useful resource describing the process of creating rubrics. Your comments about the following rubric are welcome via email

Criterion and Weight Exemplary Sufficient Developing Needs Improvement
Create Scene (6)
Document/Describe (3)
Run/Analyse (3)
Rubric Criteria
Copy Output to Clipboard

Advanced PBRT ()

Advanced PBRT

Pick a feature in pbrt v4 (see for example changes from v3, one that came up in our class discussions, or you may find inspiration in Exercises from the book labelled with a (2)) and explore its impact.

For those in 805, please select a feature that is associated with a publication.

Fully document your pbrt files with comments inline that describe all the statements used along with all parameters specified and default values for those parameters not specified

Grade penalties will be applied in the following situations for assignment submissions:
  • on time but the written instructions for the submission were not followed: deduct 10% of the earned grade
  • late (but within 48 hours of the due date and time): deduct 10% of the earned grade
  • late by more than 48 hours: deduct 20% of the earned grade until the cut-off date, after which no grade can be earned.

This assignment is worth 12 marks, according to the following rubric:


DePaul Univerity’s Center for Teaching and Learning has a useful resource describing the process of creating rubrics. Your comments about the following rubric are welcome via email

Criterion and Weight Exemplary Sufficient Developing Needs Improvement
Rationale for Selection of Advanced Feature (2)
Design/Document Exploration (4)
Run/Analyse (6)
Rubric Criteria
Copy Output to Clipboard

Project Alternative to Assignments 2 and 3 ()

Project Alternative to Assignments 2 and 3

Choose one of the textbook exercises labelled with a (3).

Grade penalties will be applied in the following situations for assignment submissions:
  • on time but the written instructions for the submission were not followed: deduct 10% of the earned grade
  • late (but within 48 hours of the due date and time): deduct 10% of the earned grade
  • late by more than 48 hours: deduct 20% of the earned grade until the cut-off date, after which no grade can be earned.

This assignment is worth 24 marks, according to the following rubric:


DePaul Univerity’s Center for Teaching and Learning has a useful resource describing the process of creating rubrics. Your comments about the following rubric are welcome via email

Criterion and Weight Exemplary Sufficient Developing Needs Improvement
Code (8)
Walkthrough (8)
Demo (8)
Rubric Criteria
Copy Output to Clipboard
